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101 captures
19 Mar 09 - 3 Nov 18
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J. A. AGUILAR-ALBEROLA, F. MESQUITA-JOANES, S. LÓPEZ, A. MESTRE, J. C. CASANOVA, J. RUEDA, A. RIBAS: An invaded invader: high prevalence of entocytherid ostracods on the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula, Hydrobiologia 688 (2012) 63-73.

S. J. E. BAIRD, A. RIBAS, M. MACHOLÁN, T. ALBRECHT, J. PIÁLEK, J. GOÜY DE BELLOCQ: Where are the wormy mice? A re-examination of hybrid parasitism in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Evolution (2012) .

V. BARUŠ, B. KOUBKOVÁ, M. ŠPAKULOVÁ: Professor František Tenora has passed away, Helminthologia 49 (2012) .

S. V. BRANT, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, D. MODRÝ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, A. TODD, E. S. LOKER: Molecular phylogenetics of the elephant schistosome Bivitellobilharzia loxodontae (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) from the Central African Republic, Journal of Helminthology (2012) .

M. CALZOLARI, L. ZÉ-ZÉ, D. RŮŽEK, A. VAZQUEZ, C. JEFFRIES, F. DEFILIPPO, H.C. OSÓRIO, P. KILIAN, S. RUÍZ, A. R. FOOKS, G. MAIOLI, F. AMARO, M. TLUSTÝ, J. FIGUEROLA, J. M. MEDLOCK, P. BONILAURI, M. J. ALVES, O. ŠEBESTA, A. TENORIO, A. G. C. VAUX, R. BELLINI, I. GELBIČ, M. P. SÁNCHEZ-SECO, N. JOHNSON, M. DOTTORI: Detection of mosquito-only flaviviruses in Europe, Journal of General Virology 93 (2012) 1215-1225.

K. DOUDA, M. VRTÍLEK, O. SLAVÍK, M. REICHARD: The role of host specificity in explaining the invasion success of the freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana in Europe, Biological Invasions 14 (2012) 127-137.

J. F. DREXLER, V. M. CORMAN, M. A. MÜLLER, G. D. MAGANGA, P. VALLO, T. BINGER, F. GLOZA-RAUSCH, A. RASCHE, S. YORDANOV, A. SEEBENS, S. OPPONG, Y. A. SARKODIE, C. PONGOMBO: Bats host major mammalian paramyxoviruses, Nature Communications 3 (2012) 796.

L. GVOŽDÍK: Plasticity of preferred body temperatures as means of coping with climate change?, Biology Letters 8 (2012) 262-265.

K. HALAČKA, T. VÍTEK, L. VETEŠNÍK, P. SPURNÝ: Epidermis structure and blood parameter differences between sculpin Cottus gobio and Siberian sculpin Cottus poecilopus from the Morava watershed, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 9-16.

M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, M. HOMOLKA: Rodent damage to natural and replanted mountain forest regeneration, TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 2012 (2012) 872536.

M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ: Within- and between-season repeatability of eggshell colouration in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Journal of avian biology 43 (2012) 91-96.

A. HORN, P. BASSET, G. YANNIC, A. BANASZEK, P. M. BORODIN, N. S. BULATOVA, K. JADWISZCZAK, R. M. JONES, A. V. POLYAKOV, M. RATKIEWICZ, J. B. SEARLE, N. A. SHCHIPANOV, J. ZIMA, J. HAUSSER: Chromosomal rearrangements do not seem to affect the gene flow in hybrid zones between karyotypic races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus), Evolution 66 (2012) 882-889.

Z. HUBÁLEK, I. RUDOLF: Tick-borne viruses in Europe, Parasitology Research 111 (2012) 9-36.

N. R. IRWIN, M. BAYERLOVÁ, O. MISSA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Complex patterns of host switching in New World arenaviruses, Molecular Ecology 21 (2012) 4137-4150.

M. JANÁČ, Z. VALOVÁ, P. JURAJDA: Range expansion and habitat preferences of nonnative 0+ tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in two lowland rivers in the Danube basin, Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 181 (2012) 73-85.

