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19 Mar 09 - 3 Nov 18
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Structure of Institute of Vertebrate Biology:

Director: Doc.Ing. Marcel Honza, Dr.
telefon: +420 543 211 538
fax: +420 543 211 346
email: honzabrno.cas.cz

Scientifics Departments:
Department of Avian Ecology
Department of Fish Ecology
Department of Mammal Ecology
Department of Medical Zoology
Department of Population Biology

Technical support:
Economical Department
Editorial Office
Field station Mohelno

Deputy Directors: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
telefon: +420 543 422 523
email: jurajdabrno.cas.cz

Prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
telefon: +420 543 422 553
email: jzimabrno.cas.cz

Scientific secretary: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
telefon: +420 568 422 387
email: bryjabrno.cas.cz

Secretariat: Jitka Novotná
telefon: +420 543 422 540
Data mailbox: xcznq8p