RNDr., Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D.


  1. Chapters in monograph
  2. Papers in international journals with review
  3. Papers in czech journals with review
  4. Papers in proceedinds from conferences with full text
  5. Oral presentations type „Invited Speakers“
  6. Patents
  7. Oral presentations on international conferences
  8. Poster presentations on international conferences
  9. Oral presentations on czech conferences
  10. Poster presentations on czech conferences
  11. Ph.D. and diploma thesis
  12. Popularization and outreach activities

Chapters in monograph:

  1. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, Z. Wimmer, D. Šaman : Biotransformation of Juvenogene analogues by tissue culture of Barbula unguiculata Hedw., Solanum aviculare Forst. and Rheum palmatum L., Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry, (Atta-ur-Rahman, Choudhary, M. I., Khan, K. M., eds.), Prints Arts, Karachi, 499-505, 2002
  2. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of 137-caesium by different plant species. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 43.
  3. P. Soudek, I. Kališová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metal from contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 65.
  4. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Radiophytoremediation of uranium decay range contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Prague, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 66.
  5. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, M. Bjelková, M. Griga, R. Tykva: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil. In: Phytoremediation Inventory. COST Action 837 view, (Vaněk, T., Schwitzguébel, J.P., eds.), Praha, ÚOCHB AV ČR 2003, p. 75.
  6. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia., in Uranium in the Environment, (Merkel, B.J. and Hasche-Berger, A., eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006, p. 519-524
  7. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Transgenic plants and phytoremediation for water and soil cleaning, in Advances in Plant Molecular Biology: New Approaches in Plant Genome Analysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 November 2006), p. 43-50
  8. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk : From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides, in Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 75, (Marmiroli N., Samotokin, B and Marmiroli M, eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2007, p. 139-158
  9. T. Vaněk, A. Gerth, Z. Vavříková, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of explosives, Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 75, (Marmiroli N., Samotokin, B and Marmiroli M, eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2007, p. 209-225
  10. T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek: General factors influencing application of phytotechnology techniques, in Application of phytotechnologies for cleanup of industrial, agricultural and wastewater contamination, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, (Kulakow P.A. and Pidlisnyuk V.V., eds.), Springer Dordrecht, 2010, pp. 1-13 .
  11. T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, Z. Fialová, Š. Petrová, P. Soudek: Uptake of xenobiotics from polluted waters by plants, Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle, Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies, Environmental Pollution 16, (Fatta-Kassinos D, Bester K and Kümmerer K, eds.), Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010, pp. 431-444

Papers in international journals with review:

  1. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk : Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., Pharmaceut. Pharmacol. Letters 8(4), 57-60, 1998
  2. R. Duc, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J.-P. Schwitzguébel : Accumulation and transformation of sulfonated aromatic compouns by rhubarb cells (Rheum palmatum)., International Journal of Phytoremediation. 3(1), 255-271, 1999
  3. R. Duc, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J.-P. Schwitzguébel: Experimentation with rhubarb in Europe., Soil Groundwater and Cleanup February/March, 27-30, 1999
  4. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Study of radiophytoremediation, Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 177-121, 2001 [Impact factor: 0.207(01)]
  5. I. Kališová-Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro cultures of plants, Water Air and Soil Pollution Focus 3, 269-276, 2003
  6. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Laboratory analyses of 137Cs uptake by sunflower, reed and poplar, Chemosphere 55, 1081-1087, 2004 [Impact factor: 2.359(04)]
  7. P. Soudek, E. Podracká, M. Vágner, T. Vaněk, P. Petřík, R. Tykva: 226Ra uptake from soils into different plant species., Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262, 187-189, 2004 [Impact factor: 0.457(04)]
  8. A. Golan-Goldhirsh, O. Barazani, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, S. Smrček, L. Dufková, Š. Křenková, K. Yrjala, P. Schőder, T. Vaněk: Plant response to heavy metals and organic pollutants in cell culture and at whole plant level., Journal of Soils and Sediments 4, 133-140, 2004
  9. A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, P. Schröder, T.Vaněk: Effects of heavy metals and nitroaromatic compounds on horseradish glutathione S-transferase and peroxidase., Chemosphere 57, 1007-1015, 2004 [Impact factor: 2.359(04)]
  10. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, P. Maršík, T. Vaněk: Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) in vitro., Biologia Plantarum 49(4), 487-492, 2005 [Impact factor: 0.792(05)]
  11. A. Nepovím, A. Hebner, P. Soudek, A. Gerth, H. Thomas, S. Smrček, T. Vaněk: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by selected helophytes., Chemosphere 60, 1454-1461, 2005 [Impact factor: 2.297(05)]
  12. P. Maršík, L. Kokoška, P. Landa, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: In vitro inhibitory effects of thymol and quinones of Nigella sativa seeds on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosyntheses. Planta Medica 71, 739-742, 2005 [Impact factor: 1.628(05)]
  13. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, Z. Vavříková, T. Vaněk: 137Cs and 90Sr uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydroponic condition., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 88(3), 236-250, 2006 [Impact factor: 1.073(06)]
  14. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the laboratory scale, Environmental and Experimental Botany 57(3), 220-225, 2006 [Impact factor: 1.820(06)]
  15. P. Soudek, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, R. Tykva, V. Plojhar, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Botanical survey and screening of plant species wich accumulate 226Ra from contaminated soil of uranium waste depot., European Journal of Soil Biology 43(4), 251-261, 2007 [Impact factor: 0.500(07)]
  16. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, R. Tykva, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Comparison of 226Ra nuclide from soil by three woody species Betula pendula, Sambucus nigra and Alnus glutinosa during the vegetation period., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 97(1), 76-82, 2007 [Impact factor: 0.963(07)]
  17. R. Podlipná, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Soapwort oxidoreductase is involved in trinitrotoluene detoxification. Biologia Plantarum 51(2), 367-371, 2007 [Impact factor: 1.259(07)]
  18. P. Soudek, J. Kotyza, I. Lenikusová, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of heavy metals in hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.), leek (Allium porrum L.) and chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.)., Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 7 (3&4), 761-769, 2009 [Impact factor: 0.282(08)]
  19. P. Petřík, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, P. Najmanová, M. Najman, T. Vaněk: Flora of toxic depots in selected industrial zones., Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 78 (4), 327-334, 2009 [Impact factor: 0.418(08)]
  20. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, M. Vágner, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Study of soil-plant transfer of 226Ra under greenhouse conditions., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101 (6), 446-450, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.114(08)]
  21. J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of pharmaceuticals - preliminary results., International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12(3), 306-316, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.217(08)]
  22. P. Soudek, A. Katrušáková, L. Sedláček, Š. Petrová, V. Kočí, P. Maršík, M. Griga, T. Vaněk: Effect of heavy metals on seeds germination in twenty three cultivars of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)., Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 59 (2), xxx-xxx, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.864(08)]

