Copyright ©2009 by
P. Soudek |
Ph.D. students:
Diploma students:
Laboratory No.
151 (phone: +420 233 022 224) |
No. 237 (phone: +420 233 022 213) |
Ondøej Lhotský |
Jana Trávníèková |
Theme of diploma thesis: Uranium accumulation by tobacco plants and
study of stress responces
Supervisor: RNDr. Jana Punèocháøová, CSc. (ICT
Advisor: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D.
Theme of diploma thesis: Thestudy of the
biotransformation of estrogenic compounds by plant organism
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Lenka Skálová, Ph.D. (FPharm CU
Advisor: RNDr. Radka Podlipná, Ph.D. |
Katarína Jusková |
Eliška Nachlingerová |
Theme of diploma thesis: Utilization of energy crops for
phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated areas
Supervisor: RNDr. Jana Punèocháøová, CSc. (ICT
Advisors: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D., Ing. Šárka Petrová,
Theme of diploma thesis: Phytoremediation technology in
remediation of industrial waste water
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdenìk Kafka, CSc. (ICT
Advisor: RNDr. Radka Podlipná, Ph.D.
Daniel Kufner |
Bc. Vanda Neradilová |
Theme of diploma thesis: Thorium accumulation and study
of stress responces of plants on thorium presence
Supervisor: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D
Advisor: doc. RNDr. Zuzana Bosáková, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Theme of diploma thesis: Biologicaly active compounds in
species of genus Rheum used in traditional Asian medicine.
Supervisor: RNDr. Hana Klusoòová, Ph.D. (FPharm CU
Advisor: Mgr. Petr Maršík, Ph.D. |
Jana Bystroòová |
Blanka Pospíšilová |
Theme of diploma thesis: Study of plant stress
responces in presence of pharmaceuticals in cultivation medium
Supervisor: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D
Advisor: prof. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Theme of diploma thesis: The study of biotransformation
of nitrocompounds by plat organism
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Lenka Skálová, Ph.D. (FPharm CU
Advisor: RNDr. Radka Podlipná, Ph.D.
Marina Ursu |
Kamila Barabášová |
Theme of diploma thesis: Mechanism of plant tolerance
against oxidative stress
Supervisor: RNDr. Jana Punèocháøová, CSc. (ICT
Advisors: Ing. Šárka Petrová, Ph.D., RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek,
Theme of diploma thesis: The proteomic study of abiotic
stress of plants
Supervisor: RNDr.,Radka Podlipná, Ph.D
Advisor: .doc. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Rostislav Adam |
Bc. Zsófia Kutil |
Theme of diploma thesis: Study of physiological changes
in plants under stress by heavy metals
Supervisor: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D.
Advisor: prof. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Theme of diploma thesis: Anti-inflammatory activity of
plant quinones
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Ladislav Kokoška, Ph.D. (CULS
Advisor: Ing. Pøemysl Landa, Ph.D.
Petra Berkyová |
Bc. Jana Andrlová
Theme of diploma thesis: Accumulation of heavy metals by
energy crops
Supervisor: RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D.
Advisor: prof. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Theme of diploma thesis: The impact of nanoparticles on
Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Eloy Fernández, Ph.D. (CULS
Advisor: Ing. Pøemysl Landa, Ph.D. |
Marie Otradovcová |
Bc. Darina Kluèková
Theme of diploma thesis: The effects of uranium on
structural characteristics of tobacco plants
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Jana Albrechtová, Ph.D.. (FS
CU Prague)
Advisors: doc. RNDr. Helena Lipavská, Ph.D., RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek,
Mgr. Zuzana Lhotáková, Ph.D.
Theme of diploma thesis: Exploration of grapevine diversity based on production of
antioxidative and anti-inflammator constituents
Supervisor: Ing. Jaroslav Havlík, Ph.D. (CULS
Advisor: Ing. Pøemysl Landa, Ph.D. |
Jana Lábusová |
Theme of diploma thesis: The effect of uranium on
carbohydrate metabolism of cultivated plants.
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Helena Lipavská, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Advisor: doc. RNDr. Jana Albrechtová, Ph.D., RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek,
Bachelor students:
Laboratory No.
151 (phone: +420 233 022 224) |
No. 237 (phone: +420 233 022 213) |
Barbora Dvoøáková |
Veronika Jarcovjáková |
Theme of bachelor thesis: Radionuclide accumulation by
plants cultivated under laboratory and real conditions
Supervisor: RNDr. Mgr. Petr Soudek,Ph.D.
Advisor: prof. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)
Theme of diploma thesis: Improving of phytoremediation
plant skills by genetic modification
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdenìk Kafka, CSc. (ICT
Advisor: RNDr. Radka Podlipná, Ph.D. |
Šárka Endlerová |
Theme of bachelor thesis: Dust particles in the
environment and their impact on plants - possible use for
Supervisor: RNDr. Mgr. Petr Soudek,Ph.D.
Advisor: prof. RNDr. Eva Tesaøová, CSc. (FS
CU Prague)