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Running EU Projects













Head: Petr Bažant, PhD, MBA
Phone: +420 296 443 350
 E-mail: bazant@biomed.cas.cz
Popis: I:\Plnění_aj\IBC_Research_center\IBC\LOga_IBC\51 - logo jpd.jpg
 The Innovation Biomedical Center (IBC) is a facility located in the close vicinity of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in Prague-Krč. It was constructed         
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from August 2007 to March 2008, financed with contributions from the EU and the city of Prague. 
 The Science and Technology Parks Association of the CR awarded the Innovation Biomedicine Center Popis: I:\2009_BB\Profile_location_uvod_ostatni\obr ostatni\JPEG\akreditace SVTP.jpgaccreditation in October 2008.
The IBC promotes the use of the IEM’s technology to benefit the IEM through licensing inventions to spin-off companies capable of successfully commercializing them. It supports the research mission of the IEM by finding industrial partners for spin-off firms, sponsoring research and generating licensing income that supports future research. The IBC earns a fair return and increases the recognition of the IEM and the inventors, thus contributing to the growth of the spin-off firms and the development of the IEM. The IBC helps move technologies from the IEM’s laboratories to the marketplace by developing and managing an array of partnerships with the private sector. Successful technology transfer involves a number of steps, beginning with the invention of new technology. These inventions are evaluated, then if appropriate, intellectual property protection (patents or copyright) is sought. Collaborative research with industry may further develop the technology, which may then be promoted and, hopefully, licensed. The Innovation Biomedical Center has three components:
  • Center of Support for Competitiveness in Biomedicine – provides offices and a small conference room for activities focused on training, consultation and legal support in biomedicine.
  • Center of Applied Research in Biomedicine – offers laboratories for applied research and scale-up technologies, focused on regenerative medicine, cell therapy, the development of biomaterials and pharmaceuticals as well as the design of clinical studies.
  • Business Incubator for spin-off companies – the companies housed in the incubator benefit from shared consultation, patent, tax and other services and take advantage of opportunities to participate in applied research projects run in the IBC facility. The business incubator currently houses the following companies:
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BioInova, Ltd. - development and manufacture of advanced therapy medicinal products


CellNova, Ltd. – company providing expert services in cell therapy

Popis: I:\Plnění_aj\IBC_Research_center\IBC\LOga_IBC\52 - eponacell.jpg

EponaCell, Ltd. – development of veterinary cell-based products

Contact: Mgr. Daniel Bezděk
Phone: +420 296 943 362
GSM: +420 774 223 233
Popis: I:\Plnění_aj\IBC_Research_center\IBC\LOga_IBC\52 - articell logo.jpg
ArtiCell, Ltd.  – commercialization of advanced cell therapy-based treatments in orthopedics
Contact: Mgr. David Hradiský
Phone: +420 296 443 364
GSM :+420 774 223 323

BioInova, Ltd.

Director : Petr Lesný, MD
Phone: +420 241 063 351
Popis: I:\Plnění_aj\WEB_foto\UEM_26_1_2012 (23)_resize.JPGBioinova, Ltd. is a subsidiary of the IEM, charged with the transfer of the IEM’s intellectual property into practice. The company Bioinova, s.r.o. came into being in 2008 as a spin-off of the Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR with the aim of increasing the efficiency and innovative potential of knowledge transfer from research institutions into clinical practice through their connection to the business and application spheres. It mainly focuses on the operation of the new Innovation Biomedical Center (IBC) cleanrooms in order to develop innovative advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) based on the IEM’s advances in cell therapy. The company has been inspected since 2009 by the national regulatory authority (State Institute for Drug Control) and holds a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate laid down by Directive 2003/94/EC1 and a permit for the production of mesenchymal stem cells; the certificate is valid in all EU / EMA countries.
vedec1.jpg           Popis: I:\WEB_foto_kyselova\UEM_rijen_2008 (2)_resize.JPG
Bioinova employs a team of qualified professionals who specialize in preparing manufacturing processes, clinical trials and registration procedures for somatic cell therapy products and provide GMP services in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering for the needs of clinical trials, the registration of medical devices and medical practice.





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