Papers in czech journals with review:

  1. Z. Kafka, I. Kališová (Špirochová), P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Fytoremediace pro plochy kontaminované těžkými kovy, Odpady 3, 13-14, 2002
  2. P. Soudek, L. Víchová, Š. Valenová, R. Podlipná, J. Malá, T. Vaněk: Arzen a jeho příjem rostlinami., Chemiské Listy 100(5), 323-329, 2006, [Impact factor: 0.431(06)]
  3. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, T. Vaněk: Fytoremediace a možnosti zvýšení jejich účinnosti., Chemické Listy, 102 [5], 346-352 (2008) [Impact factor: 0.593(08)]
  4. J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Léčiva – „nový“ environmentální polutant., Chemické Listy, 103 [7], 540-547 (2009) [Impact factor: 0.593(08)]

Papers in proceedinds from conferences with full text:

  1. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflover (Helianthus annuus L.) in the laboratory scale, in Proceedinngs or the First Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (2.-5. July 2001), p. 516-518
  2. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study of accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro cultures of plants, in Proceedinngs or the First Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (2.-5. July 2001), p. 505-507
  3. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, I. Kališová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by sunflower and corn plants, Proceedings of the Second Bioremediation Conference (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (30. June - 4. July 2003), p. 353-356
  4. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Laboratory analyses and optimalization of 137Cs and 90Sr phytoremediation. In: COST Action 837. 4th WG2 Workshop, Bordeaux' 2002. Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soil. (Mench, M., Mocquot, B., eds.). - Bordeaux, INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine 2003, p. 51-53.
  5. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, A. Golan, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of uranium decoy range contaminated soil and screening of plant species. In: COST Action 837. 4th WG2 Workshop, Bordeaux' 2002. Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soil. (Mench, M., Mocquot, B., eds.). - Bordeaux, INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine 2003, p. 195-196.
  6. I. Kališová (Špirochová), J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study accumulation of heavy metals by crop plants in field conditions, Proceedings of the Second Bioremediation Conference (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (30. June - 4. July 2003), p. 409-411
  7. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Radionuclide uptake and accumulation by plants. In: COST Action 837. 4th WG2 Workshop, Bordeaux' 2002. Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soil. (Mench, M., Mocquot, B., eds.), Bordeaux, INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine 2003, p. 54-55.
  8. P. Harvey, P. Soudek: Social and political acceptability; appropriation of phytoremediation techniques. In: COST Action 837. 4th WG2 Workshop, Bordeaux' 2002. Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soil. (Mench, M., Mocquot, B., eds.), Bordeaux, INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine 2003, p. 205-206.
  9. Š. Valenová, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk : Study of uranium upate by hairy root culture of Armoracia rusticana L., in 3rd European Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2005), p. 107 (CD ROM)
  10. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk : Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range polluted area., in 3rd European Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2005), p. 102, (CD ROM)
  11. E. Podracká, R. Tykva, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: The influence of recultivation on the contaminated soil, Radioanalytické metody IAA 04. Praha, Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Merci, (2005), p. 39-42
  12. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, V. Plojhar, T. Vaněk: Fytoremediace radionuklidů a kovů v půdě a odpadních vodách., in Sborník přednášek 3 – Odpadové fórum 2006, Milovy, Czech Republic, (24-26 April 2006), p. 351-358 (3408-3413)
  13. P. Soudek, Z. Vavříková, R. Podlipná, L. Lehký, T. Vaněk: Využití fytotechnologie k dekontaminaci organických polutantů., in Sborník přednášek 3 – Odpadové fórum 2006, Milovy, Czech Republic, (24-26 April 2006), p. 359-364 (3414-3419)
  14. T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated areas, Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar. Vancouver, (2006), p. 315-326
  15. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek : Phytotechnology for environment protection. in Biotechnology 2006 (Řehout, V., ed.), Scientific Pedagogical Publishing, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, (16.-16. February 2006), CD-ROM (003 vanek-soudek.pdf), pp.1129
  16. T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated areas., in Proceedings of the twenty-ninth arctic and marine oilspill program (AMOP) technical seminar – Volume 1, (eds.), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, (6.-8. June 2006), p. 315-329
  17. J. Malá, P. Máchová, H. Cvrčková, L. Čížková, P. Soudek: Effective micropropagation of mature aspen: Use in breeding. in XXVII International Horticultural Congress - IHC2006: International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology: From Bench to Commercialization , Seoul, Korea, (13-19 August, 2006) (Read, P.E., ed.), Acta Horticulturae 764, 239-246 (2007)
  18. T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek: Phytotechnology for environment protection and bioenergy, in 7th International Congress on Plant Biotechnology - BioVeg 2009, (eds.), Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, (11.-15. May 2009), pp. 1-15 (CD ROM)

