<--2001         Latest Articles -->
- Aharonian F.A., A.A. Belyanin, E.V. Derishev, V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky
Constraints on the Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Accelerators from Classical Electrodynamics
- Ahn Eun-Joo, Cavaglia Marco
- A New Era in High-energy Physics
- Aloisio R., P. Blasi, A. Galante, P.L. Ghia, A.F. Grillo
Space Time Fluctuations and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions
- Amelino-Camelia Giovanni
Quantum-gravity phenomenology with gamma rays and UHE cosmic rays
- Anchordoqui Luis, Thomas Paul, Stephen Reucroft, John Swain
Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: The state of the art before the Auger Observatory
- Ave M., L. Cazon, J.A. Hinton, J. Knapp, J. LLoyd-Evans, A.A. Watson
Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays in the Range 2× 1017 - 3× 1018 Measured with Haverah Park Array
- Bahcall John N., Eli Waxman
Has the GZK cutoff been discovered?
- Barbot C., Manuel Drees
Production of ultra-energetic cosmic rays through the decay of super-heavy X particles
Phys.Lett. B533 (2002) 107-115
- Bednarek W.
Production of neutrons, neutrinos, and
gamma rays by a very fast pulsar in galactic centre region
MN 331, 483
- Bednarek W., M. Giller, M. Zielinska
Images of very high energy cosmic ray sources in the Galaxy: I. A source towards the Galactic Centre
- Berezinsky V., A.Z.Gazizov, S.I.Grigorieva
On astrophysical solution to ultra high energy cosmic rays
- Berezinsky V., M.Kachelriess, S.Ostapchenko
Electroweak jet cascading in the decay of superheavy particles
- Biermann Peter, Guenter Sigl
Introduction to Cosmic Rays
Lect.Notes Phys. 576 (2001) 1-26
- Buechner J.
- Comparative reconnection studies at the Sun and in planetary magnetospheres
Adv. Space Res. 29, # 7
- Casadio Roberto , Benjamin Harms, Octavian Micu
- Microscopic Black Holes as a Source of Ultrahigh Energy gamma-rays
- Chen P., T. Tajima, Y. Takahashi
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration for Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
- Dick R., P. Blasi, E. W. Kolb
- Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation
- Dolag K. et al.
Evolution and structure of magnetic fields in simulated galaxy clusters
Astron Astrophys 387, 383
- Dubrovich V.K., M.Yu.Khlopov
Primordial pairing and binding of superheavy charge particles in the early Universe
- Fodor Z., S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald
- Relic neutrino masses and the highest energy cosmic rays
- Fodor Z.
Clustering, GUT scale and neutrino masses in Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
- Gelmini G., Gabriele Varieschi
Cosmic rays above the ankle from Z-bursts
- Gorbunov D.S., P.G.Tinyakov, I.I.Tkachev, S.V.Troitsky
Evidence for a connection between gamma-ray and highest-energy cosmic ray emissions by BL Lacs
- Gorbunov D.S.
Sgoldstinos: Primaries of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Gorbunov D.S., P.G. Tinyakov, S.V. Troitsky
Constraints on ultra-high energy neutrinos from optically thick astrophysical accelerators
- Gorbunov D.S., P.G. Tinyakov, S.V. Troitsky
Extensive Air Shower Simulations at the Highest Energies
- Green Kevin, Jonathan L. Rosner, Denis A. Suprun, J. F. Wilkerson
- A prototype system for detecting the radio-frequency pulse associated with cosmic ray air showers
- Greig I., Y Litvinenko
- Particle acceleration scalings based on exact analytic models for magnetic reconnections
Adv. Space Res. 29, # 7, p.387
- Halzen Francis, Dan Hooper
- High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: The Cosmic Ray Connection
- Han J.L. et al.
Counterclockwise magnetic fields in the Norma spiral arm
ApJ 570, L17.
- Harari D., Silvia Mollerach, Esteban Roulet
Astrophysical magnetic field reconstruction and spectroscopy with ultra high energy cosmic rays
- Houde M. et al.
On the measurement of the magnitude and
orientation of the magnetic field in molecular clouds
ApJ 569, 803
- Ibarra Alejandro, Ramon Toldra
- Neutralino spectrum in top-down models of UHECR
- Isola C.
Large Scale Magnetic Fields and the Number of Cosmic Ray Sources above
1019 eV
- Kalashev O.E., Vadim A. Kuzmin, Dmitry V. Semikoz, Guenter Sigl
Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes and Their Constraints
- Levinson A., Boldt E.
- UHECR production by a compact black hole dynamo: application to Sgr A*
ApP 16, Is.3, 2002
- Loeb Abraham, Eli Waxman
- Galactic Constraints on the Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- Maisheev V. A.
Vacuum polarization energy losses of high energy cosmic rays
- Marzuola C.
Argentine crisis rattles cosmic-ray hunters
Nat 417, # 6890 [13 VI], 679
- Masperi L., Orsaria M.
Hard component of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and vortons
ApP 16, Is.4, 2002
- Olinto Angela V.
The Future of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 110 (2002) 434-442
- Ostrowski M., G. Siemieniec-Ozieblo
Cosmic ray acceleration at supergalactic accretion shocks: a new upper energy limit due to a finite shock extension
Astron Astrophys 386, 829
- Päs H., T. J. Weiler
Absolute neutrino masses: physics beyond SM, double beta decay and cosmic rays
- Priest E.R., T. G. Forbes
The magnetic nature of solar flares
Astron Astrophys Review 10, # 4, p. 313.
- Sarkar S.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and new physics
- Sasaki M., A. Kusaka, Y. Asaoka
Design of UHECR telescope with 1 arcmin resolution and 50 degree field of view
- Schmitz H. et al.
The influence of electron temperatures and magnetic strengths on CR injection in high Mach number shocks
ApJ 570, 637.
- Shinozaki K. et al.
Upper limit on gamma-ray flux above 10 EeV estimated by the AGASA experiment
ApJ 571, L117
- Sigl G.
Probing Physics at Extreme Energies with Cosmic Ultra-High Energy Radiation
- Smialkowski A., M. Giller, W. Michalak
Luminous infrared galaxies as possible sources of the UHE cosmic rays
- Toldra Ramon
- The Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum from Relic Particle Decay and DGLAP Evolution
- Torres Diego F. , Elihu Boldt, Timothy Hamilton, Michael Loewenstein
Nearby quasar remnants and ultra-high energy cosmic rays
- Uehara Y.
Neutrino Majorana Mass from Black Hole
- Vankov H., Stanev T.
Lorentz Invariance Violation and the QED Formation Length
- Vega H.J. de, N. S'anchez
UHECR as Decay Products of Heavy Relics? The Lifetime Problem
- Ziaeepour H.
Testing Brane World Models with Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
M.B. ,