Mgr. Peter Mikulíček, Ph.D.
Position: post-docs
Research topics: Conservation genetics, speciation, hybridization
Department: Department of Population Biology
E-mail: peter.mikulicek
2013P. MIKULÍČEK, D. JANDZIK, U. FRITZ, C. SCHNEIDER, P. ŠIROKÝ: AFLP analysis shows high incongruence between genetic differentiation and morphology-based taxonomy in a widely distributed tortoise, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (2013) 151-160.
2012P. MIKULÍČEK, A. HORÁK, V. ZAVADIL, J. KAUTMAN, J. PIÁLEK: Hybridization between three crested newt species (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: comparison of nuclear markers and mitochondrial DNA, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 202-218.
P. MIKULÍČEK, P. PIŠÚT: Genetic structure of the marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) populations in urban landscape, European Journal of Wildlife Research 58 (2012) 833-845.
2009P. ŠIROKÝ, P. MIKULÍČEK, D. JANDZIK, H. KAMI, A. D. MIHALCA, R. ROUAG, M. KAMLER, C. SCHNEIDER, M. ZÁRUBA, D. MODRÝ: Co-distribution pattern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae), Journal of Parasitology 95 (2009) 728-733.
2008A. MALETZKY, P. MIKULÍČEK, M. FRANZEN, A. GOLDSCHMID, H.-J. GRUBER, A. HORÁK, M. KYEK: Hybridization and introgression between two species of crested newts (Triturus cristatus and T-carnifex) along contact zones in Germany and Austria: morphological and molecular data, Herpetological Journal 18 (2008) 1-15.
2004P. MIKULÍČEK, J. KAUTMAN, V. ZAVADIL, J. PIÁLEK: Natural hybridization and limited introgression between the crested newts Triturus cristatus and T. dobrogicus (Caudata Salamandridae) in Slovakia, Biologia 59 (2004) 211-218.