Day of Immunology 2012:
Toward New Frontiers
On the occassion of the 50th anniversary
of foundation of the Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i.
The Symposium is free of charge but registration of participants is necessary to allow the best organization.
Please fill in the form on the right. You may use full Czech diacritics.
The registration will be closed on April 15, 2012.
Please visit this page for possible additional information in the next weeks.
To take part in this Symposium we recommend registering early by filling and submitting the following Registration form. There are no admission fees. Your registration must be received by the Organizers by April 15, 2012. Admission of latecomers on April 23, 2012 will be permitted on the basis of remaining free places. Registration formFields designated with * are compulsory |