prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
Position: research scientist
Research topics: Cytogenetics and biodiversity
Department: Department of Population Biology
Phone: +420 543 422 553
E-mail: jzima brno.cas.cz
Research Interests and Publications:
Comparative and evolutionary cytogenetics, systematics and phylogeny of the mammals, biodiversity. Around 400 publications, including 14 papers and 29monographs and books. More than 20 invited lectures. Research grants awarded by EU (6th FP), DAAD (Germany), CNR (Italia) and national agencies in the Czech Republic. Various stays in European laboratories (e.g. visiting professor at Universita La Sapienza Roma, 2000, stays at University of Essen-Duisburg, 2004/2005). Long-term field expeditions to south-eastern Europe, Turkey, central Asia, Siberia, and Mongolia. Organisation of several international scientific meetings (e.g. 2nd International Theriological Congress, Brno, 1978; IVth European Bat Research Conference, Praha, 1987; 3rd International Meeting The Cytogenetics of the Sorex araneus Group and Related Topics, Brno, 1993; 4th European Congress of Mammalogy, Brno, 2003).
Academic Record:
1970-1975 graduate study, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague,
1976-1981 PhD study, Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Brno,
1995 DrSc. (D.Sc.) Degree, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
1996 habilitation (Assoc. Prof.), Faculty of Science, Charles University,
2004 full professor, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University.
Professional Carrier:
1981-1993 Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,research fellow,
1993-1998 Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, head of laboratory,
1996- Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University,associate professor, full professor from 2005
1998- Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, chairman of the Scientific Board (1998-2000), director (2000-2006),
2006 - Institute of Verterbrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. (public research organization), director.
Gaisler J. & Zima J., 2007: Zoologie obratlovců. 2. přepracované vydání. [Vertebrate Zoology. 2nd ed., in Czech] Academia, Praha, 692 s. ISBN 978-80-200-1484-9 (Order here)
Aulagnier S., Haffner P., Mitchell-Jones A.J., Moutou F., Zima J., 2009: Mammals of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. A&C Black Publishers, London, 272 pp.
ISBN 978-1-4081-1399-8 (Order here)
Projects A multidisciplinary study of hybrid zones in the common shrew (2004-2007)
Biodiversity Research Center (2005-2011)
Genetic structure of chamois populations in Central Europe (2006-2009)
Marie Curie research training network SEXASEX Sex to asex: a case study on transitions and coexistence between sexual and asexual reproduction (2006-2008)
A. HORN, P. BASSET, G. YANNIC, A. BANASZEK, P. M. BORODIN, N. S. BULATOVA, K. JADWISZCZAK, R. M. JONES, A. V. POLYAKOV, M. RATKIEWICZ, J. B. SEARLE, N. A. SHCHIPANOV, J. ZIMA, J. HAUSSER: Chromosomal rearrangements do not seem to affect the gene flow in hybrid zones between karyotypic races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus), Evolution 66 (2012) 882-889. J. PIKULA, H. BANDOUCHOVÁ, L. NOVOTNÝ, C. U. METEYER, J. ZUKAL, N. R. IRWIN, J. ZIMA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Histopathology confirms White-Nose Syndrome in bats in Europe, Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48 (2012) 207-211. 2011
