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Department of Electrocatalysis

 Department of Theoretical Chemistry    Department of Spectroscopy    Department of Biophysical Chemistry     Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis     Department of Synthesis and Catalysis     Department of Electrochemical Materials    Department of Electrocatalysis     Department of Molecular Electrochemistry  


The Institute, its achievements and current work are regularly covered by the mainstream public media available in the Czech Republic.
Český rozhlas -stanice Vltava
Photo COST- international meeting about molecular photonics and optoelectronics..... Interview of Czech Radio with professor A. Vček (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with prof. A. Vlček and prof. Harry B. Gray on the theme Electron transfer…(in Czech only)
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT České hlavy – Dr. P. Krtil, Solid phase electrocatalysis group, on the theme of accumulation of energy (in Czech only).
Ing. KRTIL Petr, CSc.

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