Oral presentations type „Invited Speakers“:

  1. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk : From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides, in NATO ASI summer school: Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, Zhitomir State Technological University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, (17-28 August, 2005)
  2. T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, Z. Vavříková, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of organic pollutants., in APaCPA 2007, (Nair, H., ed.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (17.-21. June 2007), p. 67 (OL33)


  1. ÚEB AV ČR, v.v.i., PRAHA. Method of removing uranium and decay products thereof from water and water treatment plant employing such method. Authors: P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová: číslo přihlášky 2005-341, patent č. 301110 (datum podání: 2005.05.27), (datum zveřejnění: 2007.01.24), (datum udělení 2009.09.23) Czech Republic. (MPT: C 02 F 3/32, C 02 F 11/02, C 02 F 103/34).

Oral presentations on international conferences:

  1. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, H. Lipavská: Phytoremediation of toxic metals by plant cultures., in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Herzig, R., Schwitzguébel, J.-P., eds.), Lausanne, Schwitzerland, (18.-19. February 1999), p. 25
  2. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Study of 137Cs radiophytoremediation., in COST 837 Working group 4 - Cultivation and Utilization (Martins Dias, S., Haberl, R., eds.), Lisbon, Portugal, (18.-20. November 1999), p. 27
  3. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, R. Tykva: Study of radiophytoremediation of 137Cs and 125I on the laboratory scale., in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Marmiroli, N., Baker, A., Herzig, R., eds.), Parma, Italy, (13.-15. January 2000), p. 41
  4. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Basic requirements for radiophytoremediation and radiophytomonitoring, in COST 837 International meeting „Wastewater treatment and plants as a „green liver“: The European approach, experience and trends“, Larnaca, Cyprus, (18.-19. May 2001), p.25
  5. P. Soudek, P. Maršík, T. Vaněk: Biotransformation and degradation of dyes precursors by callus cultures of Strombocactus disciformis and Epithelantha micromeris, in InterCOST Action 831 WG1 and 837, WG1+4, Workshop on „Soil-microbe-root interactions: Maximizing phytoremediation / bioremediation“, (Schröder, P., ed.), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, (23.-25. May 2002), p. 10
  6. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Radiophytoremediation – potential method for clean-up of environment., in 1st ASEM conference on bioremediation, (Ladel, J., ed.) Hanoi, Vietnam, (24.-27. September 2002), p. 86-88
  7. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Radiophytoremediation and its potential application, in ISEB 2002 meeting “Phytoremediation”, (Olguin,E., ed.), Veracruz, México, (9.-12. June 2002), CD-ROM
  8. R. Tykva, P. Soudek, E. Podracká, T. Vaněk: Translocation studies of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in plant, in 7th International conference on Nuclear Analytical methods in the Life Science, (Aras, N.K., ed.), Antalya, Turkey, (16.-21. June 2002), p.158
  9. P. Soudek: Radiophytoremediation and radionuclide contaminated soil management, in COST Action 837 Workshop on “Phytoremediation of toxic metals” (Greger, M., ed.), Stockholm, Sweden, (12-15 June 2003),
  10. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, I. Kališová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by sunflower and corn plants, Proceedings of the Second Bioremediation Conference (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (30. June - 4. July 2003), p. 353-356
  11. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, M. Bjelková, M. Griga, R. Tykva: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil, in Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe, Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting, Vienna, (Haberl, R., Langergraber, G., eds.), Austria, (15-18 October 2003), p.17
  12. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range contaminated area in South Bohemia., in 9th FECS conference and 2nd SFC meeting on Chemistry and the Environment (Garrigues, P. Donard, O., eds.), Bordeaux, France, (29. August - 1. September 2004), p.105-106
  13. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Plant uptake of heavy metal and radionuclides – summary of results, in COST 859 Working group 1 – Plant uptake/exclusion and translocation of nutriens and contaminants (Sirko, A., Antosiewicz, D.M., Gawronski, S., eds.), Warsaw, Poland, (18.-19. October 2004), p. 50
  14. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, E. Podracká, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation and land management of real contaminated area – example from South Bohemia, in COST 859 Working group 4 – Integration and application of phytotechnologies (Gerth, A., Kuschk, P., eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (28.-29. October 2004), p. 18
  15. P. Soudek, M. Makhmudova, O. Barazani, T. Vaněk, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Plant response on heavy metal contamination – summary of results, in COST 859 Working group 2 – Exploing “-omics” approaches in phytotechnologies (Marmiroli, N., Maestri, E., Marmiroli, M., Visioli, G., eds.), Parma, Italy, (4.-6. November 2004), p. 41
  16. T. Vaněk, A. Nepovim, P. Soudek: Short overwiev of present a planned phytoremediation research in DPCC, in COST 859 Working group 1 – Plant uptake/exclusion and translocation of nutriens and contaminants (Sirko, A., Antosiewicz, D.M., Gawronski, S., eds.), Warsaw, Poland, (18.-19. October 2004), p. 54
  17. I. Kališová, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study of heavy metals by plants in field conditions, in COST 859 Working group 4 – Integration and application of phytotechnologies (Gerth, A., Kuschk, P., eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (28.-29. October 2004), p. 21
  18. A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, A. Gerth, S. Smrček, T. Vaněk: Compartmentalization of TNT degradation products in plants, in COST 859 Working group 3 - Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety (Harvey, P., ed.), Greenwich, Great Britain, (11.-13. November 2004), p. 30
  19. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk : Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range polluted area., in 3rd European Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2005), p. 102
  20. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia., in Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology IV, (Merkel, B.J. and Hasche-Berger, A., eds.), Freiberg, Germany, (11.-16. September 2005), p.519-524, CD-ROM
  21. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Remediation of radionuclide contaminated sites using phytotechnologies., in International Workshop “Current developments in remediation of contaminated sites”, (Siebielec, G., Stuczyński, T., eds) Puławy, Poland (27.-29. October 2005), p. 27
  22. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of radionuclides and it’s utilization for land management of radionuclide contaminated areas, in EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, (24.-29. April 2005), Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, 2005, EGU05-A-10703
  23. T. Vaněk, A. Nepovím, A. Hebner, P. Soudek, A Gerth, H. Thomas. S. Smrček: Phytoremediation of explosives, in 1st Scientific Workshop and Management Committee Meeting - “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve foot safety” (Barbafieri, M., Tassi, E., eds.), Pisa, Italy, (13.-16. June 2005), p. 137
  24. T. Barth, J. Barthová, T. Vaněk, L. Hauzerová, P. Kozák, P. Soudek, J. Hamáčková, J. Kouřil, L. Lepša: Synthetic analogues of GnRH in fish reproduction, in 4ti Balgarski peptiden simpozium, Dolna Baňa, Bulgaria, (19.-21. September 2005), L4
  25. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Study of uranium and 226Ra uptake by higher plants., in 1st scientific meeting of Working Group 1, COST Action 859 – „Root to shoot translocation of pollutants and nutrients“., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 33
  26. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: From laboratory experiments to large scale application – example of radionuclides phytoremediation from Czech republic., in Brownfield Asia 2006, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (5.-7. September 2006), p. 146-159
  27. T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated areas., in Proceedings of the twenty-ninth arctic and marine oilspill program (AMOP) technical seminar – Volume 1, (eds.), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, (6.-8. June 2006), p. 315-329
  28. M. Makhmudova, P. Soudek, L. Ljubenova, E. Ostrojeakova, T. Vaněk, P. Schröder, W. Eisenreich, A. Bacher, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Shoot and root profile of metabolites, enzymes and anatomy of Allium schoenoprasum grown in heavy metal contaminated solution., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 38
  29. T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, J. Malá, P. Soudek: Study translocation of toxic metals in woody plants., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 37
  30. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Accumulation study of 226Ra by different plant species., in 9th ICOBTE, (Zhu, Y., Lepp, N., Naidu, R., eds.), Peking, China, (15.-19. July 2007), p. 435-436
  31. Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Uptake and distribution of uranium in Armoracia rusticana. in Meeting of WG1 - COST Action 859 – Contaminants and Nutrients: Availability, Accumulation/Exclusion and Plant-Microbia-Soil Interactions, (Lišková, D., Lux, A., Martinka, M., ed.), Smolenice, Slovakia, (22.-24. May 2008), p. 21.
  32. Ch. Huber, R. Harpaintner, P. Soudek, P. Schröder: Using Armoracia rusticana root cell culture as a model system for studying the fate of N-acetyl-4-aminophenol in plant tissues., in Workshop of WG2 - COST 859 – Genes and proteins involved in step sof phytoextraction and degradation of pollutants, (Schröder, P., eds.), Verona, Italy, (5.-6. June 2008), p.31-32 (O3-3)
  33. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, T. Vaněk: Phytoextraction of toxic metals by sunflower and corn plants., in Workshop of WG3 - COST 859 – Improving nutritional quality and safety of food crops, (eds.), Verona, Italy, (1.-4. September 2008), p.18
  34. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná, J. Kotyza, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation possible solution for environment decontamination., in Brownfield Asia 2008, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (21.-23. October 2008), p. 14 (CD-ROM)
  35. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Phytoremediation in Europe – Contamination problems and potential solution., in Proceedings of the 5th International Phytotechnologies Conference, (eds.), Nanjing, China, (22.-25. October 2008), pp. 3-4
  36. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Pharmaceuticals – environmental problem and its potential solution., in Proceedings of SoilRem 2008, (eds.), Nanjing, China, (18.-21. October 2008), p. 15
  37. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Green technologies for wastewaters cleaning. in International Cnference on Xenbiotics in the Urban Water Cycle – XENOWAC 2009, (Kassinos, D., Ledin, A., eds.), Paphos, Cyprus, (11.-13. March 2009), p. (CD-ROM)
  38. T. Vaněk, Nanoparticles., Australia, (25. September - 2. October 2009), 

Poster presentatons on international conferences:

