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19 Mar 09 - 9 Feb 19
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Z. ADÁMEK, C. ORENDT, G. WOLFRAM, J. SYCHRA: Macrozoobenthos response to environmental degradation in a heavily modified stream: case study the Upper Elbe River, Czech Republic, Biologia 65 (2010) 527-536.

Z. ADÁMEK, P. JURAJDA, V. PRÁŠEK, I. SUKOP: Seasonal diet pattern of non-native tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in the lowland reservoir (Mušov, Czech Republic), Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 397 (2010) .

M. AGBALI, M. REICHARD, A. BRYJOVÁ, J. BRYJA, C. SMITH: Mate choice for nonadditive genetic benefits correlate with MHC dissimilarity in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Evolution 64 (2010) 1683-1696.

A. ARSLAN, A. SÜKRÜYE, J. ZIMA: Variation in C-heterochromatin and NOR distribution among chromosomal races of mole rats (Spalacidae) from Central Anatolia,Turkey, Mammalian Biology (2010) .

M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, P. ŠUSTR, M. HEURICH: Annual changes in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) diet in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic/Germany, European Journal of Wildlife Research 56 (2010) 327-333.

H. BERKOVÁ, J. ZUKAL: Cave visitation by temperate zone bats: effects of climatic factors, Journal of Zoology 280 (2010) 387-395.

J. BRYJA, M. UHRIN, P. KAŇUCH, P. BÉMOVÁ, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, J. ZUKAL: Mitochondrial DNA confirms low genetic variation of the greater mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis, in Central Europe, Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2010) 73-81.

E. V. BUŽAN, B. KRYŠTUFEK, J. BRYJA: Microsatellite markers confirm extensive population fragmentation of the endangered Balkan palaeoendemic Martino’s vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi), Conservation Genetics (2010) .

P. CALISTRI, A. GIOVANNINI, Z. HUBÁLEK, A. IONESCU, F. MONACO, G. SAVINI, R. LELLI: Epidemiology of West Nile in Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin, Open Virology journal 4 (2010) 29-37.

M. CASALINI, M. REICHARD, C. SMITH: The effect of crowding and density on male mating behaviour in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Behaviour 147 (2010) 1035-1050.

K. DOLEČKOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, L. MIKEŠ, P. HORÁK: Cathepsins B1 and B2 in the neuropathogenic schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti: distinct gene expression profiles and presumptive roles throughout the life cycle, Parasitology Research 107 (2010) 751-755.

J. DVOŘÁK, L. GVOŽDÍK: Adaptive accuracy of temperature oviposition preferences in newts, Evolutionary Ecology 24 (2010) 1115-1127.

I. FOITOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ, Š. MAŠOVÁ, W. NURCAHYO: Description of Lemuricola (Lemuricola) pongoi-male (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parasitising orangutan Pongo abelii, Parasitology Research 106 (2010) 817-820.

W. GEORG, C. ORENDT, S. HÖSS, M. GROSSSCHARTNER, Z. ADÁMEK, P. JURAJDA, W. TRAUNSPURGER, E. DE DECKERE, C. VAN LIEFFERINGE: The macroinvertebrate and nematode community from soft sediments in impounded sections of the river Elbe near Pardubice, Czech Republic, Lauterbornia 69 (2010) 87-105.

M. HARTOVÁ-NENTVICHOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK: Variation in the diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in mountain habitats: Effects of altitude and season, Mammalian Biology 75 (2010) 334-340.

P. HARTVICH, S. LUSK, J. RUTKAYOVÁ: Threatened fishes of the world: Misgurnus fossilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cobitidae), Environmental Biology of Fishes 87 (2010) 39-40.

P. HEJCMANOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, M. ANTONÍNOVÁ, M. HEJCMAN, V. PODHÁJECKÁ: Diet composition of western Derby eland (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus) in the dry season in a natural and a managed habitat in Senegal using faecal analyses, South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2010) 27-34.

M. HEROLDOVÁ, D. ČIŽMÁŘ, E. TKADLEC: Predicting rodent impact in crop fields by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis of their diet preferences, Crop Protection 29 (2010) 773-776.

M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. PEJČOCH, J. BRYJA, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, E. TKADLEC: Tula virus in populations of small terrestrial mammals in a rural landscape, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (2010) .

M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. ZAPLETAL, D. OBDRŽÁLKOVÁ: Hraboš polní - závažný škůdce v sadech, Zahradnictví 2010 (2010) 68-69.

M. HOMOLKA, P. ŠVEHLÍK: Populační dynamika hlodavců, Lesnická práce 89 (2010) 16-17.

M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, V. ŠICHA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ: Nest defence in a cuckoo host: great reed warblers risk themselves equally for their own and parasitic chicks, Behaviour 147 (2010) 741-756.

