The press release service of the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. |
Inflation And Real Income Of Households In View Of Public - January 2011 |
Date: 04.03.2011 |
Category: Economical - economic development |
Jan Červenka
Almost half (47%) of people believe that for the income of their household they can buy or pay less than a year ago, a little more than two fifths (43%) believe that the real income of their households is about the same as one year before, and less than a tenth of respondents said that their income during the last year has increased. More than a half of Czech citizens (52%) consider current inflation to be acceptable, roughly three tenth of people (31%) share the opposite opinion.
>> Full text is available in Czech only << |
Economic Level of Czech Republic in Context of Some Other Countries - January 2011 |
Date: 02.03.2011 |
Category: Economical - economic development |
Gabriela Šamanová
Since February 1997 CVVM has been examined what people think about the economic standard of our country compared to nine other European countries. 3% of Czechs assesses the economy as being very good, 47% rather good, 43% rather bad and 4% very bad. Only 3% could not judge the situation. In the ranking of countries, the Czech Republic is situated on the fourth place behind Germany, Austria and Slovenia.
>> Full text is available in Czech only << |