M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA: Diel differences in 0+ fish samples: effect of river size and habitat, River Research and Applications (2012) .

V. JANOUŠEK, L. WANG, K. LUZYNSKI, P. DUFKOVÁ, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, M. W. NACHMAN, P. MUNCLINGER, M. MACHOLÁN, J. PIÁLEK, P. K. TUCKER: Genome-wide architecture of reproductive isolation in a naturally occurring hybrid zone between Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus, Molecular Ecology 21 (2012) 3032-3047.

V. JAVŮRKOVÁ, A. L. ŠIZLING, J. KREISINGER, T. ALBRECHT: An alternative theoretical approach to escape decision-making: the role of visual cues, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) .

M. JIRKŮ, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, Z. HŮZOVÁ, D. MODRÝ, J. LUKEŠ: Detection of Plasmodium spp. in Human Feces, Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (2012) 634-636.

P. KRISTÍN, L. GVOŽDÍK: Influence of respirometry methods on intraspecific variation in standard metabolic rates in newts, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 163 (2012) .

I. LITERÁK, A. V. BOCHKOV, J. CÁRDENAS-CALLIRGOS, M. ČAPEK: The first records of mites of the genus Neharpyrhynchus (Acariformes: Harpyrhynchidae) from birds in Peru, Neotropical Helminthology 6 (2012) 109-114.

P.-J, G. MALÉ, J.-F. MARTIN, M. GALAN, V. DEFFONTAINE, J. BRYJA, J.-F. COSSON, J. MICHAUX, N. CHARBONNEL: Discongruence of Mhc and cytochrome b phylogeographical patterns in Myodes glareolus (Rodentia: Cricetidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105 (2012) 881-899.

V. MAREK, L. GVOŽDÍK: The insensitivity of thermal preferences to various thermal gradient profiles in newts, Journal of Ethology 30 (2012) 35-41.

J. MENDEL, I. PAPOUŠEK, E. MAREŠOVÁ, L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, M. NOWAK, D. ČÍŽKOVÁ: Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2012 – 31 May 2012: Microsatellite loci for Palaearctic gudgeons: markers for identifying intergeneric hybrids between Romanogobio and Gobio, Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (2012) 972-974.

T. NAJER, O. SYCHRA, N. M. HUNG, M. ČAPEK, P. PODZEMNÝ, I. LITERÁK: New species and new records of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) from bulbuls (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae) in Vietnam, Zootaxa 3357 (2012) 37-48.

T. NAJER, O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from wild birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genera Brueelia and Philopteroides, Acta Parasitologica 57 (2012) 90-98.

A. NDIAYE, K. BA, V. M. ANISKIN, T. BENAZZOU, P. CHEVRET, A. KONEČNÝ, M. SEMBENE, C. TATARD, G. J. KERGOAT, L. GRANJON: Evolutionary systematics and biogeography of endemic gerbils (Rodentia, Muridae) from Morocco: an integrative approach, Zoologica Scripta 41 (2012) 11-28.

J. M. NETO, J. L. ARROYO, B. BARGAIN, J. S. MONRÓS, N. MÁTRAI, P. PROCHÁZKA, P. ZEHTINDJIEV: Phylogeography of a habitat specialist with high dispersal capability: the Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) .

M. OGRZEWALSKA, I. LITERÁK, J. M. CÁRDENAS-CALLIRGOS, M. ČAPEK, M.B. LABRUNA: Rickettsia bellii in ticks Amblyomma varium Koch, 1844, from birds in Peru, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 109 (2012) .

M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, I. MATĚJUSOVÁ, J. GRABOWSKA: Introduction of Gyrodactylus perccotti (Monogenea) into Europe on its invasive fish host, Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii, Dybowski 1877), Helminthologia 49 (2012) 21-26.

C. ORENDT, G. WOLFRAM, Z. ADÁMEK, P. JURAJDA, M. SCHMITT-JANSEN: The response of macroinvertebrate community taxa and functional groups to pollution along a heavily impacted river in Central Europe (Bilina River, Czech Republic), Biologia 67 (2012) 180-199.

