> Sovinec
year the Oral History Center organises a two-day conference
of historians and oral history supporters. The idea to organise
a conference which would allow researchers and students
to debate the possibilities and limits of the oral history
method first appeared in 2001. Since then, the conference
has been held at Sovinec castle in the Bruntal district.
Seminars, workshops, presentations and discussions
are all a part of the conference. Each participant gives
an approx. 20-minute presentation concerning an oral history-related
topic. The deadline for applications is the end of March
each year.
• VII. interdisicplinary Sovinec workshop in
Oral history took place on 12 - 14 June, 2008 under
the auspices of the Czech Oral History Association and
Faculty of Humanities Charles University Prague.
• VI. interdisicplinary Sovinec workshop in
Oral history took place on 14 - 16 June, 2007 under
the auspices of the Czech Oral History Association.
• 8 – 10 June 2006
- Oral History Center at the Institute of Contemporary
History AV ČR, the Archive of University Palacky in Olomouc
and the Charles University
of Humanities in Prague organisised the V. annual conference
of historians and oral history supporters at Sovinec castle.
detailed programme and photos
• "Oral history and its interdisciplinary
usage" was the topic of the 2005
conference. We talked about using oral history to conduct
research on recent history (1960s – 1980s); the problem
of transcribing from the spoken language; and the subject
of oppressed groups. Together with the UP Archive, the Faculty
of Humanities at Charles University also took part in organising
this year‘s conference.
programme and photos:
ENG_Oral history conference Sovinec 2005.doc

• In 2004 we
were happy to welcome colleagues from abroad who for the
first time participated in the Sovinec conference. Researchers
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA,
gave a presentation on the Southern Oral History Program,
providing an overview of the oral history method in the
American context and including highlights from their research
experience. The results of the project „Political Elites
and Dissidents during the Period of So-called Normalization
- Historical Interviews“ were presented in detail along
with a total of 11 papers dealing with questions of interpretation
in oral history.
programme and photos:
ENG_Oral history conference Sovinec 2004.doc

• In 2003 the
conference was organised in cooperation with the History
Department of the Faculty of Arts at University Palacky
(UP) and the UP Archive in Oloumouc. The events were organised
under the auspices of the dean of the Faculty of Arts UP
Olomouc PhDr. Ivo Barteček, CSc. and featured the project
„Political Elites and Dissidents during the Period of So-called
Normalization - Historical Interviews.“. The participants
discussed the interview as a specific form of the reflection
of facts and they also heard about the research of Czechoslovak
exiles in Latin America.
programme and photos:
ENG_Oral history conference Sovinec 2003.doc
