Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies

Joint Laboratory of IEB AS CR, v.v.i. and CRI, v.v.i.

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Copyright ©2009 by P. Soudek


1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010


Grüner, B. - Holub, J. - Plesek, J. - Vanìk, T. - Votavová, H.: High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantiometric Resolution in the Ten-Vertex Carborane Series Comparison of Acetyl- and Native b-Cyclodextrin Bonded Chiral Stationary Phases. Journal of Chromatography A 793 [2], 249-256 (1998).

Hubálek, M. - Vanìk, T.: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by cell suspension of Solanum aviculare. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 42 [4], 251 ( 1998).

Nepovím, A. - Drahošová, H. - Valíèek, P. - Vanìk, T.: The Effect of Cultivation Conditions on the Content of Stevioside in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Plants Cultivated in the Czech Republic. Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters 8 [1], 19-21 (1998).

Nepovím, A. - Vanìk, T.: In vitro propagation of Stevia rebaudiana plants using multiple shoot culture. Planta Medica 64 [8] 775-776 (1998).

Soudek, P. - Podlipná, R. - Lipavská, H. - Vanìk, T.: Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Hairy-root Cultures of Armoracia rusticana L.(I.). Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters 8 [2], 57-60 (1998).

Soudek, P. - Podlipná, R. - Vanìk, T.: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by hairy-root culture of Armoracia rusticana L. Chemical Papers 52 [Focus Issue], 546 (1998).

Valterová, I. - Vanìk, T.: Biotransformace limonenu rostlinnými tkáòovými kulturami. Chemické listy 92 [11], 941-942 (1998).

Zikmundová M. - Valíèek P. - Vanìk T.: Content substances in the species Codonopsis pilosula(Franch.) Nannf. under the conditions of Czech Republic. I. Water soluble substances. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 31, 23 - 28 (1998).


Duc, R. - Vanìk, T. - Soudek, P. - Schwitzguébel, J. P.: Experimentation with rhubard in Europe. Soil & Groundwater Cleanup - [February/March], 27-30 (1999).

Duc, R. - Vanìk, T. - Soudek, P. - Schwitzguébel, J. P.: Accumulation and transformation of sulfonated aromatic compounds by rhubarb cells (Rheum palmatum). International Journal of Phytoremediation 1 [3] 255-271 (1999).

Truong, T. T. - Valíèek, P. - Nepovím, A. - Vanìk, T.: Correlation between stevioside content in leaves, their surface and the number of roots in plant. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica 30 [3] 249-255 (1999).

Vanìk, T. - Malá, J. - Šaman, D. - Šilhavá, I.: Production of taxanes in a bioreactor by Taxus baccata cells. Planta Medica 65 [3] 275-277 (1999).

Vanìk, T. - Valterová, I. - Vaisar, T.: Biotransformation of (S)-(-)- and (R)-(+)-limonene using Solanum aviculare and Dioscorea deltoidea plant cells. Phytochemistry 50, 1347-1351 (1999).

Vanìk,T. - Valterová, I. - Vaòková, R. - Vaisar, T.: Biotransformation of (-)-limonene using Solanum aviculare and Dioscorea deltoidea immobilized plant cells. Biotechnology Letters 21, 625-628 (1999).

Veselá, D. - Šaman, D. - Valterová, I. - Vanìk, T.: Seasonal variations in the content of taxanes in the bark of Taxus baccata L. Phytochemical Analysis 10, 319-321 (1999).


Nepovím, A. - Zeman, S. - Vanìk, T." Tkáòové kultury vyšších rostlin - model pro studium enzymatické degradace výbušnin. Chemické listy 94 [8] 746-747 (2000).

Šilhavá, I. - Lipavská, H. - Vanìk, T.: Influence of different sugar regimes on the growth of callus culture of Taxus baccata L. and the production of taxanes. Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture 27 [5] 401-405 (2000).

Vanìk, T. - Nepovím, A. - Zeman, S.: Phytoremediation of selected explosives in a model system of plant tissue cultures. Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture 27 [5] 395-399 (2000).


