doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.

Pozice: vědecký pracovník
Zaměření: behaviorální a evoluční ekologie ryb
Oddělení: Oddělení ekologie ryb
Telefon: +420 543 422 522

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Demografie, metapopulační dynamika a ekologie ryb rodu Nothobranchius v Mozambiku

Specializace a evoluce hostitelsky specifických linií u hořavky duhové

Personality, reprodukční strategie samců a role samic v pohlavním výběru: studie modelových druhů ryb

Reproductive isolating mechanisms in Nothobranchius annual fishes - the roles of mate choice, ecological divergence and vicariance

Reprodukčně izolační mechanismy u ryb rodu Nothobranchius (Aplocheilidae)

Hořavka duhová - ohrožený nebo nepůvodní druh středoevropské ichtyofauny?

Vliv reprodukčních strategií na individuální úspěšnost a populační parametry hořavky duhové: behaviorální a genetická studie



M. KONEČNÁ, M. REICHARD: Seasonal dynamics in population characteristics of European bitterling Rhodeus amarus in a small lowland river, Journal of Fish Biology 78 (2011) 227-239.

T. MEHNER, J. FREYHOF, M. REICHARD: Summary and perspective on evolutionary ecology of fishes, Evolutionary Ecology 25 (2011) 547-556.

M. POLAČIK, M. T. DONNER, M. REICHARD: Age structure of annual Nothobranchius fishes in Mozambique: is there a hatching synchrony?, Journal of Fish Biology 78 (2011) 796-809.


M. AGBALI, M. REICHARD, A. BRYJOVÁ, J. BRYJA, C. SMITH: Mate choice for nonadditive genetic benefits correlate with MHC dissimilarity in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Evolution 64 (2010) 1683-1696.

J. BRYJA, C. SMITH, A. KONEČNÝ, M. REICHARD: Range-wide population genetic structure of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analysis, Molecular Ecology 19 (2010) 4708-4722.

M. CASALINI, M. REICHARD, C. SMITH: The effect of crowding and density on male mating behaviour in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Behaviour 147 (2010) 1035-1050.

M. JANÁČ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, P. JURAJDA, Z. VALOVÁ, M. REICHARD: Flood duration determines the reproduction success of fish in artificial oxbows in a floodplain of a potamal river, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2010) 644-655.

M. KONEČNÁ, C. SMITH, M. REICHARD: Population and individual consequences of breeding resource availability in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (2010) 1069-1079.

M. POLAČIK, M. REICHARD: Diet overlap among three sympatric African annual killifish species (Nothobranchius spp.) from Mozambique, Journal of Fish Biology 77 (2010) 754-768.

M. REICHARD, B. R. WATTERS, R. H. WILDEKAMP, R. SONNENBERG, B. NAGY, M. POLAČIK, S. VALDESALICI, A. CELLERINO, B. J. COOPER, H. HENGSTLER, J. ROSENSTOCK, I. SAINTHOUSE: Potential negative impacts and low effectiveness in the use of African annual killifish in the biocontrol of aquatic mosquito larvae in temporary water bodies, Parasites Vectors 3 (2010) 89.

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK, A. S. TARKAN, R. SPENCE, Ö. GAYGUSUZ, E. ERCAN, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, C. SMITH: The bitterling–mussel coevolutionary relationship in areas of recent and ancient sympatry, Evolution 64 (2010) 3047-3056.

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK: Reproductive isolating barriers between colour-differentiated populations of an African annual killifish, Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100 (2010) 62-72.

M. REICHARD: Nothobranchius kadleci (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), a new species of annual killifish from central Mozambique, Zootaxa 2332 (2010) 49-60.


M. CASALINI, M. AGBALI, M. REICHARD, M. KONEČNÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, C. SMITH: Male dominance, female mate choice and intersexual conflict in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Evolution 63 (2009) 366-376.

M. KONEČNÁ, P. JURAJDA, M. REICHARD: River discharge drives recruitment success of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus in a regulated river in central Europe, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1642-1650.

M. POLAČIK, M. REICHARD: Indirect fitness benefits are not related to male dominance in a killifish, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (2009) 1427-1435.

M. REICHARD, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, C. SMITH, J. BRYJA: Breeding resource distribution affects selection gradients on male phenotypic traits: experimental study on lifetime reproductive success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus amarus), Evolution 63 (2009) 377-390.

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK, O. SEDLÁČEK: Distribution, colour polymorphism and habitat use of the African killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri, the vertebrate with the shortest life span, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 198-212.

C. SMITH, C. PATEMAN-JONES, G. ZIEBA, M. PRZYBYLSKI, M. REICHARD: Sperm depletion as a consequence of increased sperm competition risk in the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 1227-1233.


P. JURAJDA, M. PEŇÁZ, M. REICHARD, I. BERNARDOVÁ: Water quality improvements following political changes, enhanced fish communities, and fisheries in the Czech Republic, American Fisheries Society Symposium 49 (2008) 845-850.

M. REICHARD: Microhabitat use by fishes in the middle course of the River Gambia in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal: a unique example of an undisturbed West African assemblage, Journal of Fish Biology 72 (2008) 1815-1824.

M. REICHARD, C. SMITH, J. BRYJA: Seasonal change in the opportunity for sexual selection, Molecular Ecology 17 (2008) 642-651.

