The Research Group for 




Call for Papers


Bratislava, 19
21 September, 2013

We would like to inform you about preparations for an international conference “Concept – Image – Reception. Baroque Ceiling Painting in the Setting of European Monasteries”, which will take place in Bratislava on 19–21 September, 2013. The conference will be organised by The Institute of Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, in cooperation with The Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe (BCPCE), The Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, and The Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences.

The theme of the planned conference is the relationship between monumental ceiling paintings and texts relating to them, and their contemporary reception, in the European countries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The formulation of questions and the search for answers to them will take place within the framework of the following thematic fields:

- the relationship that written sources (contracts, correspondence, inventories, etc.) and historical texts with a iconographical content (literature, concepts – concetti, manuscript or printed descriptions) have to the form the painting subsequently takes

- the artistic approach to and formal treatment of the pictorial themes in relationship to architecture, to ceremonial and liturgical practice, and to the spirituality of the religious orders and publicity for them

- the reception of the ceiling paintings and current possibilities for understanding them (interpretation of contemporary descriptions, topographical and pilgrimage literature and other sources)

- the relationship between ceiling painting on the one hand and contemporary iconographical literature and post-Tridentine image theory (Robert Bellarmine, Gabriele Paleotti, Molanus, et al.) on the other

- the migration of pictorial motifs and artistic exchange in Europe

We welcome proposals for contributions to the conference relating to the thematic fields outlined above. The time available for contributions accompanied by a digital visual presentation will be 20 minutes. The conference languages will be English and German. In view of the limited scale of the conference, proposals for contributions will be subject to a selection procedure. It is planned to publish the contributions in the form of conference proceedings.

Should you be interested in taking an active part in the conference, please send the title of your proposed contribution, together with an abstract no more than one page (1800 characters) in length, to one of the following e-mail addresses by 31 March 2013 at the latest:

Mgr. et. Mgr. Art. Barbara Balážová, PhD.
The Institute of Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

Mgr. Michaela Šeferisová Loudová, PhD.
Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno

PhDr. Martin Mádl, PhD.
The Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences

CFP for the Conference "CONCEPT - IMAGE - RECEPTION"

john baptist

Johann Lucas Kracker, Preaching of St. John the Baptist
Church of St. John the Baptist
Premonstratensian monastery Jasov (Slovakia), 1762-1764


Vault of the Premonstratensian church of St. John the Baptist
in Jasov (Slovakia), paintings by Johann Lucas Kracker

jasov detail

Johann Lucas Kracker
Preaching of the St. John the Baptist (detail)
Church of St. John the Baptist
Premonstratensian monastery Jasov (Slovakia)



Prämonstratenser Abtei Neu Reisch / Nová Říše ladet Sie ein zur Konferenz


22. 9. - 24. 9. 2010, Stift Neu Reisch

(Eröffnung am 22. 9. um 16:00, 24. 9. Exkursion nach Obrowitz und Kiritein/Křtiny)

Anmeldungen bitte bis 23. Juli 2010

Für alle Wissenschaftler und Interessierte für Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Kultur der Präemonstratenserklöstern in Mitteleuropa.

Die Konferenz wird den historischen und kulturellen Fragen der Stifte in Neu Reisch und Obrowitz seit der Gründung bis heute gewidmet. Die Absicht liegt nicht nur in der Zusammenfassung der heutigen Kenntnisse über diese beiden Stifte. Die Konferenz soll auch an andere Institutionen vor allem in den Nachbarländern aufmerksam machen und die Zusammenhänge in denen Kulturgeschichte zeigen.

Die Vorträge werden in einem Sammelband publiziert.

Annotationen Ihrer Beiträge schicken Sie bitte an
(1 Seite, Titel, Annotation, Ihr Name, Email, Institution, Adresse)

Die gewählten Beiträge und der Programm der Konferenz  werden anfangs August bekannt.

Der Vortrag sollte nicht länger als 25 Min. dauern. Für die Referenten werden  Unterkunft und Verpflegung sowie Reisekosten übernommen.

Für die Organisatoren
Václav Mílek
Tel.: +420 774 457821

Kanonie premonstrátů v Nové Říši
U Kláštera 1
588 65 Nová Říše

Tel + Fax:  +420 567 318 110

Geben Sie bitte diese Information weiter.

Johann Winterhalder d. J., Maria vom Siege, Prämonstratenserkirche, Obrowitz/Zábrdovice 1782

Johann Winterhalder d. J., Maria vom Siege, Prämonstratenserkirche, Obrowitz / Zábrdovice 1782

Johann Lucas Kracker, Die Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus
und die Bekehrung des hl. Paulus
Kirche St. Peter und Paul, Neu Reisch / Nová Říše 1766



iV International meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in central europe

Workshop "baroque ceiling painting 
within monastic culturE"

Prague, October 16, 2009

The Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe and the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, met in the workshop, which took place in the Institute of Art History, ASCR, and in the Strahov Library, pilgrim church at White Mountain and Benedictine monastery at Břevnov on Friday and Saturday, October 16-17, 2009.

