<--2000         2002-->         TOP       

Alfaro J., Palma Gonzalo
Loop Quantum Gravity Corrections and Cosmic Ray Decays

Alvarez-Muniz J., E. Zas
Prospects for radio detection of extremely high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in the Moon

Alvarez-Mun~iz J., Ralph Engel, Todor Stanev
UHECR propagation in the Galaxy: clustering versus isotropy
ApJ 572, 185 (2002)

Amelino-Camelia Giovanni
Space-time quantum solves three experimental paradoxes
Phys.Lett. B528 (2002) 181-187

Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Thomas J. Weiler
An Auger test of the Cen A model of highest energy cosmic rays

Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Stephen Reucroft, Gustavo E. Romero, John Swain, Diego F. Torres
The Mysterious Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Clustering
Mod.Phys.Lett. A16 (2001) 2033-2045

Anchordoqui Luis A., Haim Goldberg, Stephen Reucroft, John Swain
Extragalactic Sources for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei
Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 123004

Ave M., J.A. Hinton, R.A. Vazquez, A.A. Watson, E. Zas
Constraints on the Ultra High Energy Photon flux using inclined showers from the Haverah Park array
Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 063007

Ave M., J.A. Hinton, R.A. Vazquez, A.A. Watson, E. Zas
A new approach to inferring the mass composition of cosmic rays at energies above 1017 eV

Ave M.,J. Knapp, J. Lloyd-Evans, M. Marchesini, A.A. Watson
The Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays Above $3 \times 1017 eV as measured with the Haverah Park Array

Berezinsky V., A.Z. Gazizov, S.I. Grigorieva
Ultra high energy cosmic rays from extragalactic astrophysical sources: energy losses and spectra

Bertou X., P. Billoir, O. Deligny, C. Lachaud, A. Letessier-Selvon
Tau Neutrinos in the Auger Observatory : A New Window to UHECR Sources
Astropart.Phys. 17 (2002) 183-193

Blasi P., Dick R., Kolb E.W.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays from annihilation of superheavy dark matter

Blasi P., Dick R., Kolb E.W.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: The Annihilation of Super-Heavy Relics
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 110 (2002) 494-496

Blasi P.,R.K. Sheth
Small Scale Anisotropies of UHECRs from Super-Heavy Halo Dark Matter
astro-ph, ICRC Hamburg

Campos A.H., Lengruber L.L., Reis H.C., Rosenfeld R., Sato R.
Bounds on Direct Couplings of Superheavy Metastable Particles to the Inflaton Field from Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Events

Chavez H., Masperi L., Orsaria M.
Superheavy particles either for UHECR or for muon anomaly

Coriano C., Faraggi A.E., Plumacher Michael
Stable Superstring Relics and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
Nucl.Phys. B614 (2001) 233-253

Coriano C., Faraggi A.E.
SUSY Scaling Violations and UHECR
AIP Conf.Proc. 602 (2001) 145-149

Dermer C. D.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutron-Decay Halos from Gamma Ray Bursts

Domokos G., S. Kovesi-Domokos
Particle Candidates of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

Dubovsky S.L., P.G. Tinyakov
Violation of Lorentz Invariance and neutral component of UHECR

Engel Ralph, Seckel D., Todor Stanev
Neutrinos from propagation of ultra-high energy protons
Phys. Rev. D 64, 093010

Evans Wyn, F. Ferrer, Subir Sarkar
The Anisotropy of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

Fargion Daniele
Tau Air-Showers Signature of Ultra High Energy Neutrinos

Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, C.Di Troia, R.V.Konoplich
Shadows of Relic Neutrino Masses and Spectra on Highest Energy GZK Cosmic Rays

Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini
Ultra High Energy Neutrino-Relic Neutrino Interactions In Dark Halos to Solve Infrared-Tev And GZK Cut-Off
astro-ph, ICRC Hamburg 2001

Fargion D., M.Grossi, P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, C.Di Troia
Clustering, Anisotropy, Spectra of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray: Finger-prints of Relic Neutrinos Masses in Dark Halos
Supplement B, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. Vol(70),pp.46-57, 2001

Fargion D., P.G.De Sanctis Lucentini, M.Grossi, M. De Santis, Barbara Mele
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray and UHE Neutrino-Z Showering in Dark Halos

Feng Jonathan L., Shapere Alfred D.
Black Hole Production by Cosmic Rays
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 021303

Fodor Z., Katz S.D., A. Ringwald
Determination of absolute neutrino masses from Z-bursts
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 171101

Fodor Z., Katz S.D., A. Ringwald
Possible detection of relic neutrinos and determination of their mass: quantitative analysis
hep-ph, ICRC Hamburg

Fodor Z., Katz S.D.
Propagation of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and compact sources

Fodor Z., Katz S.D.
Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays as a Grand Unification signal

Fodor Z.
Ultra high energy cosmic rays: clustering, GUT scale and neutrino masses

Gorbunov D.S., G.G.Raffelt, D.V.Semikoz
Axion-like particles as ultra high energy cosmic rays?

