The press release service of the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. |
Czech Public on Unemployment - June 2012 |
Date: 13.07.2012 |
Category: Economical - work, income, living level |
Martin Buchtík |
In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens related to the level and the future trend of unemployment in Czech Republic as well as to the situation on labour-market in the place of their living. 68 % respondents declared that unemployment is too high, which is more that in the last year (61 %) and especially in comparison to the situation before economical crisis (2008: 36 %). Future trend view follows the current situation on the labor market.
>> Full text is available in Czech only << |
Satisfaction with the situation in areas of public life - June 2012 |
Date: 09.07.2012 |
Category: Political - political situation |
Martin Buchtík |
In June 2012, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life (29 areas were selected).Citizens of the Czech Republic are the most satisfied with the offer of goods and services (75 % satisfied), culture (59 %). Czechs are dissatisfied with the corruption (92 % dissatisfied), economic crime (81 %), the unemployment (77 %) the political situation (76 %) and the situation of public finance (75 %).
>> Full text is available in Czech only << |