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Department of Molecular Electrochemistry

 Department of Theoretical Chemistry    Department of Spectroscopy    Department of Biophysical Chemistry     Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis     Department of Synthesis and Catalysis     Department of Electrochemical Materials    Department of Electrocatalysis     Department of Molecular Electrochemistry  

 Scientific Meetings   Seminars   Ph.D. studies  

Ph.D. Studies

The themes of Ph.D. projects in the Institute are given as follows:
Electrochemical processes in monomolecular layers.
Preparation, properties and application of compounds for molecular electronics. Application of electrochemical methods (voltammetric and impendance measurements) aimed at determining the formation mechanism of organized structures and rate of the electron transfer.
Doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc.

Electrochemical properties of supermolecular complexes.
Synthesis of organometallic compounds and their complexes with cyclodextrines. Electrocatalytic carbonylation reactions inside a cavity of a cyclic polysacharide, suppresion of side processes limiting the catalytic effectivity.
Doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc.

Sonoelectrochemistry - utilization of ultrasound in organic electrochemistry.
Development of instrumental equipment, elucidation of physical principles (mechanism of the ultrasound effect on electrochemical processes), application of ultrasound in electrolysis (influence on the reaction mechanism and output).
KLÍMA Jiří, CSc.

Electrochemically induced luminescence and its utilization in the study of radical intermediates.
Selective electrochemical generation of radicals, origin of triplet or excited singlet states capable of eliminating light or of photochemical reacting without the excitation light. Elucidation of the dependence of emission on potential mechanism of the intermediates reactions energetics of their generation, "photochemistry without light".
Doc. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc.

Voltammetric and spectroelectrochemical investigation of reduction of organic diselenides and their complexes with heavy metals.
Selenium frequently accompanies or substitutes sulphur in biologically relevant substances, diselenides are of importance in pharmacology and organic synthesis, significant also is their interaction with heavy metals. It is desirable to clarify reactivity of the mentioned compounds and corresponding intermediates in order to understand their role in biological systems.
Doc. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc.

Study of the 1,2,4-triazine herbicides degradation.
Reduction, oxidation, catalytic and photochemical reactions of the mentioned substances, isolation and identification of the reaction intermediates and products. Modelling of the degradation processes in the nature, formulation of general conclusions on electronic interactions of the vicinal azomethine bonds with a support of quantum chemical calculations.
Doc. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc.

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