
21/3/11 Colloquium A. Heinrich
21/3/11 v 15:00 hod. ve Fzu Cukrovarnická v seminární místnosti (budova A, 1. patro) »more info

Seminar - Ali Sadeghi
14/03/2011 14:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

Seminar - Petr Klapetek
14/02/2010 14:00 (Zasedaci mistnost budova B) »more info

Seminar - Guy Le Lay
11/02/2010 11:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

Our paper published in PRL Jan 2011
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Seminar András Berkó
15/11/2010 15:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

Seminar Martin Svec
14/11/2010 15:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

2nd QPlus workshop 8/10/10
2nd International QPlus Workshop 8.10.2010 »more info

Seminar Y. J. Dappe 25/5/10
25/5/2010 10:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

Seminar J. Repp 13/4/2010
14/3/2010 15:00 (Seminarni mistnost budova A) »more info

Seminar T. Novotny 2/3/2010
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Seminar R. Martonak 23/2/10
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4/2/10 Colloquium S. Lindsay
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18/1/10 Our work highlighted on website.
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30/12/09 Our paper about atomic contrast of KPFM published in PRL
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Seminar J.P. Lewis 9/12/09 14:00
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Seminar P. Kocan 25/11/09 15:00
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14.-15.10. 2009 workshop "Simultaneous STM/AFM measurements using tuning fork based sensors"
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Seminar - Ali Sadeghi

Ali Sadhegi

Physics Department, University of Basel, Switzerland

 Part 1) Title: Minima Hopping Method: Structure prediction of nano-systems
The global minimum of the potential energy surface (PES) determines the ground state configuration of any condensed matter system. In a global geometry optimization one faces the difficulty that the number of local minima increases exponentially with the system size. Minima Hopping is a powerful and unbiased global geometry optimization method with the advantage of efficiently avoiding search over unnecessary regions of the potential energy landscape thanks to being based on fundamental physical principles. The algorithm and some results on different nano-systems including clusters, nano-structures and biomolecules will be presented.

Part 2) Title: Multiscale simulation of Kelvin probe force microscopy
Abstract:The distance dependence and atomic-scale contrast in Kelvin signals recently observed with nc-AFM on conducting, as well as on insulating samples has stimulated theoretical attempts to explain these effects. We attack the problem in two steps: 1) The macroscopic electrostatic potential and the capacitance between the tip+cantilever system and the thick insulating sample are determined; 2) The microscopic site-dependent electrostatic force are performed within the wavelet-based BigDFT code. The local contact potential difference is then defined considering the both contributions.