Špirochová, I. - Punèocháøová, J. - Kafka, Z. - Kubal, M. - Soudek, P. - Vanìk, T. Studium kumulace tìžkých kovù v rostlinách. Chemické listy 95 [5], 335-336 (2001).

Vanìk, T. - Nepovím, A. - Valíèek, P.: Determination of stevioside in plant material and fruit teas. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 14, 383-388 (2001).

Vanìk, T. - Soudek, P. - Tykva, R.: Study of radiophytoremediation. Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 177-121 (2001).


Collins, C. - Laturnus, F. - Nepovím, A.: Remediation of BTEX and Trichloroethene - A Review of Current Knowledge with Special Emphasis on Phytoremediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 9, 86-94 (2002).

Snellinx, Z. - Taghavi, S. - Nepovim, A. - Vanek, T. - van der Lelie, D. Biological remediation of nitroaromatic-based explosives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 9, 48-61 (2002).

Kokoška, L. - Polesný, Z. - Rada, V. - Nepovím, A. - Vanìk, T.: Screening of some Siberian medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 [1] 51-53 (2002).


Vanìk, T. - Nepovím, A. - Podlipná, R. - Zeman, S. - Vágner, M.: Phytoremediation of Selected Explosives. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 3, 259-267 (2003).

Kališová-Špirochová, I. - Punèocháøová, J. - Kafka, Z. - Kubal, M. - Soudek, P. - Vanìk, T.: Accumulation of Heavy Metals by in vitro cultures of plants. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 3, 269 - 276 (2003).

Vanìk, T. - Novotný, M. - Podlipná, R. - Valterová, I. - Šaman, D.: Biotransformation of Citronellal by Solanum aviculare Plant Cells - Preparation of Allelopathic (+)-p-Menthane-3,8-diols and determination their absolute configuration. Journal of Natural Products 66, 1239-1241 (2003).

Lindmark-Henriksson, M. - Isaksson, D. - Sjödin, K. - Högberg, H.E. - Vanìk, T. - Valterová, I.: Transformation of a-pinene using Picea abies Suspension Culture. Journal of Natural Products 66, 337-343 (2003).

Blagoeva, E. - Malbeck, J.- Gaudinová, A. - Vanìk, T.- Vaòková, R.: Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, roscovitine, in combination with exogenous cytokinin, N6-benzyladenine, causes increase of cis-cytokinins in immobilized tobacco cells. Biotechnology Letters 25, 469-472 (2003).

Langhansová, L. - Konrádová, H. - Vanìk, T.: Polyethylene glycol and abscisic acid improves maturation and regeneration of Panax ginseng somatic embryos. Plant Cell Reports. 22 (10), 725-730 (2003).


Lindmark-Henriksson, M. - Isaksson, D. - Vanìk, T. - Valterová, I. - Högberg, H.E. - Sjödin, K.: Transformation of terpenes using a Picea abies suspension culture. Journal of Biotechnology 107, 173-184 (2004).

Soudek, P. - Tykva, R. - Vanìk, T.: Laboratory analyses of 137Cs phytoremediation. Chemosphere 55, 933-1007 (2004)

Nepovím, A. - Podlipná, R. - Soudek, P. - Schröder, P. - Vanìk T.: Effects of heavy metals and nitroaromatic compounds on horseradish glutathione S-transferase and peroxidase. Chemosphere 57, 1007-1015 (2004)

Soudek, P. - Podracká, E. - Vágner, M. - Vanìk, T. - Petøík, P. - Tykva, R.: 226Ra uptake from soilsinto different plant species. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262, 187-189 (2004)

Golan-Goldhirsh, A. - Barazani, O. - Nepovím, A. - Soudek, P. - Smrèek, S. - Dufková, L. - Køenková, Š. - Yrjala, K. - Schõder, P. - Vanìk, T.: Plant response to heavy metals and organic pollutants in cell culture and at whole plant level. Journal of Soils and Sediments 4, 133-140 (2004)


