Submission of Contributions
Only contributions satisfying the following requests can be accepted:
- original works not yet published and not being under consideration for
publication elsewhere
- relating the aim and scope of the journal
- written in (correct) English
- prepared in electronic form
Contributions are published free of charge. The reprint of the published paper will
be provided to each author in electronic form in PDF. In adition, for personal use,
each author will obtain the PDF version of the complete issue in which his/her paper
Form of manuscript.
Any standard format of TeX (preferable) or
MS Word. Use double spacing, number the pages and indent paragraphs.
Structure, style and notation.
Detailed instructions are presented in
guidelines for authors.
Read them carefully before elaborating the manuscript.
Figures. Acceptable formats: EPS, PDF, PNG (recommended for line
art) and JPEG (recommended for photographs). Use black-and-white or greyscale
figures. Submit each figure in separate file. The figures are resized for the
print to fit the page dimensions. If a figure is too wide, it may be rotated by
90 degrees for the print.
Delivering the manuscripts. Via e-mail to the editorial office
(see the inside front cover). The Editor will confirm the acceptance to the
corresponding author.
Review stage. Manuscripts are usually evaluated by two independent
reviews. The referees' identities are not released.
Proof stage. Authors obtain proofs in PDF via e-mail to
correct possible errors. Do not return a corrected manuscript but send a list
of corrections by an e-mail message (e.g. as an attachment file).
Copyright. Before publishing the paper, the authors are asked by the Editor
to sign transfer of the copyright to the Publisher.