  1. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk : The effect of physical, chemical and biological factors on the peroxidase production by tissue culture of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) in vitro, in Symposium plant cell, tissue and organ cultures in liquid media (Macek, T., Vaněk, T., eds.), Prague, ( 8.-11. July 1994), p. 157
  2. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk : The effect of physiological and chemical factors on the peroxidase production by tissue culture of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) in vitro, in Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology IV. International Symposium (Obinger, C., Burner, U., eds.), Vienna, (6.-10. July 1996), poster PB10
  3. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk : Changes of the peroxidase activity and the isoenzyme pattern of peroxidases during bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., in 44th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal plant Research and a Joint Meeting with the Czech Biotechnology Society (Vaněk, T., Valterová, I., eds.), Prague, ( 3.-7. September 1996), p. 104 (P 156)
  4. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk : Changes of the peroxidase activity and the isoenzyme pattern of peroxidases during bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., in 45th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal plant Research (Franz, G., Vieweger, U., eds.), Regensburg, (7.-12. September 1997), poster M05
  5. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, Z. Wimmer, D. Šaman : Biotransformation of juvenogene analogues by tissue culture of Barbula unguiculata Hedw., Solanum aviculare Forst. and Rheum palmatum L., in 7th International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry (Atta-ur-Rahman, Choudhary, M.I., eds.), Karachi, (28. December 1997 - 1. January 1998), p. 124
  6. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by hairy-root culture of Armoracia rusticana L., Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 42, 235-236, 1998
  7. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., in Biosorption and bioremediation II (Macek, T., Demnerová, K., Macková, M., Košťál, J., eds.), Prague, (12.-17. July 1998), poster P 1-12
  8. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Hubálek, J.-P. Schwitzguebel, R. Duc: Plant cell cultures as a model system for phytoremediation, in International Workshop - Innovative potential of advanced biological systems for remediation (Timmis, K.W., eds.), Hamburg, (2.-4. March 1998), p. 193-194
  9. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Hubálek, R. Tykva: Laboratory study of phytoremediation of organic xenobiotics, toxic metals and radionuclides, in IBC's 4th Annual International Conference on Phytoremediation (P.E. Flathman, G.R. Lanza, eds.), Toronto, (23.-25. June 1999), p. 193-194
  10. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, H. Lipavská, J. Albrechtová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of toxic metals and radionuclides at the laboratory scale, in COST 837 Meeting (Kaltsikes, P. J., ed.), Hersonissos, Grece, (6.-8. April 2000), p. 127
  11. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, R. Tykva: Radiophytoremediation as a tool for water cleaning, in Aquatic Science Meeting ASLO 2000 - Research across boundaries, (Fee, E. J., ed.) Copenhagen, Denmark, (5.-9. June 2000), SS25-p05
  12. I. Špirochová, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J. Punčochářová: A study of accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro culture of plants, in COST 837 Meeting (Kaltsikes, P. J., ed.), Hersonissos, Grece, (6.-8. April 2000), p. 129
  13. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, R. Tykva: Accumulation and translocation of radionuclides in cultures of higher plants, in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Cámara, C., Carpena, R., Ximénes-Embún, P., Madrid, Y., Esteban, E., eds.), Madrid, Spain, (5.-7. April 2001), p. 74
  14. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: 63Ni – accumulation and distribution using in vitro culture of Populus spp. and comparison with 137Cs, in ISEB 2001 meeting “Phytoremediation”, (Stottmeister, U., ed.), Leipzig, Germany, (15.-17. May 2001), p.129
  15. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflover (Helianthus annuus L.) in the laboratory scale, in 1st Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (2.-5. July 2001), p. 516-518
  16. I. Špirochová, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J. Punčochářová: Accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro culture of plants, in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Cámara, C., Carpena, R., Ximénes-Embún, P., Madrid, Y., Esteban, E., eds.), Madrid, Spain, (5.-7. April 2001), p. 75
  17. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study of accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro cultures of plants, in 1st Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (2.-5. July 2001), p. 505-507
  18. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Laboratory analyses and optimalization of 137Cs and 90Sr phytoremediation, in COST Action 837, 4th Workshop 2002 – Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soils, (Mench, M.J., Mocquot, M., eds.) Bordeaux, France, (25.-27. April 2002), p. 40-42
  19. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of uranium decay range contaminated soil and screening of plant species., in COST Action 837, 4th Workshop 2002 – Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soils, (Mench, M.J., Mocquot, M., eds.) Bordeaux, France, (25.-27. April 2002), p. 117-118
  20. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation – 137Cs – Accumulation and distribution using hydroponic culture of Helianthus annuus and comparison with 90Sr., in 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, (Biosorption and Bioremediation III), (Macek, T., Mackova, M., Jenč, P., Demnerova, K., eds.) Prague, Czech Republic, (14.-18. July 2002), p.187 (P08-08)
