<--1999         2001 -->
- Abu-Zayyad T. et al. (HiRes-MIA Collaboration)
- Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and Composition from 1017 to 1018.3
eV Using a Hybrid Fluorescence Technique
ApP 16, Is.1, 2001
- Anchordoqui L. A., M. T. Dova, T. P. McCauley, T. Paul, S. Reucroft, J. D. Swain
- A pot of gold at the end of the cosmic "raynbow"?
- Anchordoqui L. A. , M. Kirasirova, T. P. McCauley, S. Reucroft, J. D. Swain
- On the nature of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min
cut off
- Athar H.
- Ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos
- Ave M., R.A. Vázquez and E. Zas
- Modeling horizontal air showers induced by cosmic rays
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2, 91-107
- Ave M., R.A. Vázquez and E. Zas,J.A. Hinton and A.A. Watson
- The rate of cosmic ray showers at large zenith angles: a step towards the detection of ultra-high energy
neutrinos by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2, 109-120
- Ave M., J.A. Hinton, R.A. Vazquez, A.A. Watson, E. Zas
- New constraints from Haverah Park data on the photon and iron fluxes
of UHE cosmic rays
Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 (2000) 2244-2247
- Ave M., R.A. Vazquez, E. Zas
- Modelling Horizontal Air Showers Induced by Cosmic Rays
- Bednarz J., Ostrowski M.
- Eficiency of
cosmic ray reflections from an ultrarelativistic shock wave
MNRAS 310, L11
- Bellido J. A. , R. W. Clay, B. R. Dawson, M. Johnston-Hollitt
- Southern Hemisphere Observations of a 1018 eV Cosmic Ray
Source Near the Direction of the Galactic Centre
ApP 15, Is. 2, 2001
- Berezinsky V.
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Cosmological Relics
- Bertolami O.
- On the spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 88 (2000) 49-56
- Bertolami O.
- Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Symmetries of Spacetime
- Bertou X., Pierre Billoir and Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
- LPM effect and pair production in the geomagnetic field: a signature of ultra-high energy photons in the
Pierre Auger Observatory
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2,121-130
- Bertou X., Boratav M., Letessier-Selvon A.
- Physics of Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Biermann P.L., E.-J. Ahn, G. Medina Tanco, T. Stanev
- Origin of the highest energy cosmic rays
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 87 (2000) 417-419
- Billoir P., Letessier-Selvon A.
- Note on the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
- Blanton Michael, Pasquale Blasi, Angela V. Olinto
- The GZK Feature in our Neighborhood of the Universe
ApP 15, Is. 3, 2001
- Blasi Pasquale, R. Sheth
- Halo Dark Matter and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
Phys.Lett. B486 (2000) 233-238
- Blasi Pasquale
- Opening the ultra high energy cosmic ray window from the top
- Blasi Pasquale
- Dark matter distribution in the universe and ultra-high energy cosmic
- Boratav Murat, Alan A. Watson
- Cosmic Rays above 1014 eV
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, IV (2000) 207
- Brunetti M.T., Codino A.
- Age of CR Protons Computed Using Simple Configurations of the Galactic Mag. Field
ApJ,528, p.789
- Brücher Lars, Petteri Keränen, Jukka Maalampi
- Searching Scalar Resonances with Ultra-high Energy Neutrinos
- Cecchini S. et al
- Solar panels as air Cherenkov detectors for extremely high energy cosmic rays
- Cline D.B. (UCLA), Stecker F.W. (NASA/Goddard)
- Exploring the Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Universe
- Crooks J. L., Dunn J.O., Frampton M.
- Relic Neutrinos and Z-Resonance Mechanism for Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays
- Dar Arnon
- Comment on 'Violation of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin Cutoff: A
Tempest in a (Magnetic) Teapot? Why Cosmic Ray Energies above
1020 eV May Not Require New Physics'
- Davoudiasl H., J.L. Hewett, T.G. Rizzo
- Gravi-Burst: Super-GZK Cosmic Rays from Localized Gravity
- Dermer Charles D.
- Neutrino, Neutron, and Cosmic Ray Production in the External Shock
Model of Gamma Ray Bursts
- Dermer Charles D., Mayer Humi
- Adiabatic Losses and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Burst Blast
- Doroshkevich A.G., P.D. Naselsky
- Ultra - High Energy Cosmic Rays from decay of the Super Heavy Dark Matter Relics
astro-ph (submitted to Physical Review D)
- Dubovsky S.L., Tinyakov P.G., Tkachev I.I.
Statistics of clustering of UHECR and the number of their sources
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1154-1157 (2000)
- Ellis John
- Testing Fundamental Physics with High-Energy Cosmic Rays
- Fargion Daniele
- Discovering Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Horizontal and Upward tau Air-Showers: First evidences in
Terrestrial Gamma Flashes
- Fargion Daniele
- Detecting Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Upward Tau Airshowers and Gamma Flashes
- Farrar Glennys R., Tsvi Piran
- Deducing the Source of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
- Gaisser Thomas K.
- High Energy Neutrino Astronomy - the cosmic-ray connection
- Gandhi Raj
- Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos: A Review of Theoretical and Phenomenological Issues
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 91 (2000) 453-461
- Gelmini Graciela B.
- Super-Kamiokande 0.07 eV Neutrinos in Cosmology: Hot Dark Matter and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
- Goldberg Haim, Thomas J. Weiler
- Clustering in Highest Energy Cosmic Rays: Physics or Statistics?