S. A. H. ZAKI, W. C. JORDAN, M. REICHARD, M. PRZYBYLSKI, C. SMITH: A morphological and genetic analysis of the European bitterling species complex, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95 (2008) 337-347.


M. PRZYBYLSKI, M. REICHARD, R. SPENCE, C. SMITH: Spatial distribution of oviposition sites determines variance in the reproductive rate of European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), Behaviour 144 (2007) 1403-1417.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA: Seasonal dynamics and age structure of drifting cyprinid fishes: an interspecific comparison, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 (2007) 482-492.

M. REICHARD, S. C. LE COMBER, C. SMITH: Sneaking from a female perspective, Animal Behaviour 74 (2007) 679-688.

M. REICHARD, H. LIU, C. SMITH: The co-evolutionary relationship between bitterling fishes and freshwater mussels: insights from interspecific comparisons, Evolutionary Ecology Research 9 (2007) 239-259.

M. REICHARD, M. PRZYBYLSKI, P. KANIEWSKA, H. LIU, C. SMITH: A possible evolutionary lag in the relationship between freshwater mussels and European bitterling, Journal of Fish Biology 70 (2007) 709-725.

C. SMITH, Y. ZHU, H. LIU, M. REICHARD: Deceptive female oviposition behaviour elicits male ejaculation in the European bitterling, Journal of Fish Biology 71 (2007) 1841-1846.


P. JURAJDA, M. REICHARD, C. SMITH: Immediate impact of an extensive summer flood on the adult fish assemblage of a channelized lowland river, Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21 (2006) 493-502.

H.-Z. LIU, Y.-R. ZHU, C. SMITH, M. REICHARD: Evidence of host specificity and congruence between phylogenies of bitterling and freshwater mussels, Zoological Studies 45 (2006) 428-434.

M. REICHARD, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. PRZYBYLSKI, H. LIU, C. SMITH: The costs and benefits in an unusual symbiosis: experimental evidence that bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) are parasites of unionid mussels in Europe, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (2006) 788-796.

C. SMITH, M. REICHARD, A. DOUGLAS, P. JURAJDA: Population consequences of behaviour in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Cyprinidae), Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15 (2006) 139-145.

R. SPENCE, M. K. FATEMA, M. REICHARD, K. A. HUQ, M. A. WAHAB, Z. F. AHMED, C. SMITH: The distribution and habitat preferences of the zebrafish in Bangladesh, Journal of Fish Biology 69 (2006) 1435-1448.


M. DÁVIDOVÁ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, M. REICHARD, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Nematode infections of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Pallas, 1776: Cypriniformes), Helminthologia 42 (2005) 45-48.

M. REICHARD, J. BRYJA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. DÁVIDOVÁ, P. KANIEWSKA, C. SMITH: Sexual selection for male dominance reduces opportunities for female mate choice in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), Molecular Ecology 14 (2005) 1533-1542.

C. SMITH, M. REICHARD: Females solicit sneakers to improve fertilization success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus), Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B - Biological Sciences 272 (2005) 1683-1688.


P. JURAJDA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. REICHARD: Managed flooding as a tool for supporting natural fish reproduction in man-made lentic waterbodies, Fisheries Management and Ecology 11 (2004) 237-242.

M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, M. GELNAR: Seasonal dynamics of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Digenea, Diplostomatidae) metacercariae and parasite-enhanced growth of juvenile host fish, Parasitology Research 93 (2004) 131-136.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA: The effects of elevated river discharge on the downstream drift of young-of-the-year cyprinid fishes, Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19 (2004) 465-471.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, C. SMITH: Male-male interference competition decreases spawning rate in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56 (2004) 34-41.

M. REICHARD, C. SMITH, W. C. JORDAN: Genetic evidence reveals density-dependent mediated success of alternative mating behaviours in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), Molecular Ecology 13 (2004) 1569-1578.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, C. SMITH: Spatial distribution of drifting cyprinid fishes in a shallow lowland river, Archiv für Hydrobiologie 159 (2004) 395-407.

C. SMITH, M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, M. PRZYBYLSKI: The reproductive ecology of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), Journal of Zoology 262 (2004) 107-124.


C. SMITH, M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA: Assessment of sperm competition by European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 53 (2003) 206-213.


M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, A. ŠIMKOVÁ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ: Size-related habitat use by bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in a regulated lowland river, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11 (2002) 112-122.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: The effect of light intensity on the drift of young-of-the year cyprinid fishes, Journal of Fish Biology 61 (2002) 1063-1066.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: Interannual variability in seasonal dynamics and species composition of drifting young-of-the-year fishes in two European lowland rivers, Journal of Fish Biology 60 (2002) 87-101.


Š. BARTOŠOVÁ, P. JURAJDA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. REICHARD: Importance of lentic waterbodies as fish nurseries in the flood plain of the Dyje River, Czech Republic, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 1 (2001) 347-353.

P. JURAJDA, M. REICHARD, E. HOHAUSOVÁ, J. ČERNÝ: Comparison of 0+ fish communities between regulated-channelized and floodplain stretches of the River Morava, Archiv für Hydrobiologie 135 (2001) 187-202.

M. REICHARD, P. JURAJDA, R. VÁCLAVÍK: Drift of larval and juvenile fishes: a comparison between small and large lowland rivers, Archiv für Hydrobiologie 135 (2001) 373-389.