Ing. Miroslav Čapek, CSc.
Position: research scientist
Research topics: ecology and behaviour of birds, bird parasites
Department: Department of Avian Ecology
Phone: +420 543 422 538
Mobile: +420 728 152 584
E-mail: capek
My research activities cover ecology and behavior of birds. I carry out both basic and applied research to contribute to the advancement of science and the conservation of European bird species and communities. I have studied effects of forest decline and dieback on mountain avifauna as well as other factors related to human activity that affect welfare of birds. I am currently studying seasonal and diel patterns of singing activity in marsh and mountain birds, parasites associated with Neotropical and Afrotropical birds and other topics. In the past 16 years, I have participated in 14 grants and projects.
National and International Cooperation
My recent research has been conducted in collaboration with a variety of partners including Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno, Institute of Parasitology AS CR v. v. i. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; University of Trnava, Slovakia; University of Queensland, Australia; Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica (INBio), Costa Rica.
Field experience and studies:
Spain: 1991; United Kingdom & Irish Republic 1997, 1998; Middle East: 1995, 1996, 2000, 2005; USA: 2000; Australia 2002; South Africa 2005; Costa Rica 2004; Brazil 2006; Senegal 2007.
University lecturing and supervising
Since 1997 I have been lecturing on Ornithology at the School of Science, Masaryk University in Brno.
A supervisor of MSc. students.
Other activities
Besides scientific ornithological studies, my interests include conservation, vertebrate zoology, taxonomy, nomenclature, distribution and identification of birds worldwide. From 1994 through 2004, I was a member of the Czech Rarities Committee and I am chair of the Czech Language Committee on Common Names for Birds.
Publications, lectures
An author or co-author of 32 papers (peer-reviewed journals), 5 books, another 18 publications, and 31 book reviews. Since 1990, I have given 66 specialized lectures and other lectures for the general public.
Ectoparasites associated with mountain birds in Costa Rica: linking ecology, biodiversity and genetics
2010M. ČAPEK, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Repeated presentations of the Common Cuckoo increase nest defense by the Eurasian Reed Warbler but do not induce it to make recognition errors, Condor 112 (2010) 763-769.
S. V. MIRONOV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK: New species of the feather mite subfamily Pterodectinae (Astigmata, Proctophyllodidae) from passerines in Senegal, Acta Parasitologica 55 (2010) 399-413.
O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, T. NAJER, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: Chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from estrildid finches (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) and louse-flies (Insecta: Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genus Brueelia, Zootaxa 2714 (2010) 59-68.
O. SYCHRA, E. BARLEV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: The chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) in Senegal, with a description of a new species, African Entomology 18 (2010) 17-22.
O. SYCHRA, T. NAJER, F. KOUNEK, M. ČAPEK, I. LITERÁK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on manakins (Passeriformes: Pipridae) from Costa Rica, with description of a new species of the genus Tyranniphilopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), Parasitology Research 106 (2010) 925-931.
2009V. BENEDIKT, V. BARUŠ, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK, I. LITERÁK: Blood parasites (Haemoproteus and microfilariae) in birds from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica, Acta Parasitologica 54 (2009) 197-204.
O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK: Chewing lice of the genus Myrsidea Waterston (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the Emberizidae and Thraupidae (Passeriformes) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Neotropical Entomology 38 (2009) 501-503.
2008M. ČAPEK, L. NOVÁČKOVÁ: Tribute to prominent Czech ornithologist Karel Hudec on his 80th birthday, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 199-200.
Z. HUBÁLEK, M. ČAPEK: Migration distance and the effect of North Atlantic Oscillation on the spring arrival of birds in Central Europe, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 212-220.
S. V. MIRONOV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK: New feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acari: Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Zootaxa 1947 (2008) 1-38.
2007A. V. BOCHKOV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK: Neharpyrhynchus baile n. sp. (Prostigmata: Harpirhynchidae) parasitizing Turdus leucomelas Vieillot (Aves: Turdidae) from Brazil, International Journal of Acarology 33 (2007) 35-39.
F. DUSBÁBEK, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Ascid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Ascidae) from Costa Rican hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae), with description of three new species and a key to the Proctolaelaps belemensis species group, Zootaxa 1484 (2007) 51-67.
A. A. STEKOL'NIKOV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Chigger mites (Acari: Trombiculidae) from wild birds in Costa Rica, with a description of three new species, Folia Parasitologica 54 (2007) 59-67.
O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from buntings, cardinals and tanagers (Passeriformes: Emberizidae, Cardinalidae, Thraupidae) from Costa Rica, with descriptions of two new species of the genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), Zootaxa 1631 (2007) 57-68.
O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from ovenbirds, leaftossers and woodcreepers (Passeriformes: Furnariidae: Furnariinae, Sclerurinae, Dendrocolaptinae) from Costa Rica, with descriptions of four new species of the genera Rallicola and Myrsidea, Caribbean Journal of Science 43 (2007) 117-126.
2006F. DUSBÁBEK, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Three species of the genus Pellonyssus (Acari: Macronyssidae) including a new species from Costa Rican birds, International Journal of Acarology 32 (2006) 175-178.
O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from typical antbirds and ground antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae, Formicariidae) from Costa Rica, with descriptions of three new species of the genera Formicaphagus and Myrsidea, Zootaxa 1206 (2006) 47-61.
2005B. KLOUBEC, M. ČAPEK: Seasonal and diel budgets of song: a study of Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides), Journal of Ornithology 146 (2005) 206-214.
2004M. HONZA, T. GRIM, M. ČAPEK JR., A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT: Nest defence, enemy recognition and nest inspection behaviour of experimentally parasitized Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Bird Study 51 (2004) 256-263.
M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, B. G. STOKKE, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT, M. ČAPEK JR., V. MRLÍK: Are blackcaps current winners in the evolutionary struggle against the common cuckoo?, Journal of Ethology 22 (2004) 175-180.
2003V. MRLÍK, M. ČAPEK JR.: Jeřábek lesní (Bonasa bonasia) ve vrcholových částech Moravskoslezských Beskyd, Crex - Zpravodaj Jihomoravské pobočky ČSO 21 (2003) 114-119.
2002M. ČAPEK JR., B. KLOUBEC: Seasonal and diel patterns of song output by great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Biologia 57 (2002) 267-276.
2001M. HONZA, J. PICMAN, T. GRIM, V. NOVÁK, M. ČAPEK JR., V. MRLÍK: How to hatch from an egg of great structural strength. A study of the common cuckoo, Journal of avian biology 32 (2001) 249-255.
2000M. ČAPEK JR., M. HONZA, V. MRLÍK: Female blackcap adoption of a yellowhammer clutch, Wilson Bulletin 112 (2000) 542-543.
B. KLOUBEC, M. ČAPEK JR.: Diurnal, nocturnal, and seasonal patterns of singing activity in marsh warblers, Biologia 55 (2000) 185-193.