doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Position: research scientist
Research topics: evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecology, ecology of birds
Department: Department of Avian Ecology
Phone: +420 568 423 681
E-mail: albrecht
Components of sexual selection in the monogamous Grey Partridge
Variation in resource allocation between reproductive phases in waterfowl
2011B. SAK, M. KVÁČ, D. KVĚTOŇOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. PIÁLEK: The first report on natural Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon spp. infections in wild East-European House Mice (Mus musculus musculus) and West-European House Mice (M. m. domesticus) in a hybrid zone across the Czech Republic–Germany border, Veterinary Parasitology (2011) .
2010K. DOLEČKOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, L. MIKEŠ, P. HORÁK: Cathepsins B1 and B2 in the neuropathogenic schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti: distinct gene expression profiles and presumptive roles throughout the life cycle, Parasitology Research 107 (2010) 751-755.
J. KREISINGER, P. MUNCLINGER, V. JAVŮRKOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT: Analysis of extra-pair paternity and conspecific brood parasitism in mallards Anas platyrhynchos using non-invasive techniques, Journal of avian biology 41 (2010) 551-557.
J. T. LIFJELD, T. LASKEMOEN, O. KLEVEN, T. ALBRECHT, R. J. ROBERTSON: Sperm length variation as a predictor of extrapair paternity in passerine birds, PLoS ONE 5 (2010) .
E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, L. POLEDNÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Predation on simulated duck nests in relation to nest density and landscape structure, Wildlife Research 37 (2010) 597-603.
M. ŠÁLEK, J. KREISINGER, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Do prey densities determine preferences of mammalian predators for habitat edges in an agricultural landscape?, Landscape and Urban Planning 98 (2010) 86-91.
M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, J. VOTÝPKA, T. ALBRECHT: Haematological health assessment in a passerine with extremely high proportion of basophils in peripheral blood, Journal of Ornithology 151 (2010) 841-849.
M. VINKLER, H. BAINOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT: Functional analysis of the skin-swelling response to phytohaemagglutinin, Functional Ecology 24 (2010) 1081-1086.
M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: Carotenoid maintenance handicap and the physiology of carotenoid-based signalisation of health, Naturwissenschaften 97 (2010) 19-28.
2009T. ALBRECHT, M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, R. POLÁKOVÁ, P. MUNCLINGER, J. BRYJA: Extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (2009) 2020-2030.
B. BÍMOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, M. MACHOLÁN, J. PIÁLEK: Signalling components of the house mouse mate recognition system, Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 20-27.
M. HONZA, R. PIÁLKOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, Š. NEUŽILOVÁ: Nest defence against conspecific intruders in the common pochard Aythya ferina: natural observations and an experimental test, Acta Ornithologica 44 (2009) 151-158.
E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, L. POLEDNÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Removal of American mink increases the Access of simulated nests in linear habitat, Wildlife Research 36 (2009) 225-230.
M. PROMEROVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Extremely high MHC class I variation in a population of a long-distance migrant, the Scarlet Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), Immunogenetics 61 (2009) 451-461.
M. ŠÁLEK, J. KREISINGER, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Corridor vs. hayfield matrix use by mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2009) 8-13.
M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: The question waiting to be asked: Innate immunity receptors in the perspective of zoological research, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 15-28.
M. VINKLER, A. BRYJOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Identification of the first toll-like receptor gene in passerine birds: TLR4 orthologue in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), Tissue Antigens 74 (2009) 32-41.
2008J. BRYJA, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, L. MOŠANSKÝ, M. STANKO, P. STOPKA: Varying levels of female promiscuity in four Apodemus mice species, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (2008) 251-260.
D. HOŘÁK, P. KLVAŇA, T. ALBRECHT: Why there is no negative correlation between egg size and number in the Common Pochard?, Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 33 (2008) 197-202.
J. KREISINGER, T. ALBRECHT: Nest protection in mallards Anas platyrhynchos: untangling the role of crypsis and parental behaviour, Functional Ecology 22 (2008) 872-879.
H. L. MAYS JR., T. ALBRECHT, M. LIU, G. E. HILL: Female choice for genetic complementarity in birds: a review, Genetica 134 (2008) 147-158.
J. PIÁLEK, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, B. BÍMOVÁ, D. HAVELKOVÁ, J. PIÁLKOVÁ, P. DUFKOVÁ, V. BENCOVÁ, Ľ. ĎUREJE, T. ALBRECHT, H. HAUFFE, M. MACHOLÁN, P. MUNCLINGER, R. STORCHOVÁ, A. ZAJÍCOVÁ, V. HOLÁŇ, S. GREGOROVÁ, J. FOREJT: Development of unique house mouse resources suitable for evolutionary studies of speciation, Journal of Heredity 99 (2008) 34-44.
2007T. ALBRECHT, J. SCHNITZER, J. KREISINGER, A. EXNEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, P. MUNCLINGER: Extrapair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in long-distant migratory passerines, Behavioral Ecology 18 (2007) 477-486.
E. CEPÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, J. CEPÁK, T. ALBRECHT: Breeding of Little Ringed Plovers Charadrius dubius in farmland: do nests in fields suffer from predation?, Bird Study 54 (2007) 284-288.
D. HOŘÁK, T. ALBRECHT: Using net sacks to examine the relationship between egg size and young size in Common Pochards, Journal of Field Ornithology 78 (2007) 334-339.
D. HOŘÁK, T. ALBRECHT, P. KLVAŇA, P. MUSIL: Inter-nest variability in the egg to hatchling mass ratio in the Common Pochard Aythya ferina: Does female body mass matter?, Acta Ornithologica 42 (2007) 33-38.
R. POLÁKOVÁ, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, J.-F. MARTIN, H. L. MAYS JR., G. E. HILL, J. BRYJA, T. ALBRECHT: A multiplex set of microsatellite markers for the scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (2007) 1375-1378.
J. SVOBODOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, T. ALBRECHT: Roads do not increase predation on experimental nests in a highly fragmented forest land, Folia zoologica 56 (2007) 84-89.
2006T. ALBRECHT, D. HOŘÁK, J. KREISINGER, K. WEIDINGER, P. KLVAŇA, T. C. MICHOT: Factors determining pochard nest predation along a wetland gradient, Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (2006) 784-791.
T. ALBRECHT, J. KREISINGER, J. PIÁLEK: The strength of direct selection against female promiscuity is associated with rates of extrapair fertilizations in socially monogamous songbirds, American Naturalist 167 (2006) 739-744.
2005J. PIÁLEK, T. ALBRECHT: Choosing mates: complementary versus compatible genes, Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20 (2005) 63.
2004T. ALBRECHT, P. KLVAŇA: Nest crypsis, reproductive value of a clutch and escape decisions in incubating female mallards Anas platyrhynchos, Ethology 110 (2004) 603-613.
T. ALBRECHT: Edge effect in wetland-arable land boundary determines nesting success of scarlet rosefinches (Carpodacus erythrinus) in the Czech Republic, Auk 121 (2004) 361-371.
J. SVOBODOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, M. ŠÁLEK: The relationship between predation risk and occurrence of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in a highly fragmented landscape: an experiment based on artificial nests, Ecoscience 11 (2004) 421-427.
M. ŠÁLEK, J. SVOBODOVÁ, V. BEJČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Predation on artificial nests in relation to the numbers of small mammals in the Krušné hory Mts, the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 312-318.