Ústavní publikace v impaktovaných časopisech 2010 (5)
- Dellatre T., Pichancourt J.B., Burel F., Kindlmann P. (2010) Grassy field margins as potential corridors for butterflies in agricultural landscapes: A simulation study. In: Ecol. Model.. Vol 221, pp. 370-377.
- Schödelbauerová I., Tremblay R., Kindlmann P. (2010) Prediction vs. reality: Can a PVA model predict population persistence 13 years later?. In: Biodivers. Conserv.. Vol 19, pp. 637-650.
- Šerá B. (2010) Road-side herbaceous vegetation: life history and habitat preferences. In: Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol 58, pp. 69-79.
- Holub P., Tůma I. (2010) The effect of enhanced nitrogen on aboveground biomass allocation and nutrient resorption in the fern Athyrium distentifolium. In: Plant Ekology. Vol 207, pp. 373-380.
- Jonášová M., Vávrová E., Cudlín P. (2010) Western Carpathian mountain spruce forest after a windthrow: Natural regeneration in cleared and uncleared areas. In: Forest Ecology and Management. Vol 259 (6), pp. 1127-1134.