A. ARSLAN, J. ZIMA: Banded karyotype of the Konya wild sheep (Ovis orientalis anatolica Valenciennes, 1856) from Turkey, Comparative Cytogenetics 5 (2011) 81-89. A. ARSLAN, T. YORULMAZ, K. TOYRAN, S. GÖZÜTOK, J. ZIMA: C-heterochromatin variation and NOR distribution in the Karyotype of water vole, Arvicola terrestris (Mammalia, Rodentia), Caryologia 64 (2011) 215-222. A. ARSLAN, A. SÜKRÜYE, J. ZIMA: Variation in C-heterochromatin and NOR distribution among chromosomal races of mole rats (Spalacidae) from Central Anatolia,Turkey, Mammalian Biology 76 (2011) . B. ZEMANOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA JR., A. HÁJKOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Development of multiplex microsatellite sets for noninvasive population genetic study of the endangered Tatra chamois, Folia zoologica 60 (2011) 70-80. 2010
A. ARSLAN, J. ZIMA: Banded karyotypes of Allactaga williamsi from Central Anatolia, Turkish Journal of Zoology 34 (2010) 533-537. D. KOUBÍNOVÁ, K. S. SREEPADA, P. KOUBEK, J. ZIMA: Karyotypic variation in rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae), Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2010) 393-400. B. KRYŠTUFEK, V. VOHRALÍK, J. ZIMA, D. KOUBÍNOVÁ, E. V. BUŽAN: A new subspecies of the Iranian Vole, Microtus irani Thomas, 1921, from Turkey, Zoology in the Middle East 50 (2010) 11-18. N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, P. BAČKOR, T. BARTONIČKA, P. BLAŽKOVÁ, J. ČERVENÝ, L. FALTEISEK, J. GAISLER, V. HANZAL, D. HORÁČEK, Z. HUBÁLEK, H. JAHELKOVÁ, M. KOLAŘÍK, Ľ. KORYTÁR, A. KUBÁTOVÁ, B. LEHOTSKÁ, R. LEHOTSKÝ, R. K. LUČAN, O. MÁJEK, J. MATĚJŮ, Z. ŘEHÁK, J. ŠAFÁŘ, P. TÁJEK, E. TKADLEC, M. UHRIN, J. WAGNER, D. WEINFURTOVÁ, J. ZIMA, J. ZUKAL, I. HORÁČEK: Increasing incidence of Geomyces destructans fungus in bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, PLoS ONE 5 (2010) . 2009
M. RUDÁ, D. ŽIAK, B. GAUFFRE, J. ZIMA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Comprehensive cross-amplification of microsatellite multiplex sets across the rodent genus Microtus, Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (2009) 974-978. 2008
A. ARSLAN, J. ZIMA, H. ÖZPARLAK: C-heterochromatin variation in the karyotype reflects species level distinction between Erinaceus roumanicus and E. concolor (Eulipotyphla: Erinaceidae) in Turkey, Zootaxa 1961 (2008) 1-10. J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, P. ŠÍMOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, M. ANDĚRA, V. BEJČEK, V. HANÁK, L. HANEL, S. LUSK, B. MIKÁTOVÁ, J. MORAVEC, K. ŠŤASTNÝ, J. ZIMA: Species richness of vertebrates in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 452-464. B. KRYŠTUFEK, R. M. BAXTER, W. HABERL, J. ZIMA, E. V. BUŽAN: Systematics and biogeography of the Mozambique thicket rat, Grammomys cometes, in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Journal of Mammalogy 89 (2008) 325-335. K. S. SREEPADA, D. KOUBÍNOVÁ, A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK, P. RÁB, M. RÁBOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Karyotypes of three species of molossid bats (Molossidae, Chiroptera) from India and western Africa, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 347-357. 2007
P. HÁJKOVÁ, C. PERTOLDI, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, B. HÁJEK, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Genetic structure and evidence for recent population decline in Eurasian otter populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics: implications for conservation, Journal of Zoology 272 (2007) 1-9. M. MACHOLÁN, P. MUNCLINGER, M. ŠUGERKOVÁ, P. DUFKOVÁ, B. BÍMOVÁ, E. BOŽÍKOVÁ, J. ZIMA, J. PIÁLEK: Genetic analysis of autosomal and X-linked markers across a mouse hybrid zone, Evolution 61 (2007) 746-771. N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, J. ZIMA, M. JAAROLA, M. MACHOLÁN, F. SPITZENBERGER: The origin and phylogenetic relationships of Microtus bavaricus based on karyotype and mitochondrial DNA sequences, Folia zoologica 56 (2007) 39-49. J. B. SEARLE, J. HAUSSER, J. ZIMA, K. FREDGA, J. M. WÓJCIK, V. T. VOLOBOUEV, N. S. BULATOVA, R. NADJAFOVA: The ISACC heritage, Russian Journal of Theriology 6 (2007) 123-167. 2006
