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M. Lux: Local Government and Housing

Lux M. 2002

Local Government and Housing

referát na konferenci ENHR "Housing Cultures - Convergence and Diversity" (Vídeň 1.7-5.7.2002)

This paper has been prepared under the Local Government Policy Partnership Program (LGPP), which is a joint program of the Department for International Development (UK) and the Local Government Initiative of the Open Society Institute (Budapest). The objective of this Cupertino is to produce comparative policy studies on selected local government issues.

Following countries were selected for the purpose of the Local Government and Housing project: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Some information in the paper will be based on results from questionnaire research Local Government and Housing Survey (LGHS) conducted in the selected CEE countries especially in connection with this project. All municipalities with population higher than 5,000 of inhabitants (in Poland on sample of 105 municipalities with population higher than 20,000 of inhabitants) in each country were asked to fill in a short questionnaire on municipal housing policy objectives and management of municipal housing. As almost in all countries the underrepresentation of small municipalities occurred the data were for the purpose of comparison weighted to assure the same representation of municipalities according to their size as it is in reality.

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