- P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, H. Lipavská, T. Vaněk : Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by hairy-root cultures of Armoracia rusticana L., Pharmaceut. Pharmacol. Letters 8(4), 57-60, 1998
- R. Duc, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J.-P. Schwitzguébel : Accumulation and transformation of sulfonated aromatic compouns by rhubarb cells (Rheum palmatum)., International Journal of Phytoremediation. 3(1), 255-271, 1999
- R. Duc, T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, J.-P. Schwitzguébel: Experimentation with rhubarb in Europe., Soil Groundwater and Cleanup February/March, 27-30, 1999
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Study of radiophytoremediation, Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 177-121, 2001 [Impact factor: 0.207(01)]
- Z. Kafka, I. Kališová (Špirochová), P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Fytoremediace pro plochy kontaminované těžkými kovy, Odpady 3, 13-14, 2002
- I. Kališová-Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of heavy metals by in vitro cultures of plants, Water Air and Soil Pollution Focus 3, 269-276, 2003
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk: Laboratory analyses of 137Cs uptake by sunflower, reed and poplar, Chemosphere 55, 1081-1087, 2004 [Impact factor: 2.359(04)]
- P. Soudek, E. Podracká, M. Vágner, T. Vaněk, P. Petřík, R. Tykva: 226Ra uptake from soils into different plant species., Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262, 187-189, 2004 [Impact factor: 0.457(04)]
- A. Golan-Goldhirsh, O. Barazani, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, S. Smrček, L. Dufková, Š. Křenková, K. Yrjala, P. Schőder, T. Vaněk: Plant response to heavy metals and organic pollutants in cell culture and at whole plant level., Journal of Soils and Sediments 4, 133-140, 2004
- A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, P. Schröder, T.Vaněk: Effects of heavy metals and nitroaromatic compounds on horseradish glutathione S-transferase and peroxidase., Chemosphere 57, 1007-1015, 2004 [Impact factor: 2.359(04)]
- P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, P. Maršík, T. Vaněk: Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) in vitro., Biologia Plantarum 49(4), 487-492, 2005 [Impact factor: 0.792(05)]
- A. Nepovím, A. Hebner, P. Soudek, A. Gerth, H. Thomas, S. Smrček, T. Vaněk: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by selected helophytes., Chemosphere 60, 1454-1461, 2005 [Impact factor: 2.297(05)]
- P. Maršík, L. Kokoška, P. Landa, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: In vitro inhibitory effects of thymol and quinones of Nigella sativa seeds on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosyntheses. Planta Medica 71, 739-742, 2005 [Impact factor: 1.628(05)]
- P. Soudek, L. Víchová, Š. Valenová, R. Podlipná, J. Malá, T. Vaněk: Arzen a jeho příjem rostlinami., Chemiské Listy 100(5), 323-329, 2006, [Impact factor: 0.431(06)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, Z. Vavříková, T. Vaněk: 137Cs and 90Sr uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydroponic condition., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 88(3), 236-250, 2006 [Impact factor: 1.073(06)]
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the laboratory scale, Environmental and Experimental Botany 57(3), 220-225, 2006 [Impact factor: 1.820(06)]
- P. Soudek, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, R. Tykva, V. Plojhar, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Botanical survey and screening of plant species wich accumulate 226Ra from contaminated soil of uranium waste depot., European Journal of Soil Biology 43(4), 251-261, 2007 [Impact factor: 0.500(07)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, R. Tykva, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Comparison of 226Ra nuclide from soil by three woody species Betula pendula, Sambucus nigra and Alnus glutinosa during the vegetation period., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 97(1), 76-82, 2007 [Impact factor: 0.963(07)]
- R. Podlipná, A. Nepovím, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Soapwort oxidoreductase is involved in trinitrotoluene detoxification. Biologia Plantarum 51(2), 367-371, 2007 [Impact factor: 1.259(07)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, T. Vaněk: Fytoremediace a možnosti zvýšení jejich účinnosti., Chemické Listy, 102 [5], 346-352 (2008) [Impact factor: 0.593(08)]
- J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Léčiva – „nový“ environmentální polutant., Chemické Listy, 103 [7], 540-547 (2009) [Impact factor: 0.717(09)]
- P. Soudek, J. Kotyza, I. Lenikusová, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Accumulation of heavy metals in hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.), leek (Allium porrum L.) and chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.)., Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 7 (3&4), 761-769, 2009 [Impact factor: 0.349(09)]
- P. Petřík, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, P. Najmanová, M. Najman, T. Vaněk: Flora of toxic depots in selected industrial zones., Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 78 (4), 327-334, 2009 [Impact factor: 0.434(09)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, M. Vágner, R. Vaňková, T. Vaněk: Study of soil-plant transfer of 226Ra under greenhouse conditions., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101 (6), 446-450, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.466(10)]
- J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of pharmaceuticals - preliminary results., International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12(3), 306-316, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.936(10)]
- P. Soudek, A. Katrušáková, L. Sedláček, Š. Petrová, V. Kočí, P. Maršík, M. Griga, T. Vaněk: Effect of heavy metals on seeds germination in twenty three cultivars of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)., Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 59 (2), 194-203, 2010 [Impact factor: 1.930(10)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Uranium uptake and stress responses of in vitro cultivated hairy root culture of Armoracia rusticana., Agrochimica LV (1), 15-28, 2011 [Impact factor: 0.250(11)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, M. Dvořáková, T. Vaněk: Uranium uptake by hydroponically cultivated crop plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 102(6), 598-604, 2011 [Impact factor: 1.339(11)]
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Heavy metal uptake and stress responces of hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany 74, 289-295, 2011 [Impact factor: 2,985(11)]
- Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, P. Soudek, T. Vanĕk: Enhancement of metal(loid)s phytoextraction by Cannabis sativa L. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10(1), 631-641, 2012 [Impact factor: 0.517(11)]
- P. Soudek, P. Kinderman, P. Maršík, Š. Petrová, T. Vaněk: Biomonitoring of air pollution in Prague using tree leaves. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10(2), 810-817, 2012 [Impact factor: 0.517(11)]
- Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Remediation of uranium mining areas in the Czech Republic., Chemické Listy, in press, xxx-xxx, 2012 [Impact factor: 0.529(11)]
- P. Soudek, D. Kufner, Š. Petrová, M. Mihaljevič, T. Vaněk: Thorium accumulation in tobacco plants. Chemosphere (submited), 2012 [Impact factor: 3.206(11)]
- P. Soudek