Juraj Peško

Position: technician
Research topics:
Department: Department of Medical Zoology
Phone: +420 519 352 961
E-mail: juraj.peskoseznam.cz



O. ŠEBESTA, I. RUDOLF, L. BETÁŠOVÁ, J. PEŠKO, Z. HUBÁLEK: An invasive mosquito species Aedes albopictus found in the Czech Republic, 2012, Eurosurveillance 17 (2012) 20301.

O. ŠEBESTA, F. RETTICH, J. PEŠKO: Výzkum komárů na jižní Moravě a jejich zdravotní význam, Hygiena 57 (2012) 4-9.

O. ŠEBESTA, J. PEŠKO, I. GELBIČ: Influence of trap construction on mosquito capture, Journal of Life Sciences 6 (2012) 209-215.


O. ŠEBESTA, I. GELBIČ, J. PEŠKO: Daily and seasonal variation in the activity of potential vector mosquitoes, Central European Journal of Biology 6 (2011) 422-430.


Z. HUBÁLEK, H. BURDA, A. SCHARFF, G. HETH, E. NEVO, R. ŠUMBERA, J. PEŠKO, J. ZIMA: Emmonsiosis of subterranean rodents (Bathyergidae, Spalacidae) in Africa and Israel, Medical Mycology 43 (2005) 691-697.