  21. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Radionuclide uptake and accumulation by plants, in COST Action 837, 4th Workshop 2002 – Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soils, (Mench, M.J., Mocquot, M., eds.) Bordeaux, France, (25.-27. April 2002), p. 43-44
  22. I. Kališová (Špirochová), J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of Zn, Pb and Ni in laboratory and field conditions, in 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, (Biosorption and Bioremediation III), (Macek, T., Mackova, M., Jenč, P., Demnerova, K., eds.) Prague, Czech Republic, (14.-18. July 2002), p.185 (P08-06)
  23. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Radiophytoremediation – from laboratory to field application, in 17th World congress of soil science, volume IV. (Kheoruenromne, I., ed.) Bangkok, Thailand, (14.-21. August 2002), p. 1344
  24. T. Vaněk, A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, S. Zeman, M. Vágner: Phytoremediation of explosives, in 1st ASEM conference on bioremediation, (Ladel, J., ed.) Hanoi, Vietnam, (24.-27. September 2002), (not icluded in book of abstracts)
  25. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of nuclides of heavy metals (63Ni, 65Zn and 109Cd) by different wetlands plant species, in COST Action 837 Workshop on “Phytoremediation of toxic metals”, (Greger, M., ed.), Stockholm, Sweden, (12-15 June 2003), P07
  26. P. Soudek, A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation and radionuclides, in Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe, Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting, (Haberl, R., Langergraber, G., eds.), Vienna, Austria, (15-18 October 2003), P58
  27. I. Kališová (Špirochová), J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study accumulation of heavy metals by crop plants in field conditions, in 2nd Bioremediation Conference (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (30. June - 4. July 2003), p. 409-411
  28. I. Kališová (Špirochová), J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation/stabilization of multiple metal contaminated soil with high arsenic content, in Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe, Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting, Vienna, (Haberl, R., Langergraber, G., eds.), Austria, (15-18 October 2003), P7
  29. A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, T. Vaněk: Degradation of TNT and its degradation products by in vitro cultivated plants, in Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe, Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting, (Haberl, R., Langergraber, G., eds.), Vienna, Austria, (15-18 October 2003), P52
  30. P. Soudek, M. Makhmudova, O. Barazani, T. Vaněk, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Accumulation of heavy metals by hydroponically cultivated chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.), in 9th FECS conference and 2nd SFC meeting on Chemistry and the Environment (Garrigues, P., Donard, O., eds.), Bordeaux, France, (29. August - 1. September 2004), p.262-263
  31. Š. Valenová, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, Z. Kafka: Uranium as a stress factor for plants cultivated under laboratory conditions., in 9th FECS conference and 2nd SFC meeting on Chemistry and the Environment (Garrigues, P. Donard, O., eds.), Bordeaux, France, (29. August - 1. September 2004), p.263-264
  32. A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, P. Maršík, S. Forczek, M. Matucha, S. Smrček, T. Vaněk: The fate of 2,4,6,-trinitrotoluene in Buphthalmum salicifolium and Senecio jacobea., in International conference on bioremediation of soil and groundwater (Miksch, K., Kalka, J., Plonka, L., Przystas, W., Surmacz-Gorska, J., Tarlowska, E., Tarlowski, M., Ziembinska, A., eds.), Cracow, Poland, (5.-8. September 2004), p. 91
  33. P. Soudek, M. Makhmudova, O. Barazani, T. Vaněk, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Tolerance to heavy metals by hydroponically cultivated chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.), in 1st Scientific Workshop and Management Committee Meeting - “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve foot safety” (Barbafieri, M., Tassi, E., eds.), Pisa, Italy, (13.-16. June 2005), p. 49
  34. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, M. Bjelková, M. Griga, R. Tykva: Reclaiming and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil, in Intersol 2005 „5th International Conference – Exhibition on Soil, Sediments and Water“ (eds.), Paris, France, (19. - 21. April 2005), p.
  35. Š. Valenová, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk : Study of uranium uptake by hairy root culture of Armoracia rusticana L., in 3rd European Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2005), p. 107
  36. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Heavy metal uptake and translocation in hydroponically cultivated Allium plant species., in 1st scientific meeting of Working Group 1, COST Action 859 – „Root to shoot translocation of pollutants and nutrients“., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 65
  37. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Uptake of heavy metals by hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.)., in ISEB / ESEB / JSEB 2006, (eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (9.-13. July 2006), p. 193
  38. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Accumulation and stress responce on heavy metals treatment by hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) and chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.), in Brownfield Asia 2006, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (5.-7. September 2006), p. 295-306
  39. P. Soudek, A. Katrušáková, Š. Valenová, V. Kočí, M. Griga, T. Vaněk: Effect of heavy metals on seed germination in eighteen cultivars of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), in Brownfield Asia 2006, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (5.-7. September 2006), p. 283-294
  40. Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Study of stress response to uranium uptake by hairy root culture of Armoracia rusticana L., in 1st scientific meeting of Working Group 1, COST Action 859 – „Root to shoot translocation of pollutants and nutrients“., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 67