P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, E. TKADLEC, J. ZIMA: Factors affecting success of PCR amplification of microsatellite loci from otter faeces, Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (2006) 559-562. P. KOTLÍK, V. DEFFONTAINE, S. MASCHERETTI, J. ZIMA, J. R. MICHAUX, J. B. SEARLE: A northern glacial refugium for bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (2006) 14860-14864. 2005
Z. HUBÁLEK, H. BURDA, A. SCHARFF, G. HETH, E. NEVO, R. ŠUMBERA, J. PEŠKO, J. ZIMA: Emmonsiosis of subterranean rodents (Bathyergidae, Spalacidae) in Africa and Israel, Medical Mycology 43 (2005) 691-697. 2004
P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, M. KUČEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Stanovenie početnosti a štruktúry populácie vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) neinvazívnou genetickou metódou - správa o prebiehajúcom výskumnom projekte, Bulletin Vydra (2004) 15-18. M. JAAROLA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, I. GÜNDÜZ, C. BRUNHOFF, J. ZIMA, A. NADACHOWSKI, G. AMORI, N. S. BULATOVA, B. CHONDROPOULOS, S. FRAGUEDAKIS-TSOLIS, J. GONZÁLEZ-ESTEBAN, M. J. LÓPEZ-FUSTER, A. S. KANDAUROV, H. KEFELIOGLU, M. LUZ MATHIAS, I. VILLATE, J. B. SEARLE: Molecular phylogeny of the speciose vole genus Microtus (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) inferred from mitochondrialDNA sequences, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33 (2004) . B. KRYŠTUFEK, W. HABERL, R. M. BAXTER, J. ZIMA: Morphology and karyology of two populations of the woodland dormouse Graphiurus murinus in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 339-350. N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, P. NOVÁ, O. V. SABLINA, A. S. GRAPHODATSKY, J. ZIMA: Karyotypic relationships of the Tatra vole (Microtus tatricus), Folia zoologica 53 (2004) 279-284. J. M. WÓJCIK, A. M. WÓJCIK, M. MACHOLÁN, J. PIÁLEK, J. ZIMA: The mammalian model for population studies of B chromosomes: the wood mouse (Apodemus), Cytogenetics and Genome Research 106 (2004) 264-270. 2003
L. A. IERADI, J. ZIMA, F. ALLEGRA, E. KOTLÁNOVÁ, L. CAMPANELLA, R. GROSSI, M. CRISTALDI: Evaluation of genotoxic damage in wild rodents from a polluted area in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 57-66. A. V. POLYAKOV, V. T. VOLOBOUEV, V. M. ANISKIN, J. ZIMA, J. B. SEARLE, P. M. BORODIN: Altitudinal partitioning of two chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in West Siberia, Mammalia 67 (2003) 201-207. J. M. WÓJCIK, P. M. BORODIN, S. FEDYK, K. FREDGA, J. HAUSSER, A. V. MISHTA, V. N. ORLOV, J. B. SEARLE, V. T. VOLOBOUEV, J. ZIMA: The list of the chromosome races of the common shrew Sorex araneus (updated 2002), Mammalia 67 (2003) 169-178. J. ZIMA, J. PIÁLEK, M. MACHOLÁN: Possible heterotic effects of B chromosomes on body mass in a population of Apodemus flavicollis, Canadian Journal of Zoology - Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 81 (2003) 1312-1317. J. ZIMA, L. SLIVKOVÁ, L. TOMÁŠKOVÁ: New data on karyotypic variation in the common shrew, Sorex araneus, from the Czech Republic: an extension of the range of the Laska race, Mammalia 67 (2003) 209-215. 2002
P. NOVÁ, B. A. REUTTER, M. RÁBOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Sex-chromosome heterochromatin variation in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 96 (2002) 186-190. J. ZIMA, E. CENEVOVÁ: Coat colour and chromosome variation in cetral European populations of the weasel (Mustela nivalis), Folia zoologica 51 (2002) 265-274.