Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
Position: post-docs
Research topics: Conservation genetics
Department: Department of Population Biology
Phone: +420 608 908 285
E-mail: hajkova ivb.cz
Research interests
conservation and population genetics,
noninvasive genetic sampling,
molecular biology, conservation genomics,
ecology of Eurasian otters.
1996-2001: undergraduate study - University Komensky Bratislava, Faculty of Science, Biology. Diploma thesis: Feeding ecology of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in the upper Hornád River catchment. (Mgr.)
2001-2008: Ph.D. study - Masaryk university Brno, Faculty of Science, Zoology, Institute of Botany and Zoology and Institute of Vertebrate Biology. Ph.D. thesis: Conservation genetics of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra).
2002-2010: Institute of Vertebrate Biology Brno, Department of Population Biology Studenec - research assistant,
2010-present: maternity leave.
International experience
2005-2006: University of Aarhus, Institute of Biological Sciences, Ecology and Genetics, Denmark (Dr. Cino Pertoldi) - study stay,
courses of conservation genetics (Denmark, Italy),
Purdue University, USA - short working visit,
CNRS Grenoble and CBGP Montpellier, France - short working visit,
University of Aarhus, Denmark - short working visit,
Instituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica, Italy - short working visit,
Wildlife Institute of India in Dehradun, India - short working visit,
University of Zurich, Switzerland - short working visit,
Seoul National University, South Korea - short working visit,
participation at more than 15 conferences,
2007: co-organisation of international conference 25th Mustelid Colloquium Třeboň,
2011: Phylogeography, population and landscape genetics - IUCN XIth International Otter Colloquium, Pavia, Italy - co-chairman,
member IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group,
reviewer - Acta Theriologica, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Conservation Genetics, Folia Zoologica, Journal of Zoology.
Former students
Lenka Gettová
Andrea Hájková
Veronika Sládkovičová
Barbora Zemanová
Projects Filling gaps in knowledge of biology and ecology of Eurasian otter: ecological modelling
Genetic consequences of population decline in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics
N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, A. KRANZ, M. D. GIMÉNEZ, P. HÁJKOVÁ: Chamois introductions to Central Europe and New Zealand, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 239-245. 2011
D. DEMONTIS, S. D. CZARNOMSKA, P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, V. LOESCHCKE, C. PERTOLDI: Characterization of 151 SNPs for population structure analysis of the endangered Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) and its relative, the Alpine chamois (R. r. rupicapra), Mammalian Biology 76 (2011) 644-645. B. ZEMANOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA JR., A. HÁJKOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Development of multiplex microsatellite sets for noninvasive population genetic study of the endangered Tatra chamois, Folia zoologica 60 (2011) 70-80. 2010
J. AN, S-K. CHOI, J. SOMMER, E. LOUIS JR., R. BRENNEMAN, B. ZEMANOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, G. PARK, M-S. MIN, K-S. KIM, H. LEE: A core set of microsatellite markers for conservation genetics studies of Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) and its cross-species amplification in Caprinae species, Journal of Veterinary Science 11 (2010) 351-353. N. MUCCI, J. ARRENDAL, H. ANSORGE, M. BAILEY, M. BODNER, M. DELIBES, A. FERRANDO, P. FOURNIER, C. FOURNIER, J. A. GODOY, P. HÁJKOVÁ, S. HAUER, T. M. HEGGBERGET, D. HEIDECKE, H. KIRJAVAINEN, H.-H. KRUEGER, K. KVALOY, L. LAFONTAINE, J. LANSZKI, C. LEMARCHAND, U.-M. LIUKKO, V. LOESCHCKE, G. LUDWIG, A. B. MADSEN, L. MERCIER, J. OZOLINS, M. PAUNOVIC, C. PERTOLDI, A. PIRIZ, C. PRIGIONI, M. SANTOS-REIS, T. S. LUIS, T. STJERNBERG, H. SCHMID, F. SUCHENTRUNK, J. TEUBNER, R. TORNBERG, O. ZINKE, E. RANDI: Genetic diversity and landscape genetic structure of otter (Lutra lutra) populations in Europe, Conservation Genetics 11 (2010) 583-599. N. MUCCI, J. ARRENDAL, H. ANSORGE, M. BAILEY, M. BODNER, M. DELIBES, A. FERRANDO, P. FOURNIER, C. FOURNIER, J. A. GODOY, P. HÁJKOVÁ, S. HAUER, T. M. HEGGBERGET, D. HEIDECKE, H. KIRJAVAINEN, H.-H. KRUEGER, K. KVALOY, L. LAFONTAINE, J. LANSZKI, C. LEMARCHAND, U.-M. LIUKKO, V. LOESCHCKE, G. LUDWIG, A. B. MADSEN, L. MERCIER, J. OZOLINS, M. PAUNOVIC, C. PERTOLDI, A. PIRIZ, C. PRIGIONI, M. SANTOS-REIS, T. S. LUIS, T. STJERNBERG, H. SCHMID, F. SUCHENTRUNK, J. TEUBNER, R. TORNBERG, O. ZINKE, E. RANDI: Genetic diversity and landscape genetic structure of otter (Lutra lutra) populations in Europe, Conservation Genetics 11 (2010) 583-599. 2009
P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, B. HÁJEK: An evaluation of field and noninvasive genetic methods for estimating Eurasian otter population size, Conservation Genetics 10 (2009) 1667-1681. 2008
P. PROCHÁZKA, E. BELLINVIA, D. FAINOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, A. ELHALAH, K. ALOMARI: Immigration as a possible rescue of a reduced population of a long-distant migratory bird: Reed warblers in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan, Journal of Arid Environments 72 (2008) 1184-1192. 2007
P. HÁJKOVÁ: Genetická štruktúra a recentný pokles početnosti populácií vydry riečnej v ČR a SR, Bulletin Vydra 14 (2007) 50-57. P. HÁJKOVÁ, C. PERTOLDI, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, B. HÁJEK, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Genetic structure and evidence for recent population decline in Eurasian otter populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics: implications for conservation, Journal of Zoology 272 (2007) 1-9. P. KAŇUCH, P. HÁJKOVÁ, Z. ŘEHÁK, J. BRYJA: A rapid PCR-based test for species identification of two cryptic bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus and its application on museum and dropping samples, Acta Chiropterologica 9 (2007) 277-282. 2006
P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, E. TKADLEC, J. ZIMA: Factors affecting success of PCR amplification of microsatellite loci from otter faeces, Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (2006) 559-562. 2004
P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. HÁJEK, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, A. TOMAN, J. BRYJA: Genetická variabilita a populačno-genetická štruktúra subpopulácií vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) v výskumnom projekte Českej a Slovenskej republike, Bulletin Vydra (2004) 19-23. P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, M. KUČEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Stanovenie početnosti a štruktúry populácie vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) neinvazívnou genetickou metódou - správa o prebiehajúcom výskumnom projekte, Bulletin Vydra (2004) 15-18. J. KOŠČO, P. KOŠUTH, P. HÁJKOVÁ: Ryby ako potenciálny zdroj potravy vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra L.) v Národnom parku Slovenský raj, Acta Facultatis studiorum humanitatis et naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis 40 (2004) 115-123. 2003
P. HÁJKOVÁ, K. ROCHE, Ľ. KOCIAN: On the use of diagnostic bones of brown trout, Salmo trutta m. fario, grayling, Thymallus thymallus and Carpathian sculpin, Cottus poecilopus in Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra diet analysis, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 389-398.