  41. Š. Valenová, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of area contaminated with radionuclides in the Czech Republic., in ISEB / ESEB / JSEB 2006, (eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (9.-13. July 2006), p. 415
  42. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J. Song, Y. Luo: Plants for Environment Protection., Peking, China, (September 2006), p.
  43. P. Maršík, L. Kokoška, P. Landa, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Mechanism of biological effects of thymol and quinones of Nigella sativa seeds on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosyntheses., in COST 926/927 conference – Molecular and physiological effects of bioactive food compounds, (Szakmary, A., Knasmüller, S., eds.), Vienna, Austria, (11.-14. October 2006), p. 176
  44. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, I. Lenikusová, J. Kotyza, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Uptake of cadmium, cobalt, copper, nickel, lead and zinc by hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) and leak (Allium porrum L.) plants., in 9th ICOBTE, (Zhu, Y., Lepp, N., Naidu, R., eds.), Peking, China, (15.-19. July 2007), p. 237-238
  45. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, J. Kotyza, I. Lenikusová, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Edible Allium species as heavy metal hyperaccumulators., in Joint Workshop COST Action 859 - Nutrient Biofortification and Exclusion of Pollutants in Food Plants, (Golan-Goldhirsh, A, ed.), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede-Boqer Campus, Izrael, (23.-25. October 2007), p. 49
  46. T. Vaněk, J. Song, P. Soudek, Y. Luo: Phytoremediation of metals using non-food crop plants., in 9th ICOBTE, (Zhu, Y., Lepp, N., Naidu, R., eds.), Peking, China, (15.-19. July 2007), p. 245
  47. Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Uptake of 226Ra by crop plants., in Joint Workshop COST Action 859 - Nutrient Biofortification and Exclusion of Pollutants in Food Plants, (Golan-Goldhirsh, A, ed.), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede-Boqer Campus, Izrael, (23.-25. October 2007), p.46.
  48. L. Ljubenova, P. Soudek, M. Makhmudova, E. Ostrozhenkova, T. Vaněk, P. Schröder, W. Eisenreich, A. Bacher, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Metabolic changes in Allium schoenoprasum grown in heavy metal contaminated medium: a comparison of plant response to cadmium and iron., in Joint Workshop COST Action 859 - Nutrient Biofortification and Exclusion of Pollutants in Food Plants, (Golan-Goldhirsh, A, ed.), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede-Boqer Campus, Izrael, (23.-25. October 2007), p.31.
  49. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, M. Buzek, O. Lhotský, T. Vaněk: Phytotoxicity of uranium and thorium in comparison with other heavy metals for selected higher plants. in Meeting of WG1 - COST Action 859 – Contaminants and Nutrients: Availability, Accumulation/Exclusion and Plant-Microbia-Soil Interactions, (Lišková, D., Lux, A., Martinka, M., ed.), Smolenice, Slovakia, (22.-24. May 2008), p. 65.
  50. Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Uptake and distribution of uranium in Armoracia rusticana. in Meeting of WG1 - COST Action 859 – Contaminants and Nutrients: Availability, Accumulation/Exclusion and Plant-Microbia-Soil Interactions, (Lišková, D., Lux, A., Martinka, M., ed.), Smolenice, Slovakia, (22.-24. May 2008), p. 21.
  51. J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Pharmaceuticals in urban water and thein possible phytodegradation. in Meeting of WG1 - COST Action 859 – Contaminants and Nutrients: Availability, Accumulation/Exclusion and Plant-Microbia-Soil Interactions, (Lišková, D., Lux, A., Martinka, M., ed.), Smolenice, Slovakia, (22.-24. May 2008), p. 55.
  52. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Potential of selected plants for pharmaceuticals phytoremediation. in COST Workshop of WG1 and WG2 on Uptake, Sequestration and Detoxification – an Integrated Approach (COST 859), (Erdei, L., Schwitzguébel, J.-P., eds), Szeged, Hungary, (16.-17. April 2009), p.71 (P32)
  53. Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, L. Sedláček, T. Vaněk: Copper uptake by Elsholtzia splendens and Allium sativum. in Plant Abiotic Stress – from signaling to development – 2nd meeting of the INPAS (COST FA0605), (Tiburcio, F., Kollist, H., eds.), Tartu, Estonia, (14.-17. May 2009), p.102 (63).
  54. P. Soudek, Z. Lhotáková, Š. Petrová, M. Buzek, O. Lhotský, J. Albrechtová, T. Vaněk: Uranium as an abiotic stress factor for selected higher plants. in Plant Abiotic Stress – from signaling to development – 2nd meeting of the INPAS (COST FA0605), (Tiburcio, F., Kollist, H., eds.), Tartu, Estonia, (14.-17. May 2009), p.115 (76).
  55. Š. Petrová , P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Stress response of horseradish to toxic metals., in 34th Congress of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Prague, Czech Republic, (4.- 9. July 2009), FEBS JOURNAL 276(Suppl. 1), p. 383
  56. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J. Kotyza, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Phytoremediation in waters., in COST Action 859 - Phyto 2009, Final International Conference on "Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety", (Schwitzguébel, J.-P., ed.), Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, (12.-16. October 2009), p. 186-187
  57. P. Soudek, M. Ursu, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Improving crop tolerance to heavy metal stress by putrescine application. in Plant Abiotic Stress, from signaling to crop improvement – 3rd meeting of the INPAS (COST FA0605), (Tiburcio, F., eds.), Valencia, Spain, (26.-27. May 2010), p. 67
  58. P. Soudek, O. Lhotský, M. Buzek, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Study of uranium uptake by model plants of tobacco. in EPCR 2010 : International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Clean Bio/Phytoremediation, (eds.), Pisa, Italy, (16.-19. June 2010), p.