Nepovím, A.- Hebner, A. - Soudek, P. - Gerth, A. - Thomas, H. - Smrèek, S. - Vanìk T.: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by selected helophytes. Chemosphere 60, 1454-1461 (2005)

Soudek, P. - Podlipná, R. - Maršík, P. - Vanìk, T.: Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish in vitro. Biologia Plantarum 49 [4], 487-492 (2005)

Maršík, P. - Kokoška, L. - Landa, P. - Nepovím, A. - Soudek, P. - Vanìk, T.: In vitro inhibitory effects of thymol and quinones of Nigella sativa seeds on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosyntheses. Planta Medica 71, 739-742 (2005)

Langhansová, L. - Maršík, P. - Vanìk, T.: Production of saponins from Panax ginseng suspension and adventitious root cultures. Biologia Plantarum 49 [3], 463-465 (2005)

Kokoška, L. - Havlík, J. - Valterová, I. - Nepovím, A.- Rada, V. - Vanìk, T.: Chemical composition of the essential oil of Nigella orientalis L. seeds. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 20, 419–420 (2005)

Kokoška, L. - Janovská, D. - Rada, V. - Nepovím, A. - Vanìk, T.: In vitro antibacterial activity of four Leuzea species. Pharmaceutical Biology, 43, 8-11 (2005)

Klouèek, P. - Landa, P. - Vanìk, T.: Rostliny in vitro - továrny na léèiva? Živa, 6, 246-248 (2005)

Landa, P. - Havlík, J. - Kokoška, L.: Možnosti využití a pìstování rodu èernucha v ÈR. Úroda, 53 (2), 54-55 (2005)


Soudek, P. - Tykva, R. - Vaòková, R. - Vanìk, T.: Accumulation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the laboratory scale. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57 [3], 220-225 (2006)

Soudek, P. - Víchová, L. - Valenová, Š. - Podlipná, R. - Malá, J. - Vanìk, T.: Arsenic and their uptake by plants. Chemické listy 100 [5], 326-329 (2006)

Soudek, P. - Valenová, Š. - Vanìk, T.: 137Cs and 90Sr  uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydroponic condition. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 88 [3], 236-250 (2006)

Landa, P. - Maršík, P. - Vanìk, T. - Rada, V. - Kokoška, L.: In vitro anti-microbial activity of extracts from the callus cultures of some Nigella species. Biologia 61 [3], 285-288 (2006)

Langhansová, L. - Maršík, P. - Landa, P. - Vanìk, T.: Biotechnology methods for plant biomass production under controlled conditions. Acta Horticulturae 723, 263-268 (2006)


Soudek, P. - Petøík, P. - Vágner, M. - Tykva, R. - Plojhar, V. - Petrová, Š. - Vanìk, T.: Botanical survey and screening of plant species which accumulate 226Ra from contaminated soil of uranium waste depot. European Journal of Soil Biology 43 [4], 251-261 (2007)

Podlipná, R. - Nepovím, A. - Soudek, P. - Vágner, M. - Vanìk, T.: Soapwort oxidoreductase is involved in trinitrotoluene detoxification. Biologia Plantarum 2, 367-371 (2007)

Dvoøáková, M. - Valterová, I. - Vanìk, T.: Biotransformation of a monoterpene mixture by in vitro cultures of selected conifer species. Natural Product Communications 2(3), 233-238 (2007)

Soudek, P. - Petrová, Š. - Benešová, D. - Tykva, R. - Vaòková, R. - Vanìk, T.: Comparison of 226Ra nuclide from soil by three woody species Betula pendula, Sambucus nigra and Alnus glutinosa during the vegetation period. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 97(1), 76-82 (2007)

Schroder, P. - Navarro-Avino, J - Azaizeh, H. - Golan-Goldhirsh, A. - DiGregorio, S. - Komives, T. - Langergraber, G. - Lenz, A. - Maestri, E. - Memon, A.R. - Ranallill, A. - Sebastiani, L.  Smrèek, S. - Vanìk, T. - Vuilleumier, S. - Wissing, F.: Using phytoremediation technologies to upgrade waste water treatment in Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 14(7): 490-497 (2007)

