Mgr. Ivo Papoušek, Ph.D.
Position: post-docs
Research topics: molecular biology, phylogeny and fish population genetics
Department: Department of Fish Ecology
Phone: +420 543 422 529
E-mail: papousek ivb.cz
1997-2002 Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, specialization molecular biology and genetics, Graduate Thesis: „Implementation of PCR and sequencing methodics for detection of mutations in human SCN5A gene“
Professional career:
2002 – Ph.D. study in Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk Univerzity, Brno. Ph.D. Thesis: „Mutation detection in genes associated with the long QT syndrome“
2005 – present member of Department of Ichthyology, IVB AS CR, v.v.i. in Brno.
Profession experience:
ichthyology – molecular genetics, phylogenetics, biodiversity, bioinformatics, conservation genetics
Currently dealing with population variability, genetic biodiversity and phylogenetics of wild freshwater indigenous and introduced fish species (e.g. Salmo trutta, Thymallus thymallus, Leuciscus cephalus, Zingel zingel, Gymnocephalus sp. and Carassius auratus).
K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, J. MENDEL, I. PAPOUŠEK: Can spawning marks on females of the spined loach (Cobitis sp., Teleostei) be caused by scratches from males during mating?, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 329-331. K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, I. PAPOUŠEK, J. MENDEL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The epidermal structure of Carassius gibelio: a link with ploidy status in spawning and postspawning periods, Journal of Fish Biology 77 (2010) 2171-2179. 2009
L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK, J. MENDEL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The first record of a natural hybrid of the roach Rutilus rutilus and nase Chondrostoma nasus in the Danube River Basin, Czech Republic: morphological, karyological and molecular characteristics$$faut. Lukáš Vetešník, Karel Halačka, Ivo Papoušek, Jan Mendel, A. Šimková, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1669-1676. L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK, J. MENDEL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The first record of a natural hybrid of the roach Rutilus rutilus and nase Chondrostoma nasus in the Danube River Basin, Czech Republic: morphological, karyological and molecular characteristics, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1669-1676. 2008
E. BARTOŇOVÁ, I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. ŠVÁTORA, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia$$faut. Eva Bartoňová, Ivo Papoušek, Věra Lusková, J. Koščo, Stanislav Lusk, Karel Halačka, M. Švátora, Lukáš Vetešník, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 60-70. E. BARTOŇOVÁ, I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. ŠVÁTORA, L. VETEŠNÍK: Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 60-70. J. MENDEL, S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK: Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia$$faut. Jan Mendel, Stanislav Lusk, J. Koščo, Lukáš Vetešník, Karel Halačka, Ivo Papoušek, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 90-99. J. MENDEL, S. LUSK, J. KOŠČO, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK: Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 90-99. I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. POVŽ, S. ŠUMER: Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas$$faut. Ivo Papoušek, Věra Lusková, J. Koščo, Stanislav Lusk, Karel Halačka, M. Povž, S. Šumer, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 83-89. I. PAPOUŠEK, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, M. HUMPL, J. MENDEL: Identification of natural hybrids of gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch) and crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) from lower Dyje River floodplain (Czech Republic), Journal of Fish Biology 72 (2008) 1230-1235. I. PAPOUŠEK, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. KOŠČO, S. LUSK, K. HALAČKA, M. POVŽ, S. ŠUMER: Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 83-89. 2007
K. HALAČKA, L. VETEŠNÍK, S. LUSK, J. MENDEL, I. PAPOUŠEK: The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system in the Zingel zingel (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Morava River (Czech Republic), Caryologia 60 (2007) 222-225. L. VETEŠNÍK, I. PAPOUŠEK, K. HALAČKA, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. MENDEL: Morphometric and genetic analysis of the Carassius auratus complex from an artificial wetland in Morava River floodplain, Czech Republic, Fisheries Science 73 (2007) 817-822.