share the laboratories consisting of the up-to-date facilities for cytology,
biochemistry and molecular biology, and specialised equipment for microscopy and
image analysis, HPLC, radiochemistry and plant tissue culture, including
greenhouses, chambers and walk-in rooms for the cultivation of plant material
under controlled conditions.
Confocal microscope
Using confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM 5 DUO), we are able to perform 3D
studies of fluorescently labeled structures in living or fixed cells. For
example, we can follow in vivo dynamics of protein involved in auxin transport
machinery (see figure – green channel) and simultaneously visualize different
cellular processes (here endocytosis – red channel) in a high resolution.
Mass spectrometer connected to two-dimensional liquid chromatograph (2D-LC/MS)
Modular two-dimensional liquid
chromatograph (Ultimate 300, Dionex) and hybrid triple quadrupole/ linear ion
trap (3200 Q TRAP, Applied Biosystems) allows us to identify, quantify and to
study the metabolism of biologically active compounds of plant origin, notably
phytohormones. More info…