Malá, J. - Máchová, P. - Cvrèková, H. - Vanìk, T.: Heavy metals uptake by hybrid aspen and rowan – tree clones. Journal of Forest Science, 53(11), 491-497 (2007)

Malá, J. - Máchová, P. - Cvrèková, H. - Èížková, L. - Soudek, P.: Effective micropropagation of mature aspen: Use in breeding. Acta Horticulturae 764, 239-246 (2007)


Soudek, P. - Petrová, Š. - Benešová, D. - Kotyza, J. - Vanìk, T.: Fytoremediation and possibilities of increasing its effectivity. Chemické listy 102 [5], 346-352 (2008)

Podlipná, R. - Fialová, Z. - Vanìk, T.: Toxic effect of nitroesters on plant tissue cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 94 [3], 305-311 (2008)

Janovská D. - Klouèek P. - Urban J. - Vanìk T. - Rada V. - Kokoška L.: Susceptibility of some clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to fractions from the aerial parts of Leuzea carthamoides. Biologia 63 [5], 607-609 (2008)

Ovesná J. - Slabý O. - Toussaint O. - Kodíèek M. - Maršík P. - Pouchová V. - Vanìk T.: High throughput ‘omics’ approaches to assess the effects of phytochemicals in human health studies. British Journal of Nutrition 99 [E-Suppl. 1], ES130–ES137 (2008)


Kotyza J. - Soudek P. - Kafka Z. - Vanìk T.: Pharmaceuticals - "New" Environmental Polutant. Chemické Listy 103 [7], 540-547 (2009)

Landa P. - Kokoška L. - Pøibylová M. - Vanìk T. - Maršík P.: In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of carvacrol: Inhibitory effect on COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E-2 biosynthesis. Archives of Pharmacal Research 32 [1], 75-78 (2009)

Landa P. - Maršík P. - Havlík J. - Klouèek P. - Vanìk T. - Kokoška L.: Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Seed Extracts from Six Nigella Species. Journal of Medicinal Food 12 [2], 408-415 (2009)

Stodùlková E. - Kolaøík M. - Køesinová Z. - Kuzma M. - Šulc M. - Man P. - Novák P. - Maršík P. - Landa P. - Olšovská J. - Chudíèková M. - Pažoutová S. - Èerný J. - Bella J. - Flieger M.: Hydroxylated anthraquinones produced by Geosmithia species. Folia Microbiologica 54 [3], 179–187 (2009)

Soudek P. - Kotyza J. - Lenikusová I. - Petrová Š. - Benešová D. - Vanìk T.: Accumulation of heavy metals in hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) leek (Allium porrum L.) and chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.). Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 7 [3&4], 761-769 (2009)

Schwitzguebel J.-P. - Kumpiene J. - Comino E. - Vanìk T.: From green to clean: a promising and sustainable approach towards environmental remediation and human health for the 21st century.  Agrochimica LIII [4], 209-217 (2009)

Petøík P. - Soudek P. - Benešová D. - Najmanová P. - Najman M. - Vanìk T.: Flora of toxic depots in selected industrial zones. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 78 [4], 327-334 (2009)

Amigues E.J. - Armstrong E. - Dvoøáková M. - Migaud M.E. - Huang M.: β-1,2,3-triazolyl-nucleosides as nicotinamide riboside mimics.  Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 28 [3], 238-259 (2009) 


Soudek, P. - Petrová, Š. - Benešová, D. - Kotyza, J. - Vágner, M. - Vaòková, R. - Vanìk, T.: Study of soil-plant transfer of 226Ra under greenhouse conditions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity on-line (2010)

Kotyza J. - Soudek P. - Kafka Z. - Vanìk T.: Phytoremediation of pharmaceuticals – preliminary study. International Journal of Phytoremediation  in press (2010)