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- Alfaro J., Palma Gonzalo
- Loop Quantum Gravity Corrections and Cosmic Ray Decays
- Alvarez-Muniz J., E. Zas
- Prospects for radio detection of extremely high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in the Moon
- Alvarez-Mun~iz J., Ralph Engel, Todor Stanev
- UHECR propagation in the Galaxy: clustering versus isotropy
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- Amelino-Camelia Giovanni
- Space-time quantum solves three experimental paradoxes
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- Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Thomas J. Weiler
- An Auger test of the Cen A model of highest energy cosmic rays
- Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Stephen Reucroft, Gustavo E. Romero, John Swain, Diego F. Torres
- The Mysterious Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Clustering
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- Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Stephen Reucroft, John Swain
Extragalactic Sources for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei
Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 123004
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Constraints on the Ultra High Energy Photon flux using inclined showers from the Haverah Park array
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- Ave M., J.A. Hinton, R.A. Vazquez, A.A. Watson, E. Zas
A new approach to inferring the mass composition of cosmic rays at energies above 1017 eV
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The Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays Above $3 \times 1017 eV as measured with the Haverah Park Array
- Berezinsky V., A.Z. Gazizov, S.I. Grigorieva
Ultra high energy cosmic rays from extragalactic astrophysical sources: energy losses and spectra
- Bertou X., P. Billoir, O. Deligny, C. Lachaud, A. Letessier-Selvon
Tau Neutrinos in the Auger Observatory : A New Window to UHECR Sources
Astropart.Phys. 17 (2002) 183-193
- Blasi P., Dick R., Kolb E.W.
- Ultra-high energy cosmic rays from annihilation of superheavy dark matter
- Blasi P., Dick R., Kolb E.W.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: The Annihilation of Super-Heavy Relics
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 110 (2002) 494-496
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Small Scale Anisotropies of UHECRs from Super-Heavy Halo Dark Matter
astro-ph, ICRC Hamburg
- Campos A.H., Lengruber L.L., Reis H.C., Rosenfeld R., Sato R.
- Bounds on Direct Couplings of Superheavy Metastable Particles to the Inflaton Field from Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Events
- Chavez H., Masperi L., Orsaria M.
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- Coriano C., Faraggi A.E., Plumacher Michael
- Stable Superstring Relics and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
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- SUSY Scaling Violations and UHECR
AIP Conf.Proc. 602 (2001) 145-149
- Dermer C. D.
- Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutron-Decay Halos from Gamma Ray Bursts
- Domokos G., S. Kovesi-Domokos
Particle Candidates of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
- Dubovsky S.L., P.G. Tinyakov
Violation of Lorentz Invariance and neutral component of UHECR
- Engel Ralph, Seckel D., Todor Stanev
- Neutrinos from propagation of ultra-high energy protons
Phys. Rev. D 64, 093010
- Evans Wyn, F. Ferrer, Subir Sarkar
- The Anisotropy of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Fargion Daniele
- Tau Air-Showers Signature of Ultra High Energy Neutrinos
- Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, C.Di Troia, R.V.Konoplich
- Shadows of Relic Neutrino Masses and Spectra on Highest Energy GZK Cosmic Rays
- Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini
Ultra High Energy Neutrino-Relic Neutrino Interactions In Dark Halos to Solve Infrared-Tev And GZK Cut-Off
astro-ph, ICRC Hamburg 2001
- Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, C.Di Troia
Clustering, Anisotropy, Spectra of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray: Finger-prints of Relic Neutrinos Masses in Dark Halos
Supplement B, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. Vol(70),pp.46-57, 2001
- Fargion D., P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, M.Grossi, M. De Santis, Barbara Mele
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray and UHE Neutrino-Z Showering in Dark Halos
- Feng Jonathan L., Shapere Alfred D.
- Black Hole Production by Cosmic Rays
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 021303
- Fodor Z., Katz S.D., A. Ringwald
Determination of absolute neutrino masses from Z-bursts
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 171101
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Possible detection of relic neutrinos and determination of their mass: quantitative analysis
hep-ph, ICRC Hamburg
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- Propagation of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and compact sources
- Fodor Z., Katz S.D.
- Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays as a Grand Unification signal
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- Ultra high energy cosmic rays: clustering, GUT scale and neutrino masses
- Gorbunov D.S., G.G.Raffelt, D.V.Semikoz
- Axion-like particles as ultra high energy cosmic rays?
