Saturday 1. 5. 2010 |
 | Project BIOCEV is successfully integrating into the European research space Project BIOCEV has officially joined one of the pan-European networks of research infrastructures and has thus started on its way towards successful integration into the European research space, fulfilling one of the essential prerequisites for establishment of a successful Centre of Excellence. | 9. 2. 2010 |
 | LHC to run at 3.5 TeV for early part of 2009-2010 run rising later CERN ’s Large Hadron Collider will initially run at an energy of 3.5 TeV per beam when it starts up in November this year. This news comes after all tests on the machine’s high-current electrical connections were completed last week, indicating that no further repairs are necessary for safe running. | 10. 8. 2009 |
 | White Book on Genetically Modified Crops High production of the first-rate food depends largely on efficient cultivars that have traditionally been obtained by random mutations followed by hybridization of selected plants. This approach builds on the limited endogenous genetic resources of each species. | 16. 7. 2009 |
 | Extraordinary Session of the Academic Assembly of the ASCR held on June 30th 2009 The Academic Assembly of the ASCR is seriously concerned about the fact that the system of research, development and innovation in the CR is to be destabilised on the basis of an unprofessional, confused and unjustified proposal of the state budget expenditures presented by the Research and Development Council, which despite repeated warnings did not take into consideration that the presented budget proposal does not respect the principles of the Reform of the System of Research, Development and Innovation, and that in the next three years it will not only have devastating effects for the Academy of Sciences but that it will also damage the entire sector of Czech research, development and innovation.
| 16. 7. 2009 |
 | Position of the Academic Community on the Future of Research and Development As a result of the proposal of the Research and Development Council, the institutional budget of the Academy of Sciences of the CR is to be cut by one half over three years, which would lead to the redundancy of many highly qualified experts, to the destruction of the scientific infrastructure and to the liquidation of the current network of academic institutes. We appeal to the government to consider again the overall strengthening of investment in research and development as the best way to face the current economic crisis and to lay the foundations for future advancement and prosperity.
| 16. 7. 2009 |
 | European Network for Housing Research Conference Conference will be held in Prague from
28th June to 1st July 2009. The conference theme is Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation and is organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic together with the Charles University in Prague and University of Economics in Prague. | 23. 6. 2009 |