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29 Jan 11 - 7 Apr 12
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RNDr. Michal Vinkler

Position: phd student
Research topics: Ecological and evolutionary immunology
Department: Department of Population Biology
Phone: +420 221 951 839
E-mail: vinkler1natur.cuni.cz


  • 2002 up to present: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
  • 2002-2007: Undergraduate studies, specialization: Biology.Diploma thesis: Mate choice in Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus: test of "good genes" and "complementary genes" hypotheses (MSc.=Mgr.).
  • 2007 up to present: PhD. study in zoology. PhD thesis: The effect of immune system state and function on the sexual selection in birds; supervisor Doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, PhD.

    Research interests:

  • ecological and evolutionary immunology;
  • behavioural ecology;
  • evolutionary biology; mating systems



    M. PROMEROVÁ, M. VINKLER, J. BRYJA, R. POLÁKOVÁ, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, T. ALBRECHT: Occurrence of extra-pair paternity is connected to social male’s MHC-variability in the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Journal of avian biology 42 (2011) 5-10.


    M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, J. VOTÝPKA, T. ALBRECHT: Haematological health assessment in a passerine with extremely high proportion of basophils in peripheral blood, Journal of Ornithology 151 (2010) 841-849.

    M. VINKLER, H. BAINOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT: Functional analysis of the skin-swelling response to phytohaemagglutinin, Functional Ecology 24 (2010) 1081-1086.

    M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: Carotenoid maintenance handicap and the physiology of carotenoid-based signalisation of health, Naturwissenschaften 97 (2010) 19-28.


    T. ALBRECHT, M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, R. POLÁKOVÁ, P. MUNCLINGER, J. BRYJA: Extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (2009) 2020-2030.

    M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: The question waiting to be asked: Innate immunity receptors in the perspective of zoological research, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 15-28.

    M. VINKLER, A. BRYJOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Identification of the first toll-like receptor gene in passerine birds: TLR4 orthologue in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), Tissue Antigens 74 (2009) 32-41.