Z. HUBÁLEK, I. RUDOLF, T. BAKONYI, K. KAZDOVÁ, J. HALOUZKA, O. ŠEBESTA, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, Z. JUŘICOVÁ, N. NOWOTNY: Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) surveillance for arboviruses in an area endemic for West Nile (Lineage Rabensburg) and Ťahyňa viruses in cntral Europe, Journal of Medical Entomology 47 (2010) 466-472.

N. CHARBONNEL, J. BRYJA, M. GALAN, J. DETER, C. TOLLENAERE, Y. CHAVAL, S. MORAND, J.-F. COSSON: Negative relationships between cellular immune response, Mhc class II heterozygosity and secondary sexual trait in the montane water vole, Evolutionary Applications 3 (2010) 279-290.

P. JURAJDA, O. SLAVÍK, Z. ADÁMEK: Monitoring ryb v tekoucích vodách ČR v souvislosti s rámcovou směrnicí 2000/60/ES: plůdek nebo dospělé ryby?, Vodní hopodářství 2010 (2010) 6-8.

P. JURAJDA, M. JANÁČ, Z. VALOVÁ, G. STRECK: Fish community in the chronically polluted middle Elbe River, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 157-168.

P. JURAJDA, O. SLAVÍK, S.M. WHITE, Z. ADÁMEK: Young-of-the-year fish assemblages as an alternative to adult fish monitoring for ecological quality evaluation of running waters, Hydrobiologia 644 (2010) 89-101.

P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. JANÁČ, Z. VALOVÁ: Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin, Czech Journal of Animal Science 55 (2010) 123-136.

J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ: Reduction of herbivore density as a tool for reduction of herbivore browsing on palatable tree species, European Journal of Forest Research 129 (2010) 155-162.

P. KAŇUCH, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, T. BARTONIČKA, J. BRYJA, Z. ŘEHÁK: Do two cryptic pipistrelle bat species differ in their autumn and winter roosting strategies within the range of sympatry?, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 102-107.

M. KONEČNÁ, C. SMITH, M. REICHARD: Population and individual consequences of breeding resource availability in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (2010) 1069-1079.

A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK, J. BRYJA: Indications of higher diversity and abundance of small rodents in human-influenced Sudanian savannah than in the Niokolo Koba National Park (Senegal), African Journal of Ecology 48 (2010) 718-726.

B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ: Nematodes of Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) from freshwater fishes in Senegal, with a key to species, Helminthologia 47 (2010) 105-114.

J. KRALJ, P. PROCHÁZKA, D. FAINOVÁ, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, V. TUTIŠ: Intraspecific variation in the wing shape and genetic differentiation of Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus in Croatia, Acta Ornithologica 45 (2010) 51-58.

J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, P. ŠUSTR, M. HEURICH: Feeding patterns of red deer along altitudinal gradient in the Bohemian Forest: the effect of habitat and season, Wildlife Biology 16 (2010) 173-184.

J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, L. HAMŠÍKOVÁ, A. VOREL: Feeding habits of reintroduced Eurasian beaver: spatial and seasonal variation in the use of food resources, Journal of Zoology 281 (2010) 183-193.

H. KROUPOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, S. MÁCOVÁ, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ, L. NOVOTNÝ, J. MÁCHOVÁ: Effect of nitrite on early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry 29 (2010) 535-540.

S. LUSK, V. LUSKOVÁ, L. HANEL: Alien fish species in the Czech Republic and their impact on the native fish fauna, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 57-72.

J. MÁCHOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, M. PEŇÁZ, V. BARUŠ, I. KROUPOVÁ: Toxicity of Diazinon 60 EC for embryos and larvae of tench, Tinca tinca (L.), Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (2010) .


J. MUSIL, P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, P. HORKÝ, O. SLAVÍK: Non-native fish introductions in the Czech Republic – species inventory, facts and future perspectives, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (2010) 38-45.

D. NOVÁKOVÁ, R. PANTŮČEK, Z. HUBÁLEK, E. FALSEN, H.-J. BUSSE, P. SCHUMANN, I. SEDLÁČEK: Staphylococcus microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole (Microtus arvalis), International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60 (2010) 566-573.

M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, K. FRANCOVÁ, M. DÁVIDOVÁ, M. POLAČIK, P. JURAJDA: Condition status and parasite infection of Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus (Gobiidae) in their native and non-native area of distribution of the Danube River, Ecological Research 25 (2010) 857-866.

H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, R. ŠUMBERA: Kinship structure and mating system in a solitary subterranean rodent, the silvery mole-rat, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (2010) 757-767.

KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, H. HASEGAWA, C. C. APPLETON, M. A. HUFFMAN, C. E. ARCHER, L. R. MOSCOVICE, M. MAPUA, J. SINGH, T. KAUR: Gastrointestinal parasites of the chimpanzee population introduced onto Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania, American Journal of Primatology 72 (2010) 307-316.

M. POLAČIK, M. REICHARD: Diet overlap among three sympatric African annual killifish species (Nothobranchius spp.) from Mozambique, Journal of Fish Biology 77 (2010) 754-768.

