> Interview
Catalogue and
interview collections |
One of the main goals of the Oral History
Center (Centrum orální historie, COH) has always been to
establish an office which would be comparable to international
oral history centers from both the technical and material
perspective. We are happy to say that over the years we
are getting closer to achieving this goal and to reaching
an international standard in cataloguing and archiving material.
At present, COH has at its disposal equipment that enables
the audio recording (digital recorders using Mini Disc®
technology, a digital data logger, and a digital video camera)
and digital computer processing of the recordings and their
preservation on modern data media (DVDs and CD-ROMs). COH
archives recordings acquired through its own projects and
also keeps the recordings of some projects conducted by
colleagues. In recognition of the projects it has developed,
COH has been accredited at the Office for Personal Data
Protection of the Czech Republic. The Center also intends
to gather information about the collections of interviews
that were carried out and archived at other Czech institutions
(universities, galleries, archives).
In accordance with standard research principles, the interview
collections are accessible to researchers based upon prior
agreement with COH employees and after filling out a research
form (badatelský list).
Although the collections are being inventoried and archived
at the moment, the material will be made available to researchers
by agreement. The list of interview collections and details
about the holdings and relevant inventory information are
shown below. If you are interested in studying any of the
collections mentioned below, please contact one of our COH
Petra Schindler schindler@usd.cas.cz
Pavel Mücke mucke@usd.cas.cz
Hana Pelikánová pelikanova@usd.cas.cz
If you would like to use quotes from material
archived at COH for your own academic research or for your
thesis, please cite (in italics) the name of the institution
where it is archived (in this case the Institute for Contemporary
History, ÚSD), the name
of the department where it is archived (i.e. COH), then
the name of the collection (i.e. “Interviews” or “Rozhovory”),
the name and the surname of the narrator, the name and the
surname of the interviewer and finally the date on which
the interview took place.
For example:
ÚSD, COH, collection Interviews. Interview
with Miroslav Štěpán conducted by Miroslav Vaněk, 29/07/2003.
ÚSD, COH, collection Interviews. Interview
with Petr Placák conducted by Petra Trypesová, 18/09/2003.
Interview collections:
An Investigation in the Czech Society of the „Normalization“
Era: Biographic Narrations of Workers and Intelligentsia
The research project as submitted aims was to realize interviews
with members of the “less-visible“ strata groups of the
Czech population during the so-called „normalization“ era
by means of oral history method. Principal attention was
drawn to development and changes in opinion and attitude
of the working class as well as the intelligentsia towards
the normalization regime. Narrators from the worker professions
were selected among those working in small as well in large
enterprises, in various field of industry. Members of intelligentsia,
i.e. university graduates were recruited among teachers,
physicians, scientists, artists, justice apparatus, or former
management.During the project were finally recorded (in
Czech) 113 inverviews – 61 with „working-class“ members
a 51 with „inteligentsia-class“ members.
list /archiv DI_10.2.09.xls/
Catholic samizdat in Czechoslovakia during the 1980s
8 interviews with narrators from catholic circles – recorded
by Marta Edith Holečková (2005-2007), in Czech
list /Katolicky samizdat.xsl/
Political Elites and Dissidents
during the Period of So-called Normalization - Historical
Interviews – A collection of 120 life stories from
ex-communist officials and representatives of anti-regime
dissent in Czechoslovakia. The interviews are preserved
mainly on mini-discs; transcripts of all interviews are
available. The collection has a total of c. 400 h audio
recording and almost 6000 pages of transcription.
Detailed list /Archiv-PED.xls/

Students in the Period of the Fall of Communism - Life Stories
– A collection of 100 interviews with participants (then-university
students) in the November 1989 events in Czechoslovakia.
It includes interviews with narrators from all of the regions
in Czechoslovakia with a university in 1989. The recordings
are preserved on audio tapes (both mini-cassette and standard)
and CD-ROMs, and were conducted in Czech.
Detailed list /Archiv-STUDENTI.xls/

Czech Exiles and Emigrés
– A collection of interviews (currently numbering 29) from
an ongoing project with Czech citizens who emigrated especially
after 1948 and 1968 and, in the course of the 1990s, decided
to come back to Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic. The interviews
are preserved on CD-ROMs and were conducted in English.
The People of Charter 77
– A collection of 36 interviews with Charter 77 representatives
conducted during 1994 – 1996 for the project “The Community
and Personalities of Charter 77“. Květa Jechová, Ilona Christl,
Zuzana Sloupová and Eva Stehlíková took part in the project.
Only transcripts of the interviews are available.
Detailed list /Archiv-CHARTA.xls/

The Prison Facilities at Vojna and Bytíz in the Memories
of Political Prisoners – A collection of 7 interviews
with political prisoners from the 1950s, conducted in 2004
by Jana Melicharová for her Master's thesis (Faculty of
Education at Charles University).
The Lennon Wall in Prague. Informal
Youth Gatherings at Kampa 1980-1989 –
A collection of 5 interviews conducted during 2002 – 2004
by Filip Pospíšil (Faculty of Humanities at Charles University).
The memories of MG Ing Rudolf Pernický,
a participant in the parachute operation Tungsten –
The collection consists of 3 interviews conducted at the
end of 2003 by Marie Matúšů (Faculty of Arts at Charles
The memories of General
Colonel Jaroslav Klemeš, a participant in the parachute
operation Platinum-Pewter – The collection consists
of 2 interviews conducted by Marie Matúšů in 2005. Only
audio recordings are available.
The 1989 November Events in Plzeň – A collection
of 8 interviews with active participants (students, actors
and independent activists) in the November 1989 events in
Plzeň. The interviews are recorded on standard audiotapes
and were conducted in Czech.
Ten Days in Prague (Deset pražských
dnů) – Interviews with 12 activists representing
various political orientations about the course of events
in November 1989. The collection consists of 14 standard
audiotapes (20 hours of recording) in the Czech language.
The Round Table Negotiations
– CF (Civic Forum) and CCP (Czechoslovak Communist Party)
meetings from 26 November to 15 December 1989. Authentic
recordings from the meetings of the Civic Forum and Public
Against Violence delegations with the representatives of
state power in November and December 1989. It consists of
17 standard audio tape recordings (27 hours). In Czech and