- Gorham P. W.,K. M. Liewer, C. J. Naudet, D. P. Saltzberg, D. R. Williams
- Radio limits on an isotropic flux of >100 EeV cosmic neutrinos
- Hagiwara K., Y. Uehara
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, Superheavy Dark Matter and Extra Dimension
Phys.Lett. B517 (2001) 383-386
- Heck D.
- Extensive Air Shower Simulations with CORSIKA and the Influence of High-Energy Hadronic Interaction
- Illana, Jose I.
- TeV Strings and Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays
Acta Phys.Polon. B32 (2001) 3695-3706
- Isola C., M. Lemoine, G. Sigl
- Centaurus A as the Source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays?
- Kalashev O.E., Kuzmin V.A., Semikoz D.V., Tkachev I.I.
- Photons as Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays?
- Kalashev O.E., Kuzmin V.A., Semikoz D.V., G. Sigl
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Neutrino Emitting Acceleration Sources?
Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 103003
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Astroparticle physics signals beyond the Standard Model
- Kobal M. and Pierre Auger Collaboration
- A thinning method using weight limitation for air-shower simulations
ApP 15, Is. 3, 2001
- Kusenko Alexander , Thomas Weiler
Neutrino cross sections at high energies and the future observations of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 161101
- Lehtinen Nikolai G., Shaffique Adam, Giorgio Gratta, Thomas K. Berger, Michael J. Buckingham
- Sensitivity of an underwater acoustic array to ultra-high energy neutrinos
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- Particle Energy And Acceleration Efficiencies In Highly Relativistic Shocks
- Mckellar B. H. J. , M. Garbutt, G. J. Stephenson Jr, T. Goldman
Neutrino clustering and the Z-burst model
- Olinto A. V.
- The Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
- Olum Ken D., J. J. Blanco-Pillado
- Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from relic topological defects
- O'Neill S., Olinto A.V., Blasi P.
- Galactic Magnetic Field Structure and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Propagation
Proceedings of the 27th ICRC
- Ostrowski M.
- Mechanisms and sites of ultra high energy cosmic ray origin
- Pino E. M. de Gouveia Dal, Alex Lazarian
Constraints on the Acceleration of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays in Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars
Astrophys.J. 560 (2001) 358-364
- Raikin R.I., A.A.Lagutin, N.Inoue, A.Misaki
- The Shape of EAS Lateral Distribution and Primary Composition of the UHE Cosmic Rays
- Razzaque S., John P. Ralston
On the Global Anisotropy of Cosmic Ray Data above 4× 1019 eV
- Rebel H.
- What Do We Expect to Learn from Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Observations?
Acta Phys.Polon. B33 (2002) 211-226
- Reucroft S.
- Heavy Ions Interpretation of Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
- Ringwald A., Tu H.
- Collider versus Cosmic Ray Sensitivity to Black Hole Production
Phys.Lett. B525 (2002) 135-142
- Ringwald A.
- Possible detection of relic neutrinos and their mass
- Rudak B.
- Neutron Stars as Sources of High Energy Particles - the case of RPP
- Seckel D.
- In ice radio detection of GZK neutrinos
- Sigl Guenter
- Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: A Probe of Physics and Astrophysics at Extreme Energies
Science 291 (2001) 73-79, 5 January 2001
- Sigl Guenter
Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays as Probes of New Physics
- Sommers P.
- Cosmic ray anisotropy analysis with a full-sky observatory
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 14, Issue 4, p. 271-286
- Stanev Todor , David Seckel, Ralph Engel
Propagation of ultra-high energy protons in regular extragalactic magnetic fields
- Stecker F.W.
- The Curious Adventure of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
- Stecker F.W., Sheldon L. Glashow
- New Tests of Lorentz Invariance Following from Observations of the Highest Energy Cosmic Gamma Rays
ApP 16, Is. 1, 2001
- Tamaki Takashi , Harada Tomohiro, Miyamoto Umpei
- Have we already detected astrophysical symptoms of space-time noncommutativity ?
Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 083003
- Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
- Correlation function of ultra-high energy cosmic rays favors point sources
- Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
- BL Lacertae are sources of the observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays
- Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
- Tracing protons through the Galactic magnetic field: a clue for charge composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
- Toldra Ramon
- A C++ Code to Solve the DGLAP Equations Applied to Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Comput.Phys.Commun. 143 (2002) 287-304
- Watson A. A.
- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: present status and future prospects
- Waxman Eli
- High energy particles from gamma-ray bursts
- Weiler Thomas J.
- Extreme-Energy Cosmic Rays: Puzzles, Models, and Maybe Neutrinos
- Zas Enrique
- Astroparticle Physics: The High Energy Tail of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum
- Zas Enrique
- ZeV Air Showers: The View from Auger