Oral presentations on czech conferences:

  1. P. Soudek, M. Hubálek, T. Vaněk: Biodegradace a bioremediace látek znečišťujících životní prostředí pomocí kultur vyšších rostlin., in Od laboratorních experimentů k bioremediačním technologiím (Damborský, J., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-11. March 1999), p. 16
  2. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Bioderadace V. (Halousková, O., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (7.-8. March 2001), p. 10
  3. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Studentská vědecká konference PriF UK Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, (22.-26. April 2001), p. 35
  4. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Studium kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Setkání mladých chemiků a biochemiků organizované firmou Sigma - Aldrich, Křivoklát, (17.-19. May 2001), p. 25
  5. T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva, I. Kališová: Možnosti využití fytoremediace pro odstranění kontaminace způsobené toxickými kovy a radionuklidy. Hornická Příbram ve vědě a technice, Příbram, (15.-17. October.2002), CD ROM
  6. P. Soudek, L. Víchová, A. Nepovím, T. Vaněk: Využití ekotoxikologických dat pro zefektivnění fytoremediačních technologií, in Ekotoxikologické biotesty IV (Halousková, O., ed.), Chrudim-Píšťovy, Czech Republic, (15. - 17. September 2004)
  7. D. Benešová, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, J. Malá, M. Najman, P. Najmanová, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Studium akumulace a transportu těžkých kovů kulturami rostlin Populus tremula x tremuloides a Cannabis sativa v laboratorních podmínkách a na reálné lokalitě, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 55-59
  8. J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Léčiva v odpadních vodách a možnosti jejich odstranění rostlinami, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 68-72
  9. P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, R. Podlipná, Z. Fialová, J. Malá, D. Benešová, V. Kočí, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Hodnocení účinnosti fytoremediačních metod, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 114-119

Poster presentations on czech conferences:

