Ernst Mach Workshop /
Werkstatt Ernst Mach
Programme in PDF fileMonday, June 25th, 2012
10:00 – 12:00 Barry Loewer (Rutgers/CEU IAS) Direction of Time and Free Will
break 13:30
- 14:20 James Hill (Prague) Noam Chomsky’s Critique of Physicalism 14:20
– 15:10 Michael
(Rutgers) Positions and Dispositions Coffee
break 15:30
– 16:20 Jakub
Mihalik (Prague)
Russell's Neutral Monism and The Problem of Consciousness 16:20
– 17:10 Alessandra Melas (Sassari) Absolute coincidences and
Salmon's interactive fork model 18:00
Workshop dinner (Café Orient) Tuesday, June 26th,
2012 10:00
– 10:50 Karol Polcyn (Szczecin) Conceivability, Possibility and
Phenomenal-Physical Coreference 10:50
– 11:40 Heather Demarest (Rutgers) Fundamental Chance and the
Mentaculus Lunch
break 13:00
– 13:50 Thomas Blanchard (Rutgers) Causation and Chance 13:50
– 14:40 Tomas Hribek (Prague) The Lure of DualismBarry Loewer - Direction of Time and Free Will