Studies of Values and Differentiation: Sociological Viewpoints
November 8 and 9, 2010,
Karolinum, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
An international conference organized by the Center for Social and Economic Strategies at the
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, and the Sociological Institute of the
Czech Academy of Sciences.
Culture not only cements a society, but also divides it. The nature and depth of social changes
are expressed by similarities and differences in the development and state of value structures.
After twenty years of the transformation of post-communist society, its culture and values are
necessarily meritoriously questioned.
The central questions which the conference will address include:
- What is the place of values in contemporary postmodern society?
- What is the relationship between values as something that is and values as something
that should be? - What mechanisms are involved in the relationship between cultural and social
differentiation? - Whom do social and cultural resources benefit in attaining status, and how?
- Do cultural preferences track lines of social cleavage?
- What are the results of cultural (value) changes in the development of the postcommunist
countries in particular? - What are the possibilities of and paths for implementing “good values” in child
rearing, education, and the development of a society’s culture?
Introductory lectures will focus on
- the place of values in contemporary society
- the role of culture in shaping social inequalities
Conference fee:
Full: 500 CZK/20 €, with student discount: 250 CZK / 10€
Account number: 85033011/0100; Variable symbol: 1110
More information, paper proposals and full texts:
Irena Karlová, MA. – email:, phone: +420-224-491-494