Mgr. Michal Janáč

Position: post-docs
Research topics: fish sampling methodology
Department: Department of Fish Ecology
Phone: +420 543 422 521

I am interested in 0+ juvenile fish sampling methodology. Main scope of my interest lies in specifying the optimal method and sampling strategy for 0+ juvenile fish sampling under particular conditions. My current work focuses on the influence of 0+ fish behaviour on efficiency of sampling techniques.

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P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. JANÁČ, Z. VALOVÁ: Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin, Czech Journal of Animal Science 55 (2010) 123-136.


P. JURAJDA, M. JANÁČ, S.M. WHITE, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: Small – but not easy: evaluation of sampling methods in floodplain lakes including whole-lake sampling, Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 102-108.

M. POLAČIK, M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, T. TRICHKOVA, M. VASSILEV: Invasive gobies in the Danube: invasion success facilitated by availability and selection of superior food resources, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18 (2009) 640-649.


P. LOYKA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. JANÁČ, J. HUML: Nová horní hranice výskytu hrouzka Kesslerova (Gobio kessleri Dybowski, 1862) v řece Moravě (ČR), Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 44 (2008) 44-47.

M. POLAČIK, M. JANÁČ, T. TRICHKOVA, M. VASSILEV, H. KECKEIS, P. JURAJDA: The distribution and abundance of the Neogobius fishes in their native range (Bulgaria) with notes on the non-native range in the Danube River, Large Rivers 18 (2008) 193-208.

M. POLAČIK, M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA, M. VASSILEV, T. TRICHKOVA: The sampling efficiency of electrofishing for Neogobius species in a riprap habitat: a field experiment, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24 (2008) 601-604.

M. POLAČIK, T. TRICHKOVA, M. JANÁČ, M. VASSILEV, P. JURAJDA: The ichthyofauna of the shoreline zone in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River, Bulgaria, Acta zoologica bulgarica 60 (2008) 77-88.


M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA: A comparison of point abundance and continuous sampling by electrofishing for age-0 fish in a channelized lowland river, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27 (2007) 1119-1125.

P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. JANÁČ, Z. VALOVÁ: Fish and macrozoobenthos in the Vlára stream drainage area (Bílé Karpaty Mountains), Czech Journal of Animal Science 52 (2007) 214-225.


Z. VALOVÁ, P. JURAJDA, M. JANÁČ: Spatial distribution of 0+ juvenile fish in differently modified lowland rivers, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 293-308.


M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA: Inter-calibration of three electric fishing techniques to estimate 0+ juvenile fish densities on sandy river beaches, Fisheries Management and Ecology 12 (2005) 161-167.

P. JURAJDA, J. ČERNÝ, M. POLAČIK, Z. VALOVÁ, M. JANÁČ, R. BLAŽEK, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: The recent distribution and abundance of non-native Neogobius fishes in the Slovak section of the River Danube, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (2005) 319-323.