L. POLAČIKOVÁ, B. G. STOKKE, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT: The role of blunt egg pole characteristics for recognition of eggs in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos), Behaviour 147 (2010) 465-478.

K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, J. PETRÁŠOVÁ, S. KIŠIDAYOVÁ, Z. VÁRADYOVÁ, D. MODRÝ: A survey of entodiniomorphid ciliates in chimpanzees and bonobos, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142 (2010) 42-48.

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK, A. S. TARKAN, R. SPENCE, Ö. GAYGUSUZ, E. ERCAN, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, C. SMITH: The bitterling–mussel coevolutionary relationship in areas of recent and ancient sympatry, Evolution (2010) .

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK: Reproductive isolating barriers between colour-differentiated populations of an African annual killifish, Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100 (2010) 62-72.

M. REICHARD: Nothobranchius kadleci (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), a new species of annual killifish from central Mozambique, Zootaxa 2332 (2010) 49-60.

M. RUDÁ, D. ŽIAK, Ľ. KOCIAN, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Low genetic variability in a mountain rodent, the Tatra vole, Journal of Zoology 281 (2010) 118-124.

M. RUDÁ, Ľ. KOCIAN, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, D. ŽIAK: Population dynamics and spatial behaviour of Microtus tatricus (Arvicolinae, Rodentia), Acta Theriologica 55 (2010) 85-88.

I. RUDOLF, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, J. KOPECKÝ, Z. HUBÁLEK: Salivary gland extract from engorged Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) stimulates in vitro growth of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Journal of Basic Microbiology 50 (2010) 294-298.

V. SLÁDEK, M. BERNER, P. GALETA, L. FRIEDL, Š. KUDRNOVÁ: Technical note: the effect of midshaft location on the error ranges of femoral and tibial cross-sectional parameters, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141 (2010) 325-332.

M. SLOBODA, A. D. MIHALCA, I. FALKA, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, M. CARLSSON, I. GHIRA, D. MODRÝ: Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes, Ecological Research 25 (2010) 469-473.

A. SOBEK JR., E. TKADLEC, B. HLADÍKOVÁ, A. SOBEK: Is there a declining trend in ovarian function among infertility clinic patients?, Human Reproduction 25 (2010) 127-132.

B. G. STOKKE, L. POLAČIKOVÁ, A. DYRCZ, I. HAFSTAD, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT: Responses of Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus to non-mimetic eggs of different sizes in a nest parasitism experiment, Acta Ornithologica 45 (2010) 98-104.

O. SYCHRA, E. BARLEV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: The chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) in Senegal, with a description of a new species, African Entomology 18 (2010) 17-22.

O. SYCHRA, T. NAJER, F. KOUNEK, M. ČAPEK, I. LITERÁK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on manakins (Passeriformes: Pipridae) from Costa Rica, with description of a new species of the genus Tyranniphilopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), Parasitology Research 106 (2010) 925-931.

M. ŠÁLEK, J. SVOBODOVÁ, P. ZASADIL: Edge effect of low-traffic forest roads on bird communities in secondary production forests in central Europe, Landscape Ecology 25 (2010) 1113-1124.

P. ŠAMAJOVÁ, L. GVOŽDÍK: Inaccurate or disparate temperature cues? Seasonal acclimation of terrestrial and aquatic locomotor capacity in newts, Functional Ecology (2010) .

O. ŠEBESTA, J. HALOUZKA, Z. HUBÁLEK, Z. JUŘICOVÁ, I. RUDOLF, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, P. SVOBODOVÁ, P. REITER: Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) fauna in an area endemic for West Nile virus, Journal of Vector Ecology 35 (2010) 156-162.

S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, J. HALOUZKA, J. MENDEL, J. KNOZ, I. RUDOLF: Novel spirochetes isolated from mosquitoes and black flies in the Czech Republic, Journal of Vector Ecology 35 (2010) 50-55.

T. TOKIWA, D. MODRÝ, A. ITO, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, S. IMAI: A new entodiniomorphid ciliate, Troglocorys cava n. g., n. sp., from the wild eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from Uganda, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 57 (2010) 115-120.

M. VINKLER, H. BAINOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT: Functional analysis of the skin-swelling response to phytohaemagglutinin, Functional Ecology (2010) .

M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: Carotenoid maintenance handicap and the physiology of carotenoid-based signalisation of health, Naturwissenschaften 97 (2010) 19-28.

H. WEISSENBÖCK, Z. HUBÁLEK, T. BAKONYI, N. NOWOTNY: Zoonotic mosquito-borne flaviviruses: worldwide presence of agents with proven pathogenicity and potential candidates of future emerging diseases, Veterinary Microbiology 140 (2010) 271-280.

M. WENGER, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. MACHALA, J. NEČA, P. HYRŠL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ, P. JURAJDA, P. VON DER OHE, H. SEGNER: Assessing relationships between chemical exposure, parasite infection, fish health, and fish ecological status: a case study using chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Bílina River, Czech Republic, Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry 29 (2010) 453-466.