doc. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.

Position: research scientist
Research topics: wildlife ecology
Department: Department of Mammal Ecology
Phone: +420 543 422 548


Genetic structure of sika deer populations in the Czech Republic

Species diversity and ecology of selected West African vertebrates



J. ČERVENÝ, S. BEGALL, P. KOUBEK, P. NOVÁKOVÁ, H. BURDA: Directional preference may enhance hunting accuracy in foraging foxes, Biology Letters 7 (2011) 355-357.

P. VALLO, P. BENDA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, P. KAŇUCH, E. K. V. KALKO, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK: Morphologically uniform bats Hipposideros aff. ruber (Hipposideridae) exhibit high mitochondrial genetic diversity in southeastern Senegal, Acta Chiropterologica 13 (2011) 79-88.


M. HARTOVÁ-NENTVICHOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK: Variation in the diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in mountain habitats: Effects of altitude and season, Mammalian Biology 75 (2010) 334-340.

A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK, J. BRYJA: Indications of higher diversity and abundance of small rodents in human-influenced Sudanian savannah than in the Niokolo Koba National Park (Senegal), African Journal of Ecology 48 (2010) 718-726.

D. KOUBÍNOVÁ, K. S. SREEPADA, P. KOUBEK, J. ZIMA: Karyotypic variation in rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae), Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2010) 393-400.

Š. MAŠOVÁ, F. TENORA, V. BARUŠ, P. KOUBEK: A new Anoplocephalid (Cestoda) from Tarentola parvicarinata (Lacertilia: Gekkonidae) in Senegal (West Africa), Journal of Parasitology 96 (2010) 977-981.

S. V. MIRONOV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK: New species of the feather mite subfamily Pterodectinae (Astigmata, Proctophyllodidae) from passerines in Senegal, Acta Parasitologica 55 (2010) 399-413.

O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, T. NAJER, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: Chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from estrildid finches (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) and louse-flies (Insecta: Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genus Brueelia, Zootaxa 2714 (2010) 59-68.

O. SYCHRA, E. BARLEV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: The chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) in Senegal, with a description of a new species, African Entomology 18 (2010) 17-22.


I. LITERÁK, M. DOLEJSKÁ, A. ČÍŽEK, CH. A. T. DJIGO, A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK: Reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant enterobacteriaceae among animals sympatric to humans in Senegal: extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in bacteria in a black rat (Rattus rattus), African Journal of Microbiology Research 3 (2009) 751-754.

Š. MAŠOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ, P. KOUBEK, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Redescription of Parapharyngodon micipsae (Seurat 1917) (Nematoda Pharyngodonidae) from the new host Tarentola parvicarinata Joger 1980 (Squamata Gekkonidae), Tropical Zoology 22 (2009) 243-255.

M. RYŠAVÁ-NOVÁKOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Feeding habits of two sympatric mustelid species, European polecat Mustela putorius and stone marten Martes foina, in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 66-75.


J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK: Four new bat species from the "territory of the Czech Republic", Vespertilio 12 (2008) 11-14.

M. KOPEČNÁ, I. TRČKA, J. LAMKA, M. MORÁVKOVÁ, P. KOUBEK, M. HEROLDOVÁ, V. MRLÍK, A. KRÁLOVÁ, I. PAVLÍK: The wildlife hosts of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the Czech Republic during the years 2002–2007, Veterinární medicína 53 (2008) 420-426.

Š. MAŠOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ, P. KOUBEK, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Morphometric and molecular characterization of Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko ( Tarentola parvicarinata ), Acta Parasitologica 53 (2008) 274-283.

D. MODRÝ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, M. JIRKŮ, P. KOUBEK: Two new species of Eimeria Schneider, 1875 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Gerbilliscus guineae Thomas (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal, Systematic Parasitology 71 (2008) 223-228.

K. S. SREEPADA, D. KOUBÍNOVÁ, A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK, P. RÁB, M. RÁBOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Karyotypes of three species of molossid bats (Molossidae, Chiroptera) from India and western Africa, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 347-357.

P. VALLO, A. GUILLÉN-SERVENT, P. BENDA, D. B. PIRES, P. KOUBEK: Variation of mitochondrial DNA in the Hipposideros caffer complex (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) and its taxonomic implications, Acta Chiropterologica 10 (2008) 193-206.


M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER, P. KOUBEK, P. FOREJTEK: Foraging strategy of mouflon during the hunting season as related to food supply, Acta veterinaria Brno 76 (2007) 195-202.

