Natalie Simonová, Vladislava Závrská, Pavlína Valouchová 2010-12-03
FF UP Olomouc, Katedra sociologie a andragogiky, 12th November 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Jana Straková 2010-11-27
Seminar - Jonathan Kelley and Mariah D. R. Evans with discusion about the new book Cultures of Inequality: Conflict and Consensus over Ideals about Earnings in International Perspective. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 15th December 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Jiří Šafr 2010-11-27
Brainstorming with prof. Jonathan Kelley and prof. Mariah D. R. Evans about analyses planned by the team of solvers of the project ISSP 2009 Social Inequalities IV for 2010. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 17 - 18 December 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl 2010-11-27
Workshop with prof. Jonathan Kelley and prof. Mariah D. R. Evans to the solving of the project ISSP 2009 Social Inequalities IV. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 14 - 16 December 2009.
Jana Straková, Natalie Simonová, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Michael L. Smith 2010-11-27
Workshop with delegation of activists from Barma and Taiwan (Palaung Women´s Organization, 63110, Tak, Maesot, Thailand; Teacher Training Center for Burmese Teachers, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand) - Educational Inequalities and their development in the Czech Republic after 1989. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 13th November 2009.
Petr Matějů, Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Jana Straková, Josef Basl, Tomáš Konečný 2010-11-27
Workshop pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Jiří Šafr 2010-11-25
Presented within a workshop with prof. Jonathan Kelley and prof. Mariah D. R. Evans to the solving of the project ISSP 2009 Social Inequalities IV. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 14 - 16 December 2009.
Jana Straková 2010-11-25
Seminar for activists from Barma and Taiwan. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., Prague, 13th November 2009.
Jana Straková 2010-11-25
Kulatý stůl SKAV, Prague, 19th November 2009.
Michael L. Smith 2010-11-25
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Michael L. Smith 2010-11-25
Seminar held by the SOÚ AV CR, 5th March 2009.
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-25
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-25
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-25
Prezentace v rámci brainstormingu s prof. Jonathanem Kelley a prof. Mariah D. R. Evans nad analýzami plánovanými řešitelským týmem projektu ISSP 2009 Sociální nerovnosti IV na rok 2010. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 17 - 18 December 2009.
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-25
Prezentace v rámci workshopu s prof. Jonathanem Kelley a prof. Mariah D. R. Evans k průběhu řešení projektu ISSP 2009 Sociální nerovnosti IV. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 14 - 16 December 2009.
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-23
Prezentace v rámci stejnojmenného workshopu. FF UP Olomouc, Katedra sociologie a andragogiky, 12th November 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-11-23
Seminář na FF UK v rámci cyklu Doktorandských seminářů, 26th February 2009.
Petr Matějů, Michael L. Smith 2010-11-23
Presented at a conference ENHR 09 PRAGUE: Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation, 28 June – 1 July 2009.
Petr Matějů 2010-11-23
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Petr Matějů 2010-11-23
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Tomáš Konečný, Josef Basl 2010-11-23
Seminar held by the SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 2nd April 2009.
Tomáš Konečný, Josef Basl 2010-11-23
Prezentace v rámci workshopu pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-23
Prezentace v rámci workshopu s prof. Jonathanem Kelley a prof. Mariah D.R. Evans k průběhu řešení projektu ISSP 2009 Sociální nerovnosti IV. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 14 - 16 December 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-23
Presented within a workshop for delegation from Kasetsart University, Thailand, about the theme of work of the department of Sociology of Education and Stratification. SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.
Petr Matějů 2010-11-23
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 12th May 2009.
Jana Straková 2010-11-19
Presented at the conference "ECER 2009", in Vienna (Austria), 29th September 2009.
Jana Straková 2010-11-19
Presented at the conference "LANDMARK 1989". GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, in Berlin (Germany), 3rd April 2009.
Jana Straková 2010-11-19
Presented at the PISA research conference, in Kiel (Germany), 15th September 2009.
Michael L. Smith 2010-11-19
Presented at the international conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
Michael L. Smith 2010-11-19
Presented at the international conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-11-19
Presented on 16th of May 2009 at the international conference of the ISA RC28 “Social Inequality and Social Change” in Beijing, China, 14 – 16 May 2009.
