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Centre for New Antivirals and Antineoplastics
Suported by the Ministry of Education, Czech Republic
Centre for New Antivirals and Antineoplastics
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3. Rumlová, M., Ruml, T., Hadravová, R., Pichová, I. Method of testing of inhibitors of assembly using labeled oligonucleotides or nucleic acids. PV 2010-718.
2. Hocek, M.; Nauš, P. "Novel cytostatic 7-deazapurine nucleosides" WO2009089804, US2009203637.
1. Bourderioux, A.; Nauš, P.; Hocek, M. "Novel 7-deazapurine nucleosides for therapeutic uses." US 61/171.656 (2009), PCT/CZ2010/000050.