P. KOUBEK, J. ČERVENÝ: The golden jackal (Canis aureus) - a new mammal species in the Czech Republic, Lynx 38 (2007) 103-106.

L. PAVLAČÍK, V. CELER, P. KOUBEK, I. LITERÁK: Prevalence of canine distemper virus in wild mustelids in the Czech Republic and a case of canine distemper in young stone martens, Veterinární medicína 52 (2007) 69-73.


J. ČERVENÝ, M. ANDĚRA, P. KOUBEK, L. BUFKA: Změny v rozšíření našich savců na začátku 21. století, Ochrana přírody 61 (2006) 44-51.

B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ, I. HODOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Thelastoma gueyei sp. n. (Nematoda: Thelastomatidae) from the Senegal diplopod Archispirostreptus tumuliporus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae), Nematology 8 (2006) 739-747.

M. NOVÁKOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Diet of the American mink (Mustela vison) in the Czech Republic (Carnivora: Mustelidae), Lynx 37 (2006) 173-177.


M. ANDĚRA, J. ČERVENÝ, L. BUFKA, D. BARTOŠOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Současné rozšíření vlka obecného (Canis lupus) v České republice, Lynx 35 (2004) 5-12.

J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK, L. BUFKA, M. KOCUROVÁ, P. FEJKLOVÁ: Eurasian lynx in the Czech Republic and its chance for survival, Naturschutz in Niederbayern 4 (2004) 78-86.

J. ČERVENÝ, D. BARTOŠOVÁ, M. ANDĚRA, P. KOUBEK: Současné rozšíření medvěda hnědého (Ursus arctos) v České republice, Lynx 35 (2004) 19-26.

P. FEJKLOVÁ, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK, D. BARTOŠOVÁ, L. BUFKA: Poznámky k potravě vlka obecného (Canis lupus) v České republice, Lynx 35 (2004) 27-33.

P. KOUBEK, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Presence of Skrjabingylus petrowi (Nematoda) in central Europe, Parasitology Research 93 (2004) 301-303.

P. KOUBEK, V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Troglotrema acutum (Digenea) from carnivores in the Czech Republic, Helminthologia 41 (2004) 25-31.


J. FEUEREISEL, P. KOUBEK: Die Verbreitung, Anzahl und Perspektiven des Muffelwildes in der Tschechischen Republik, Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 28 (2003) 79-83.


J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK, L. BUFKA: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and its chance for survival in Central Europe: the case of the Czech Republic, Acta zoologica lituanica 12 (2002) 362-366.

J. ČERVENÝ, P. FEJKLOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Poznámky k potravě medvěda hnědého (Ursus arctos) v Beskydech, Lynx 33 (2002) 105-108.

B. KOUBKOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, P. KOUBEK: Stichorchis subtriquetrus (Digenea: Cladorchidae) - back to the fauna of the Czech Republic after 200 years, Helminthologia 39 (2002) 155-158.

H. OKARMA, Y. DOVCHANYCH, S. FINDO, O. IONESCU, P. KOUBEK, L. SZEMETHY: Large carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains: status and conservation problems, Nature conservation 59 (2002) 33-39.

Z. ŘEHÁK, P. KOUBEK: Mammalia: Carnivora, Lagomorpha & Artiodactyla, Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis 106 (2002) 151-160.

S. SCHADT, E. REVILLA, T. WIEGAND, F. KNAUER, P. KACZENSKY, U. BREITENMOSER, L. BUFKA, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK, T. HUBER, C. STANIŠA, L. TREPL: Assessing the suitability of central European landscapes for the reintroduction of Eurasian lynx, Journal of Applied Ecology 39 (2002) 189-203.


J. ČERVENÝ, M. ANDĚRA, P. KOUBEK, M. HOMOLKA, A. TOMAN: Recently expanding mammal species in the Czech Republic: distribution, abundance and legal status, Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 26 (2001) 111-125.

M. HOMOLKA, P. KOUBEK, J. KAMLER: Návrh úpravy systému hospodaření se spárkatou zvěří, Folia venatoria (2001) 17-24.

D. HORAL, L. HORT, P. KOUBEK: Další prokázaná hnízdění puštíka bělavého (Strix uralensis) na Šumavě, Buteo 12 (2001) 149-150.

M. WÖLFL, L. BUFKA, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK, M. HEURICH, H. HABEL, T. HUBER, W. POOST: Distribution and status of lynx in the border region between Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, Acta Theriologica 46 (2001) 181-194.