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Aharonian F.A., A.A. Belyanin, E.V. Derishev, V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky
Constraints on the Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Accelerators from Classical Electrodynamics

Ahn Eun-Joo, Cavaglia Marco
A New Era in High-energy Physics

Aloisio R., P. Blasi, A. Galante, P.L. Ghia, A.F. Grillo
Space Time Fluctuations and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions

Amelino-Camelia Giovanni
Quantum-gravity phenomenology with gamma rays and UHE cosmic rays

Anchordoqui Luis, Thomas Paul, Stephen Reucroft, John Swain
Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: The state of the art before the Auger Observatory

Ave M., L. Cazon, J.A. Hinton, J. Knapp, J. LLoyd-Evans, A.A. Watson
Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays in the Range 2× 1017 - 3× 1018 Measured with Haverah Park Array

Bahcall John N., Eli Waxman
Has the GZK cutoff been discovered?

Barbot C., Manuel Drees
Production of ultra-energetic cosmic rays through the decay of super-heavy X particles
Phys.Lett. B533 (2002) 107-115

Bednarek W.
Production of neutrons, neutrinos, and gamma rays by a very fast pulsar in galactic centre region
MN 331, 483

Bednarek W., M. Giller, M. Zielinska
Images of very high energy cosmic ray sources in the Galaxy: I. A source towards the Galactic Centre

Berezinsky V., A.Z.Gazizov, S.I.Grigorieva
On astrophysical solution to ultra high energy cosmic rays

Berezinsky V., M.Kachelriess, S.Ostapchenko
Electroweak jet cascading in the decay of superheavy particles

Biermann Peter, Guenter Sigl
Introduction to Cosmic Rays
Lect.Notes Phys. 576 (2001) 1-26

Buechner J.
Comparative reconnection studies at the Sun and in planetary magnetospheres
Adv. Space Res. 29, # 7

Casadio Roberto , Benjamin Harms, Octavian Micu
Microscopic Black Holes as a Source of Ultrahigh Energy gamma-rays

Chen P., T. Tajima, Y. Takahashi
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration for Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

Dick R., P. Blasi, E. W. Kolb
Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation

Dolag K. et al.
Evolution and structure of magnetic fields in simulated galaxy clusters
Astron Astrophys 387, 383

Dubrovich V.K., M.Yu.Khlopov
Primordial pairing and binding of superheavy charge particles in the early Universe

Fodor Z., S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald
Relic neutrino masses and the highest energy cosmic rays

Fodor Z.
Clustering, GUT scale and neutrino masses in Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays

Gelmini G., Gabriele Varieschi
Cosmic rays above the ankle from Z-bursts

Gorbunov D.S., P.G.Tinyakov, I.I.Tkachev, S.V.Troitsky
Evidence for a connection between gamma-ray and highest-energy cosmic ray emissions by BL Lacs

Gorbunov D.S.
Sgoldstinos: Primaries of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

Gorbunov D.S., P.G. Tinyakov, S.V. Troitsky
Constraints on ultra-high energy neutrinos from optically thick astrophysical accelerators

Gorbunov D.S., P.G. Tinyakov, S.V. Troitsky
Extensive Air Shower Simulations at the Highest Energies

Green Kevin, Jonathan L. Rosner, Denis A. Suprun, J. F. Wilkerson
A prototype system for detecting the radio-frequency pulse associated with cosmic ray air showers

Greig I., Y Litvinenko
Particle acceleration scalings based on exact analytic models for magnetic reconnections
Adv. Space Res. 29, # 7, p.387

Halzen Francis, Dan Hooper
High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: The Cosmic Ray Connection

Han J.L. et al.
Counterclockwise magnetic fields in the Norma spiral arm
ApJ 570, L17.

Harari D., Silvia Mollerach, Esteban Roulet
Astrophysical magnetic field reconstruction and spectroscopy with ultra high energy cosmic rays

Houde M. et al.
On the measurement of the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic field in molecular clouds
ApJ 569, 803

Ibarra Alejandro, Ramon Toldra
Neutralino spectrum in top-down models of UHECR

Isola C.
Large Scale Magnetic Fields and the Number of Cosmic Ray Sources above 1019 eV

Kalashev O.E., Vadim A. Kuzmin, Dmitry V. Semikoz, Guenter Sigl
Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes and Their Constraints

Levinson A., Boldt E.
UHECR production by a compact black hole dynamo: application to Sgr A*
ApP 16, Is.3, 2002

Loeb Abraham, Eli Waxman
Galactic Constraints on the Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

Maisheev V. A.
Vacuum polarization energy losses of high energy cosmic rays

Marzuola C.
Argentine crisis rattles cosmic-ray hunters
Nat 417, # 6890 [13 VI], 679

Masperi L., Orsaria M.
Hard component of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and vortons
ApP 16, Is.4, 2002

Olinto Angela V.
The Future of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 110 (2002) 434-442

Ostrowski M., G. Siemieniec-Ozieblo
Cosmic ray acceleration at supergalactic accretion shocks: a new upper energy limit due to a finite shock extension
Astron Astrophys 386, 829

Päs H., T. J. Weiler
Absolute neutrino masses: physics beyond SM, double beta decay and cosmic rays

Priest E.R., T. G. Forbes
The magnetic nature of solar flares
Astron Astrophys Review 10, # 4, p. 313.

Sarkar S.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and new physics

Sasaki M., A. Kusaka, Y. Asaoka
Design of UHECR telescope with 1 arcmin resolution and 50 degree field of view

Schmitz H. et al.
The influence of electron temperatures and magnetic strengths on CR injection in high Mach number shocks
ApJ 570, 637.

Shinozaki K. et al.
Upper limit on gamma-ray flux above 10 EeV estimated by the AGASA experiment
ApJ 571, L117

Sigl G.
Probing Physics at Extreme Energies with Cosmic Ultra-High Energy Radiation

Smialkowski A., M. Giller, W. Michalak
Luminous infrared galaxies as possible sources of the UHE cosmic rays

Toldra Ramon
The Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum from Relic Particle Decay and DGLAP Evolution

Torres Diego F. , Elihu Boldt, Timothy Hamilton, Michael Loewenstein
Nearby quasar remnants and ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Uehara Y.
Neutrino Majorana Mass from Black Hole

Vankov H., Stanev T.
Lorentz Invariance Violation and the QED Formation Length

Vega H.J. de, N. S'anchez
UHECR as Decay Products of Heavy Relics? The Lifetime Problem

Ziaeepour H.
Testing Brane World Models with Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

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M.B. , 26.1.2006