Petr Matějů, Tomáš Konečný 2010-11-19
Presented on 14th of May 2009 at the international conference of the ISA RC28 „Social Inequality and Social Change“ in Beijing, China, 14 – 16 May 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-19
Příspěvek prezentovaný v rámci tzv. Pre-Conference pro doktorandy před vlastním konáním mezinárodní konference ECER 2009, in Vienna, Austria, 26th September 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-19
Presented at summer school, held by Network of Excellence on Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (Equalsoc) and European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), in Trento, Italy, 31 August - 6 September 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-19
Presented at the international conference "INTED 2009" (International Technology, Education and Development Conference), in Valencia, Spain, 9 - 11 March 2009.
Josef Basl 2010-11-18
Presented on 16th of May 2009 at the international conference of the ISA RC28 „Social Inequality and Social Change“ in Beijing, China, 14 – 16 May 2009.
Jiří Šafr 2010-11-17
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Michael L. Smith 2010-11-16
The article from January the 4th 2010 was published in Transitions Online. Available at:
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-16
The online interview from November the 11th 2009 was published in Available at: (in Czech).
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Petr Matějů, Tomáš Konečný 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Tomáš Konečný, Josef Basl, Jan Mysliveček 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Josef Basl 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Natalie Simonová 2010-11-16
Sociological web magazine (6, 2009),
Josef Basl 2010-11-16
The article was published in Socioweb (Sociological web magazine, 6, 2009). Available at: (in Czech).
Petr Matějů, Tomáš Konečný 2010-11-15
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45 (5), 2009): 1045–1054.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Jana Straková 2010-11-15
The paper was accepted for publication in Orbis Scholae.
Jana Straková 2010-11-15
The paper was accepted for publication in Pedagogika.
Josef Basl, Jana Straková, Arnošt Veselý 2010-11-15
The paper was published in Pedagogika 59 (4), 2009): 51–65.
Josef Basl 2010-11-14
The chapter was published in Proceedings of INTED2009 Conference (Pp. 515-524, 2009). Valencia: International Association of Technology, Education and Development. L. Chova, D. Belenguer, L. Torres (eds.).
Jana Straková 2010-11-14
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (46 (2), 2010): 187-210.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Josef Basl 2010-11-10
The paper was accepted for publication in International Journal of Science Education.
Jana Straková 2010-11-10
The paper was published in Journal for Educational Research Online/Journal für Bildungsforschung Online, (2 (1), 2010): 53-71.
Tomáš Konečný, Michal Franta 2010-11-10
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45 (6), 2009): 1265-1282.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Tomáš Konečný, Josef Basl, Jan Mysliveček 2010-11-09
The paper is under review in Higher Education.
Tomáš Konečný, Josef Basl, Jan Mysliveček 2010-11-09
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (1, 2010): 43-72.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-11-09
The chapter was published in Jaká je naše společnost? Otázky, které si často klademe... (2010), pp. 351-366, ed. by H. Maříková, T. Kostelecký, T. Lebeda, M. Škodová (eds.). Praha: SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i.
Petr Matějů, Michael L. Smith 2010-11-02
The paper was published in Comparative Education Review (53 (1), 2009): 13-39.
Jana Straková 2010-11-01
The chapter was published in Landmark 1989. Central and Eastern European societies twenty years after system change. (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2009), Heinrich Best & Agnieszka Wenninger (eds)
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-11-01
The chapter was published in Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion in Europe and USA (Pp. 133-151, 2009), ed. by Becker, R., A. Hadjar. Stuttgart, Wien, Bern: Haupt.
Petr Matějů, Tomáš Konečný, Simona Weidnerová, Hans Vossenssteyn 2010-10-25
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45 (5), 2009): 993–1031.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Natalie Simonová 2010-08-10
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45(2), 2009): 291-313.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Natalie Simonová, Petr Soukup 2010-08-10
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45(5), 2009): 935-965.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Michael L. Smith 2010-06-23
The paper was published in Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (45(3), 2009): 487-517.
Fulltext of the paper is available here.
Unequal Access to Education: The Extent, Sources, Social and Economic Consequences, Policy Strategies (Prof. PhDr. Petr Matějů, Ph.D.)