P. PEČNEROVÁ, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Evolutionary history of tree squirrels (Rodentia, Sciurini) based on multilocus phylogeny reconstruction, Zoologica Scripta 41 (2012) 211-219.

KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, K. SCHOVANCOVÁ, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, S. KIŠIDAYOVÁ, Z. VÁRADYOVÁ, S. PEKÁR, J. KAMLER, D. MODRÝ: The effect of low- and high-fiber diets on the population of entodiniomorphid ciliates Troglodytella abrassarti in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), American Journal of Primatology 74 (2012) 669-675.

M. PHIFER-RIXEY, F. BONHOMME, P. BOURSOT, G. A. CHURCHILL, J. PIÁLEK, P. TUCKER, M. NACHMAN: Adaptive evolution and effective population size in wild house mice, Molecular Biology and Evolution (2012) .

J. PIKULA, H. BANDOUCHOVÁ, L. NOVOTNÝ, C. U. METEYER, J. ZUKAL, N. R. IRWIN, J. ZIMA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Histopathology confirms White-Nose Syndrome in bats in Europe, Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48 (2012) 207-211.

M. POLAČIK, M. JANÁČ, M. VASSILEV, T. TRICHKOVA: Morphometric comparison of native and non-native populations of round goby Neogobius melanostomus from the River Danube, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 1-8.

K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, J. PETRÁŠOVÁ, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, B. KALOUSOVÁ, M. JIRKŮ, R. M. SÁ, D. MODRÝ: Distribution of the Entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglocorys cava Tokiwa, Modrý, Ito, Pomajbíková, Petrželková, & Imai, 2010, (Entodiniomorphida: Blepharocorythidae) in wild and captive chimpanzees, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (2012) 97-99.

M. PROMEROVÁ, W. BABIK, J. BRYJA, T. ALBRECHT, M. STUGLIK, J. RADWAN: Evaluation of two approaches to genotyping major histocompatibility complex class I in a passerine—CE-SSCP and 454 pyrosequencing, Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (2012) 285-292.

I. PŘIKRYLOVÁ, R. BLAŽEK, M. P. M. VANHOVE: An overview of the Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) species parasitizing African catfishes, and their morphological and molecular diversity, Parasitology Research 110 (2012) 1185-1200.

M. REICHARD, R. SPENCE, A. BRYJOVÁ, J. BRYJA, C. SMITH: Female rose bitterling prefer MHC-dissimilar males: experimental evidence, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) .

M. REICHARD, M. VRTÍLEK, K. DOUDA, C. SMITH: An invasive species reverses the roles in a host–parasite relationship between bitterling fish and unionid mussels, Biology Letters 8 (2012) 601-604.

A. RIBAS, G. MOLINA-VACAS, M. BOADELLA, J. D. RODRÍGUEZ-TEIJEIRO, R. FERNÁNDEZ-CARDO, A. ARRIZABALAGA: First report of Troglotrema acutum (Digenea, Troglotrematidae) in the Eurasian badger Meles meles in the Iberian Peninsula and presumptive lesions caused in the host, Journal of Helminthology 86 (2012) 222-227.

D. RICHTER, A. DEBSKI, Z. HUBÁLEK, F.-R. MATUSCHKA: Absence of Lyme disease spirochetes in larval ixodes ricinus ticks, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12 (2012) 21-27.

R. ŘEŽUCHA, C. SMITH, M. REICHARD: Personality traits, reproductive behaviour and alternative mating tactics in male European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, Behaviour 149 (2012) 531-553.

M. SEIFERTOVÁ, J. BRYJA, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: Multiple Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization in the European chub (Squalius cephalus) revealed by combined use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers, Journal of Biogeography 39 (2012) 1024-1040.

M. SCHLEGEL, L. RADOSA, U. M. ROSENFELD, S. SCHMIDT, C. TRIEBENBACHER, P.-W. LÖHR, D. FUCHS, M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, M. STANKO, L. MOŠANSKÝ, J. FRIČOVÁ, M. PEJČOCH, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. H. GROSCHUP, D. H. KRÜGER, B. KLEMPA, R. G. ULRICH: Broad geographical distribution and high genetic diversity of shrew-borne Seewis hantavirus in Central Europe, Virus Genes (2012) .