Gorham P. W.,K. M. Liewer, C. J. Naudet, D. P. Saltzberg, D. R. Williams
Radio limits on an isotropic flux of >100 EeV cosmic neutrinos

Hagiwara K., Y. Uehara
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, Superheavy Dark Matter and Extra Dimension
Phys.Lett. B517 (2001) 383-386

Heck D.
Extensive Air Shower Simulations with CORSIKA and the Influence of High-Energy Hadronic Interaction Models

Illana, Jose I.
TeV Strings and Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays
Acta Phys.Polon. B32 (2001) 3695-3706

Isola C., M. Lemoine, G. Sigl
Centaurus A as the Source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays?

Kalashev O.E., Kuzmin V.A., Semikoz D.V., Tkachev I.I.
Photons as Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays?

Kalashev O.E., Kuzmin V.A., Semikoz D.V., G. Sigl
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Neutrino Emitting Acceleration Sources?
Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 103003

Katz S.D.
Astroparticle physics signals beyond the Standard Model

Kobal M. and Pierre Auger Collaboration
A thinning method using weight limitation for air-shower simulations
ApP 15, Is. 3, 2001

Kusenko Alexander , Thomas Weiler
Neutrino cross sections at high energies and the future observations of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 161101

Lehtinen Nikolai G., Shaffique Adam, Giorgio Gratta, Thomas K. Berger, Michael J. Buckingham
Sensitivity of an underwater acoustic array to ultra-high energy neutrinos

Meli A., J.J.Quenby
Particle Energy And Acceleration Efficiencies In Highly Relativistic Shocks

Mckellar B. H. J. , M. Garbutt, G. J. Stephenson Jr, T. Goldman
Neutrino clustering and the Z-burst model

Olinto A. V.
The Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

Olum Ken D., J. J. Blanco-Pillado
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from relic topological defects

O'Neill S., Olinto A.V., Blasi P.
Galactic Magnetic Field Structure and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Propagation
Proceedings of the 27th ICRC

Ostrowski M.
Mechanisms and sites of ultra high energy cosmic ray origin

Pino E. M. de Gouveia Dal, Alex Lazarian
Constraints on the Acceleration of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays in Accretion-Induced Collapse Pulsars
Astrophys.J. 560 (2001) 358-364

Raikin R.I., A.A.Lagutin, N.Inoue, A.Misaki
The Shape of EAS Lateral Distribution and Primary Composition of the UHE Cosmic Rays

Razzaque S., John P. Ralston
On the Global Anisotropy of Cosmic Ray Data above 4× 1019 eV

Rebel H.
What Do We Expect to Learn from Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Observations?
Acta Phys.Polon. B33 (2002) 211-226

Reucroft S.
Heavy Ions Interpretation of Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

Ringwald A., Tu H.
Collider versus Cosmic Ray Sensitivity to Black Hole Production
Phys.Lett. B525 (2002) 135-142

Ringwald A.
Possible detection of relic neutrinos and their mass

Rudak B.
Neutron Stars as Sources of High Energy Particles - the case of RPP

Seckel D.
In ice radio detection of GZK neutrinos

Sigl Guenter
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: A Probe of Physics and Astrophysics at Extreme Energies
Science 291 (2001) 73-79, 5 January 2001

Sigl Guenter
Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays as Probes of New Physics

Sommers P.
Cosmic ray anisotropy analysis with a full-sky observatory
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 14, Issue 4, p. 271-286

Stanev Todor , David Seckel, Ralph Engel
Propagation of ultra-high energy protons in regular extragalactic magnetic fields

Stecker F.W.
The Curious Adventure of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

Stecker F.W., Sheldon L. Glashow
New Tests of Lorentz Invariance Following from Observations of the Highest Energy Cosmic Gamma Rays
ApP 16, Is. 1, 2001

Tamaki Takashi , Harada Tomohiro, Miyamoto Umpei
Have we already detected astrophysical symptoms of space-time noncommutativity ?
Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 083003

Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
Correlation function of ultra-high energy cosmic rays favors point sources

Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
BL Lacertae are sources of the observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Tinyakov P.G., I. I. Tkachev
Tracing protons through the Galactic magnetic field: a clue for charge composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Toldra Ramon
A C++ Code to Solve the DGLAP Equations Applied to Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Comput.Phys.Commun. 143 (2002) 287-304

Watson A. A.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: present status and future prospects

Waxman Eli
High energy particles from gamma-ray bursts

Weiler Thomas J.
Extreme-Energy Cosmic Rays: Puzzles, Models, and Maybe Neutrinos

Zas Enrique
Astroparticle Physics: The High Energy Tail of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum

Zas Enrique
ZeV Air Showers: The View from Auger

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M.B. , 22.4.2001