Program of the workshop

Photo gallery

Participants visiting Strahov Library (restored paintings by Franz Anton Maulbertsch)

Johann Jakob Steinfels, decoration of the Church S. Margaret, Benedictine Monastery Břevnov, 1719-1721



TAGUng "Andrea Pozzo (1642-1709) 
maler und architekt der gesellschaft jesu
neue perspektiven anlässlich 
seines 300. todestages"

Wien, 16. - 19. September 2009

Am 31. August 2009 jährt sich der 300. Todestag von Andrea Pozzo. In Wien befinden sich nicht nur wichtige Spätwerke der Freskomalerei des Jesuiten, in Wien verbrachte er auch  seine letzten Lebensjahre und in Wien wurde er schließlich begraben. Dies ist Anlass für eine internationale Tagung, die im September 2009 in Wien von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Kommission für Kunstgeschichte) organisiert werden wird. Sie will sich vorrangig der Deckenmalerei Pozzos zu widmen und versuchen, deren Dimensionen und Kontexte herauszuarbeiten. Das Symposium wird sich der Neubewertung seiner Wiener Werke widmen, aber ebenso weiterreichenden Fragestellungen, die für Pozzos gesamtes Freskowerk Gültigkeit haben. Die erhaltenen Wiener Werke, also die Neugestaltung und malerische Ausstattung der Universitätskirche, die Freskierung des Herkulessaales im Gartenpalais Liechtenstein und der aus Kulissen gefügte Hochaltar der Franziskanerkirche, geben auch die Objekte der möglichen Untersuchungen vor: Ausstattung eines Gotteshauses der Gesellschaft Jesu, Neuinterpretation / Umwertung von Architektur mittels Malerei, Funktion der Scheinarchitektur, fürstlich-profaner Repräsentationsauftrag an einen Jesuiten und dessen Erfüllung, der Hochaltar und seine Inszenierung, das theatrum sacrum.

Dr. Herbert Karner
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Kommission für Kunstgeschichte
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
A 1010 Wien

Programm der Tagung "Andrea Pozzo"

Andrea Pozzo,
Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum, Augsburg 1719

Andrea Pozzo, Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum,
Augsburg 1719


Andrea Pozzo, Langhausfresken, Jesuitenkirche
, ab. 1703


iiI International meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in central europe
Ljubljana, France Stele Institute of Art History, October 19, 2008

Representatives of seven Central European countries  Austria (Kommission für Kunstgeschichte, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Czech Republic (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic & Seminar of Art History, Masaryk University), Germany (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München; Kunsthistorisches Institut, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Hungary (Department of Art History, Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Italy (Dipartimento Arti Visive, Università di Bologna), Poland (Institute of Art History, University of Wroclaw), and Slovenia (France Stele Institute of Art History, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)  met during the IIIrd international meeting of the Research Group, organized by the France Stele Institute of Art History  in Ljubljana the 19th of October 2008.

Prof. Damjan Prelovšek during the visit of the National Library (architecture of Jože Plečnik)

 Cobenzl Palace, France Stele Institute of Art History (Ljubljana)

Barbara Murovec (Ljubljana), Anke Schlecht (Erlangen) and Michaela Šeferisová Loudová (Brno)

Marinella Pigozzi (Bologna), Damjan Prelovšek (Ljubljana),
Esther Meier (Dortmund), Giuseppina Raggi (Coimbra) and
Manfred Koller (Vienna) during the visit of Ljubljana


International Conference, Slovenia, Ljubljana, October 16–18, 2008

Program of the Conference in PDF

Organized by the France Stele Institute of Art History, Ljubljana, Slovenia


The Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe 

Organization committee:

- Frank Büttner, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, and Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich

- Martin Mádl, Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

- Barbara Murovec, France Stele Institute of Art History, Scientific Research Centre 
of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana

- Werner Telesko, Kommission für Kunstgeschichte, Österreichische Akademie 
der Wissenschaften, Vienna

The conference will discuss, on interdisciplinary level, the function, manifestations and context of sacred ceiling painting in towns and cities. Besides art historians, also researchers in other branches of the humanities are kindly invited to participate, particularly those from the fields of theology and ecclesiastical history.

Most welcome will be papers that fall within different thematic groups related to religious ceiling painting from around the year 1700, such as the issues of the aristocracy and the Church – within this context especially the religious orders – as patrons of religious ceiling paintings in towns; ceiling paintings in sacred buildings; religious ceiling paintings in secular buildings; theology and iconography; worship of the saints; Marian iconography; literary and visual sources; painting programmes and their reception; etc.

Particularly topical questions: the place and function of a sacred space in secular architecture (understanding the decorations in chapels with regard to diversified functions of the inner structures of palaces and chateaux); iconography of the sacred space within the context of secular architecture (motifs of ceiling decorations of palace and chateau chapels); decorations of town churches in view of theological and liturgical aspects; qualitative aspects of decorations in sacred spaces with regard to social function of a public space; between religion and propaganda – decorations of town churches of different religious orders, cathedrals, town churches and chapels.

Presentations will also be considered for publication.