U. SIVKA, K. HALAČKA, S. SUŠNIK BAJEC: Morphological differences in the skin of marble trout Salmo marmoratus and of brown trout Salmo trutta, Folia Histochemica Et Cytobiologica 50 (2012) 255-262.

P. SMEJKALOVÁ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, D. MODRÝ, I. ČEPIČKA: Extensive diversity of intestinal trichomonads of non-human primates, Parasitology 139 (2012) 92-102.

R. SMOLINSKÝ, L. GVOŽDÍK: Interactive influence of biotic and abiotic cues on the plasticity of preferred body temperatures in a predator–prey system, Oecologia (2012) .

M. ŠÁLEK, M. LÖVY: Spatial ecology and habitat utilization of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) in Central European farmland, Bird Conservation International (2012) .

O. ŠEBESTA, F. RETTICH, J. PEŠKO: Výzkum komárů na jižní Moravě a jejich zdravotní význam, Hygiena 57 (2012) 4-9.

O. ŠEBESTA, J. PEŠKO, I. GELBIČ: Influence of trap construction on mosquito capture, Journal of Life Sciences 6 (2012) 209-215.

O. ŠEBESTA, I. GELBIČ, J. MINÁŘ: Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Lower Dyje River Basin (Podyjí) at the Czech–Austrian border, Central European Journal of Biology 7 (2012) 288-298.

R. ŠUMBERA, V. MAZOCH, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, M. LÖVY, J. ŠKLÍBA, J. BRYJA, H. BURDA: Burrow architecture, family composition and habitat characteristics of the largest social African mole-rat: the giant mole-rat constructs really giant burrow systems, Acta Theriologica 57 (2012) 121-130.

A. TRNKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, P. PROKOP, M. HONZA: Breeding success of a brood parasite is associated with social mating status of its host, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66 (2012) 1187-1194.

D. TURAN, F. G. EKMEKCI, V. LUSKOVÁ, J. MENDEL: Description of a new species of genus Gobio from Turkey (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Zootaxa 3257 (2012) 56-65.

P. VALLO, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, J. PETRÁŠOVÁ, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, F. LEENDERTZ, C. HASHIMOTO, N. SIMMONS, F. BABWETEERA, Z. MACHANDA, A. PIEL, M. M. ROBBINS, CH. BOESCH, C. SANZ, D. MORGAN, V. SOMMER, T. FURUICHI, S. FUJITA, T. MATSUZAWA, T. KAUR, M. A. HUFFMAN, D. MODRÝ: Molecular diversity of entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti and its coevolution with chimpanzees, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 148 (2012) 525-533.

J. VELÍŠEK, A. STARÁ, J. MÁCHOVÁ, P. DVOŘÁK, E. ZUSKOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ: Effect of terbutryn at environmental concentrations on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 102 (2012) .

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The effect of ploidy and temporal changes in the biochemical profile of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): a cyprinid fish species with dual reproductive strategies, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (2012) .

M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, T. ALBRECHT: Phytohaemagglutinin skin-swelling test in scarlet rosefinch males: low-quality birds respond more strongly, Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) .

I. S. WALLACE, A. J. SHAKESBY, J. H. HWANG, W. G. CHOI, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, A. E. DOUGLAS, D. M. ROBERTS: Acyrthosiphon pisum AQP2: a multifunctional insect aquaglyceroporin, Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1818 (2012) .

-. WASIMUDDIN, D. ČÍŽKOVÁ, A. RIBAS, J. PIÁLEK, J. GOÜY DE BELLOCQ, J. BRYJA: Development and characterization of multiplex panels of microsatellite markers for Syphacia obvelata, a parasite of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using a high throughput DNA sequencing approach, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology (2012) .

SETH M. WHITE, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. REICHARD: Hydrologic connectivity affects fish assemblage structure, diversity, and ecological traits in the unregulated Gambia River, West Africa, Biotropica 44 (2012) 521-530.