Mgr. Eva Marešová

Position: phd student
Research topics: molecular biology
Department: Department of Fish Ecology
Phone: +420 543 422 529


2002-2005 Faculty of Science, Masaryk Univerzity in Brno, field of study Cellular and molecular diagnostics Bc Thesis: „Evaluation of molecular methods with regard to conservation of fish biodiversity“

Professional career:

  • 2005-2007 Faculty of Science, Masaryk Univerzity in Brno, field of study Molecular biology and genetics. Diploma thesis: „Sabanejewia balcanica - the population genetic identity in relation to repatriation of this species into Bečva basin“
  • 2008 member of the Ichtyological department in the Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR v.v.i in Brno

    Link on fylogenetic tree from article: Genetic diversity of Sabanejewia balcanica (Actinopterygii: Cobitidae) in the western Balkans and comparison with other regions.