  1. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk : Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., in Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations (Baldrian, P., Gabriel, J., eds.), Prague, ( 26.-29. November 1996) p. 73-74
  2. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk : Changes of the peroxidase activity and the isoenzyme pattern of peroxidases during bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., in International Meeting of Doctorands in Experimental Biology of Plants, Olomouc, (2.-3. July 1997), Bulletin Experimentální Biologie Rostlin, p.39
  3. P. Soudek, P.Maršík, T. Vaněk: Biotransformation of synthetic precursors for production of dyes by callus cultures of cacti., in 8.dny rostlinné fyziologie (Strnad, M., Lenobel, R., Rolčík, J., eds.), Olomouc, (7.-10. July 1998), p. 197
  4. P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by hairy-root culture of Armoracia rusticana L., in Biochemický zjazd (Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, eds.), Stará Lesná – Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, (12.-15. October 1998), Chem. Pap. Chem. Zvesti 52, p. 546, 1998
  5. P. Soudek, B. Pavlů, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Bioakumulace radionuklidu 137Cs v hydroponicky pěstovaných rostlinách., in Od laboratorních experimentů k bioremediačním technologiím (Damborský, J., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-11. March 1999), p. 54
  6. P. Soudek, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk: Akumulace toxických kovů „hairy-root“ kulturou křene., in Od laboratorních experimentů k bioremediačním technologiím (Damborský, J., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-11. March 1999), p. 55
  7. P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Biodegradace organických látek pomocí tkáňových kultur vyšších rostlin., in Od laboratorních experimentů k bioremediačním technologiím (Damborský, J., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-11. March 1999), p. 56
  8. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, H. Lipavská, J. Albrechtová, T. Vaněk: Remediace toxických kovů a radionuklidů pomocí kultur vyšších rostlin, in Biodegradace IV. (Halousková, O., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-9. March 2000), p. 135
  9. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, H. Lipavská, J. Albrechtová, T. Vaněk: Studium akumulace toxických kovů a radionuklidů kulturami vyšších rostlin, in Biochemický sjezd (Walterová, D., ed.), Prague, 7.-10. September 2000), Chem. Listy 94, 731 (p. S11-14), 2000
  10. I. Špirochová, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J. Punčochářová: Studium akumulace těžkých kovů in vitro kulturami vyšších rostlin, in Biodegradace IV. (Halousková, O., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-9. March 2000), p. 136
  11. P. Soudek, R. Tykva, J. Albrechtová, T. Vaněk: Localization and accumulation of some radionuclides in plant and their tissues, in Plant Physiology Days of Young Scientists 2001, (Albrechtova, J., ed.) Prague, (10.-11. July 2001), p. 36-37
  12. I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Studium kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách, Chem. listy 95, 335-336, 2001
  13. R. Tykva, E. Podracká, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of soils heavily polluted with radionuclides, in 14th Radiochemical conference, (John, J., Beneš, P., Kučera, J., Marhol, M., Teplý, J., de Goeij, J.J.M., Vobecký, M., Křížová, V., Kopička, K., Prášil, Z., eds.) Mariánské Lázně, (14.-19. April 2002), p. 102
  14. P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of uranium decoy range contaminated area in South Bohemia. in Biotechnology 2006 (Řehout, V., ed.), Scientific Pedagogical Publishing, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, (16.-16. February 2006), CD-ROM (038 soudek.pdf), pp.1129
  15. P. Soudek, J. Kotyza, I. Lenikusová, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Hyperakumulace těžkých kovů u rostlin rodu Allium., in 11. dny fyziologie rostlin aneb Konference experimentální biologie rostlin. (Strnad, M., ed.), Olomouc, Czech Republik, (9.-12. July 2007), p. 69 (P-B05)
  16. D. Benešová, P. Soudek, J. Malá, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk : Studium akumulace a transportu těžkých kovů rychle rostoucími dřevinami., in 11. dny fyziologie rostlin aneb Konference experimentální biologie rostlin. (Strnad, M., ed.), Olomouc, Czech Republik, (9.-12. July 2007), p. 68 (P-B01)
  17. Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Příjem uranu hydroponicky kultivovanými rostlinami., in 11. dny fyziologie rostlin aneb Konference experimentální biologie rostlin. (Strnad, M., ed.), Olomouc, Czech Republik, (9.-12. July 2007), p.68 (P-B03)

Ph.D. and diploma thesis:

  1. P. Soudek: Charakteristika faktorů ovlivňujících produkci peroxidasy kulturou křene (Armoracia rusticana L.) pěstovaného in vitro., diplomová práce, Katedra biochemie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Universita Karlova Praha, 1995, p. 1-101
  2. P. Soudek: Studium akumulace toxických kovů a radionuklidů vyššími rostlinami ajejich potenciální využítí pro fytoremediace, disertační práce, Katedra anatomie a rostlinné fyziologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Universita Karlova Praha, 2004, p. 1

Popularization and outreach activities:

  1. P. Soudek: Rostlina s příběhem na červen 2008 - Požírači kovů, ÚEB AV ČR (http://www.ueb.cas.cz/fotopribeh/cerven.htm)
  2. P. Soudek: Fytoremediace aneb jak odstranit rostlinami kontaminaci půd. Polní den konopí na Zelené pumpě (http://www.zelenapumpa.cz/index.php?dok=02210000000074,det)
  3. P. Soudek: Nebagrovat - sázet! O čištění přírodního prostředí za pomocí rostlin, tzv. fytoremediaci. Planetarium - 31.05.2009, ČRo Sever (http://www2.rozhlas.cz/stream/00931617.mp3)
  4. P. Soudek: Jsou pohádky o zlatých jablkách pravdivé? aneb Rostlinní požírači odpadů - 3. 11. 2009, Týden vědy a techniky 2009 (http://server3.streaming.cesnet.cz/others/av/tydenvedy/2009/jablka.wmv)