Core Facility
Laboratoř genové exprese
Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Tel.:+420 241 063 623
Fax: +420 241 063 610
DIČ: CZ86652036
IČ: 86652036
VAT No.: CZ86652036
Open Positions
Just hiring !
PhD POSITION AVAILABLE Our laboratory appoints students with high ambitions to join ongoing projects. Student is expected to have background in molecular biology or related field. He/she will be expected to work independently, in a highly stimulating working atmosphere. At the moment, we welcome applications.
For information about openings contact Mikael Kubista.
Visiting scientists
Visiting scientists and exchange students are most welcome. As a rule our visitors are financed by external means. If you are interested to come and work in our lab check the following sources for financing:
- Boehringer Ingelheim travel allowances
- Canon Foundation (for Japanese students)
- European Association for Cancer Research
- EU-US Biotech fellow
- Human Frontier Science Program
- The Mike Price Fellowship (for cancer research)
- UICC fellowships
- Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships