New hot publication
It is a pleasure to announce that the publication we significantly participated on

Petrášek J, Mravec J, Bouchard R, Blakeslee JJ, Abas M, Seifertová D, Wiśniewska J, Tadele Z, Kubeš M, Čovanová M, Dhonukshe P, Skůpa P, Benková E, Perry L, Křeček P, Lee OR, Fink GR, Geisler M, Murphy AS, Luschnig C, Zažímalová E, Friml J: PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux. – Science 312: 914–918, 2006
was chosen to be a new hot paper in plant and animal science by THOMSON corporation on their web site ESI special topics.
The THOMSON corporation is known (among others) for running the ISI Web of Knowledge portal. Their „hot papers are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period. Papers are selected in each of 22 fields of science and must be published within the last two years.“
Our publication has been listed as the best one among hot new papers in plant
and animal science in July 2007. You can find an
exclusive interview with the corresponding author of this paper, Eva
Zažímalová, on the ESI special topics website.
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