- Gorham P.W.
- On the possibility of radar echo detection of UHECR- and neutrino-induced extensive air showers
ApP 15, Is. 2, 2001
- Gorham P.,David Saltzberg, Paul Schoessow, Wei Gai, John G. Power, Richard Konecny, M. E. Conde
- Radio-Frequency Measurements of Coherent Transition and Cherenkov Radiation: Implications for
High-Energy Neutrino Detection
Phys.Rev. E62 (2000) 8590-8605
- Goyal Ashok, Abhinav Gupta, Namit Mahajan
- Neutrinos as Source of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in Extra Dimensions
Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 043003
- Harari D., Mollerach S., Roulet E.
- Signatures of galactic magnetic lensing upon UHECR
- Harari D., Mollerach S., Roulet E.
- Magnetic lensing of extremely high energy cosmic rays in a galactic
- Harari Diego, Silvia Mollerach, Esteban Roulet
- Magnetic lensing of ultra high energy cosmic rays
- Iwazaki Aiichi
- Ultra
High Energy Cosmic Rays from Axion Stars
- Kachelriess M.
- Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and new particle physics
- Kalashev O.E., Vadim A. Kuzmin, D.V. Semikoz
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: propagation in the Galaxy and
- Konoplich R.V., S.G.Rubin
- Possible Signature of Low Scale Gravity in Ultra High Enegry Cosmic
Rays (fig.1, fig.2, fig.3)
- Kusenko Alexander
- Signature neutrinos from ultrahigh-energy photons
- Kusenko A., Vadim A. Kuzmin
- Possible galactic sources of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and a strategy for their detection via
gravitational lensing
- Letessier-Selvon A.
- Theoretical and Experimental Topics on Ultra High Energy Cosmic
- Letessier-Selvon A.
- Neutrinos and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
- Letessier-Selvon A.
- Establishing The GZK Cutoff With Ultra High Energy Tau Neutrinos
- Levinson A.
- TeV Emission by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays in Nearby, Dormant AGNs
- Levinson Amir
- UHECR Production and Curvature TeV Emission in Nearby, Dormant
- Masperi Luis, Milva Orsaria
- Hard component of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and vortons
- Masperi Luis, M. Orsaria
- Comparison of UHECR spectra from necklaces and vortons
- Medina-Tanco Gustavo
- Ultra-high energy cosmic rays: are they isotropic?
- Medina-Tanco Gustavo, Torsten A. Ensslin
- Isotropization of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Arrival Directions by Radio Ghosts
ApP 16, Is.1, 2001
- Nagano M., A. A. Watson
- Observations and implications of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
Reviews of Modern Physics, V.72, Issue 3, pp. 689-732
- Olinto A. V.
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: The theoretical challenge
- Pelletier Guy, Evy Kersale
- Acceleration of UHE Cosmic Rays in Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Pino, E.M. de Gouveia Dal, A. Lazarian
- Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration by Magnetic
Reconnection in Newborn Accretion Induced Collapse Pulsars (figures)
Astrophys.J. 536 (2000) L31-L34
- Poirier J. , J. Carpenter, J. Gress, T. F. Lin, A. Roesch
- Composition of UHE Cosmic Ray Primaries
- Ranft J.
- Hadronic collisions: physics, models and event generators
used for simulating the cosmic ray cascade at the highest energies
- Ridky Jan
- Can We Observe the Quark Gluon Plasma in Cosmic Ray Showers ?
- Roulet E., Harari D., Mollerach S.
- The most energetic particles in the universe
- Sato Humitaka
- Extremely High Energy and Violation of Lorentz Invariance
- Scully S.T., F.W. Stecker
- On the spectrum of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays and the Gamma
Ray Burst Origin Hypothesis
ApP 16, Is.3, 2002
- Siemieniec G., Ostrowski M.
- On energy spectra of UHE cosmic rays accelerated in supergalactic accretion flows
- Sigl G.
- CR and neutrino interactions beyond the standard model
- Sigl Guenter, Diego Torres, Luis Anchordoqui, Gustavo Romero
- Testing the Correlation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with High
Redshift Sources
- Sigl Guenter
- Particle and Astrophysics Aspects of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
- Stanev Todor, Engel Ralph, Anita Muecke, Raymond J. Protheroe, Joerg P. Rachen
- Propagation of ultra-high energy protons
in the nearby universe
- Ugoccioni R., L. Teodoro, U. Wichoski
- Large Scale Structure and Cosmic Rays revisited
- Virmani A., S. Bhattacharya, P. Jain, S. Razzaque, J. P. Ralston,
D. W. McKay
- Correlation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with Compact Radio Loud Quasars
- Waxman E.
- Gamma-Ray Bursts, Cosmic-Rays and Neutrinos
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 87 (2000) 345-354
- Wilson A. S., A. J. Young, P. L. Shopbell
- Chandra X-ray Observations of Pictor A: High Energy Cosmic Rays in
a Radio Galaxy (figures)
- Zhang Xingzhi
- The Multiply Scattering Effect on the Energy Measurement of UHE
Cosmic Rays using Atmospheric Fluorescence Technique
- Ziaeepour Houri
- A Decaying Ultra Heavy Dark Matter (WIMPZILLA): Review of
Recent Progress