Year |
Thesis title |
Student |
University |
2007 |
Accumulation of heavy metals and stress
response of "normal" and hyperaccumulating plants
Lukáš Sedláček |
FS ChU Prague |
2007 |
Remediation of xenobiotics (pharmaceuticals)
from municipal waste water
Tereza Švecová |
ICT Prague |
2008 |
Uranium and its decay range products in the
Ondřej Lhotský |
ICT Prague |
2009 |
Utilization of energy crops for
Katarína Jusková |
ICT Prague |
2010 |
Mechanism of tolerance of plants against
oxidative stress
Marina Ursu |
ICT Prague |
2010 |
Mechanism of uptake of heavy metals and
organic compounds by plants
Petra Berkyová |
FS ChU Prague |
2010 |
Phytoremediation: biochemical
characteristics of heavy metal hyperacumulators
Jana Lábusová |
FS ChU Prague |
2010 |
Thorium in environment
Rostislav Adam |
FS ChU Prague |
2010 |
Phytoremediation: structural
characteristics of plant hyperaccumulators of heavy metals
Marie Otradovcová |
FS ChU Prague |
2011 |
Prachové částice v
životním prostředí a jejich vliv na rostliny - možnosti využití pro
Šárka Endlerová |
FS ChU Prague |
2012 |
Radionuclide accumulation by plants cultivated under laboratory
and real conditions
Barbora Dvořáková |
FS ChU Prague |
Year |
Thesis title |
Student |
University |
2002 |
Use of plants removing of heavy metals
Monika Hrnčířová |
ICT Prague |
2002 |
Removing of heavy metals by
Martina Kaletová |
ICT Prague |
2006 |
Comparison of seed germination of flax (Linum
usitatissimum L.) in the present of toxic metals using toxicity test
Adéla Katrušáková |
ICT Prague |
2007 |
Toxicity tests of soils after
Klára Fišerová |
ICT Prague |
2007 |
Utilization of plants of Allium family for
accumulation of heavy metals
Jan Kotyza |
ICT Prague |
2007 |
Utilization of plants of onion, garlic and
leek for removing of heavy metals by phytoremediation method
Ivana Lenikusová
ICT Prague |
2008 |
Study of accumulation of toxic metals by
plants from genus Allium
Radek Mareček |
ICT Prague |
2008 |
Determination of accumulation and
distribution of heavy metals in different part of crossbred corn after
fytoremediation of contaminated soils
Pavel Kinderman |
FS ChU Prague |
2009 |
Accumulation of copper and stress response
of "normal" and hyperaccumulating plants
Lukáš Sedláček |
FS ChU Prague |
2010 |
Accumulation of uranium by plants
cultivated under laboratory conditions
Martin Buzek |
FS ChU Prague |
2011 |
Utilization of energy crops for
phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated areas
Katarína Jusková |
ICT Prague |
2011 |
Thorium accumulation and study of stress
responces of plants on thorium presence
Daniel Kufner |
FS ChU Prague |
2011 |
Uranium accumulation by tobacco plants and
study of stress responces
Ondřej Lhotský |
ICT Prague |
2012 |
Study of plant stress responces in presence
of pharmaceuticals in cultivation
Jana Bystroňová |
FS ChU Prague |
2012 |
Study of accumulation of cadmium ion by energy crops
Petra Berkyová
FS ChU Prague |
2012 |
Study of physiological changes in plants under stress by zinc ions
Rostislav Adam |
FS ChU Prague |