PhDr. Pavel Mücke, Ph.D.
assistant |
+420 257 531 121-23
+420 257 531 122 |
mucke@usd.cas.cz |
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR,
Vlašská 9,
118 40, Praha 1
Czech Republic |
> Center > Biographies-
Pavel Mücke
PhDr. Pavel Mücke, Ph.D.
Date and place of birth: September 1,
1978, Pardubice
1993–1997 Grammar school Pardubice
1997–1998 Faculty of Arts, Ostrava University
1998–2004 Faculty of Arts, Palacky University, Olomouc –
M.A. in history
2003 UFR d´histoire, Université Paris–Sorbonne (Paris IV),
Paris (ERASMUS intership )
2004–up to present postgraduation in Czech History at the
Department of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University,
2005 PhDr. in Czech History
2009 Ph.D. in Czech History
Employment history:
2000, 2001 warehouse worker at Kiekert CS Ltd, Přelouč
2000–2002 external reporter of the regional information
portal Rej.cz
2002–2003 researcher in grant project of the Oral History
Center at the Institute of Contemporary History CAS in Prague
and Palacky University in Olomouc - Political elites and
dissent during the period of the so-called Normalization
- Biographical Interviews
2004 assistant at an IT software – hardware centre at Kiekert
CS Ltd, Přelouč
2004–2005 researcher in a grant project of Faculty of Arts
Olomouc - Database of primary source-literature of 19th
century world history and modern historiography (grant FRVŠ
– www.historie.upol.cz/19).
2005 external translator at PCP EURO – Power Euro Police
s.r.o. (www.pcpeuro.cz)
2005 external guide at the Office of the Czech Republic
2006–up to present- researcher
at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy
of Sciences CR, Prague
to now - secretary-general of the Czech Oral History Association
2008–up to present - lecturer on the Department of Oral
HIstory and Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities,
Charles University, Prague
2008–up to present - vice-chairman of Czech National Committee
of Oral History
Modern and contemporary history, history
and memory, oral history method, Czech resistance in exile.
Selected Publications and Articles:
Listening to the Voices of Memory:
Theorethical and Practical Aspects of Oral History. (Naslouchat
hlasům paměti: Teoretické a praktické aspekty orální historie.)
Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií UK – ÚSD AV ČR v.v.i.
2007. (co-author with Miroslav Vaněk and Hana Pelikánová)
> see