Barbara Murovec, France Stele Institute of Art History, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Box 306, Novi trg 2, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia,

Concurrently, the  IIIrd International Meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe will take place in Ljubljana 
on Sunday, October 19, 2008.


Giulio Quaglio, ceiling decoration
cathedral, Ljubjana, 1703-1706

Martin Johann Schmidt, ceiling decoration of the chapel
Gruber Palace, Ljubljana, ca. 1780


The Department of Art History of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest – Pilicsaba) has launched a 3-years research project in October 2008, with support of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. The purpose of the research program is to build a digital photo database and iconographic corpus of baroque fresco painting in Hungary. The project is a contribution to the work of the international Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe.

There are around 200 ecclesiastical and secular buildings in Hungary that are decorated with 17th-18th centuries frescos. During the first phase of the project systematic photo documentation will be made of all these objects. The 5–8 thousand photos will be processed in a searchable database by adding thesaurus-based descriptive data to the images (place name, artist name, date, iconographic keywords etc.). The catalogue entries will provide detailed description of all the objects, summarising the available information (annotated bibliography, archival sources etc.) and adding detailed thematic analysis, i.e. reconstruction of the iconographic program of the works. The final stage of the research program will enable the research community to carry out monographic and thematic research, to revise questions of attribution etc.


Project participants:

Géza Galavics, DSc – Research Institute for Art History, 
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (senior advisor)

János Jernyei Kiss, PhD – Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Szabolcs Serőző, PhD – Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Sélysette Somorjay National Office of Cultural Heritage

Gábor Kovács National Office of Cultural Heritage

Zsuzsa Opra National Office of Cultural Heritage

Renáta Herczeg National Office of Cultural Heritage

András Smohay Diocese Museum of Székesfehérvár


Paul Troger, Annunciation [detail],
St. Ignatius Church, Györ, 1747

Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Jesus Presented in the Temple
Parish Church, Sümeg, 1758


Paul Troger, Annunciation [detail]

St. Ignatius Church, Györ, 1747


ii International meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in central europe
Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 19th of November 2007

Representatives of eight Central European countries  Austria (Kommission für Kunstgeschichte, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Croatia (Institute of Art History), Czech Republic (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic & Seminar of Art History, Masaryk University), Germany (Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München), Hungary (Department of Art History, Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Poland (Institute of Art History, University of Wroclaw), Slovakia (Institute of Art History, Slovak Academy of Sciences) and Slovenia (France Stele Institute of Art History, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)  met during the second international meeting of the Research Group, organized by the Kommission für Kunstgeschichte, ÖAW, and chaired by Prof. Dr. Arthur Rosennauer, President of the Kommission für Kunstgeschichte, ÖAW,  in Vienna on the 19th of November 2007.

The participants negotiated strategies of the international cooperation in the research on baroque ceiling painting and discussed the possibilities of creating common documentation database systems.

Prof. Dr. Frank Büttner from the Institut für Kunstgeschichte,  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, and chief of the
Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland was elected the President of the Research Group.

Meeting of the Research Group,
Austrian Academy of Sciences, the 19th of November, 2007


Prof. Dr. Frank Büttner, new President of
the Research Group
(Munich), and
Dr. Herbert Karner (Vienna)


Participants of the meeting visiting
Strattmann-Windischgraetz Palace (Embassy of
the Republic of Hungary) in Vienna

Franz Anton Maulbertsch, Detail of the ceiling
decoration in Strattmann-Windischgraetz Palace
(Embassy of the Republic of Hungary) in Vienna

Ceiling Painting in the Context of
Monastic Architecture in Czech Lands

A new research project of the Institute of Art History,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

The Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 
 with the support of Czech Science Foundation starts a new three years’ project focused on baroque ceiling painting in January 2007. The project is directed to the creation of the first volume of a corpus of Baroque ceiling paintings on the territory of the Czech Republic. The subject of the research is Baroque ceiling painting in Benedictine, Cistercian and Premonstratensian monasteries in the Czech Lands. A similarity of historical and cultural experience led these particular orders to similar aesthetic requirements when it came to design of the churches, convents and prelatures in which ceiling and wall painting was a major element.

The project will involve both documentation of the ceiling paintings and archival study, and a comprehensive interpretation of the paintings. Analysis will illuminate the relationship of the paintings to the different functions of the architectural spaces in which they are set, to liturgical and ceremonial practice, to the spirituality of the order concerned and the traditions of learning and the cultural and historical identities of the different monastic communities. Evaluation of the ceiling paintings in the broader Central European context will be an important element of the project.  Deeper analysis of the material in a monograph with catalogue should bring a new, more complete view of representative monumental art in the monastic environment.

A workshop of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in
Central Europe focused the mural decoration of the monastic architecture is planed for the year 2009.

Project participants:


Martin MÁDL

Štěpán VÁCHA

Johann Petr Molitor, Cistercian monks, murals in the Capitular Hall,
Cistercian Abbey Osek, North Bohemia, before 1756
(photo: Martin Mádl)


Jan Karel Kovář, Foundation of Břevnov Monastery
Prelature of the Benedictine Abbey in Břevnov
Prague-Břevnov, ca. 1740

Franz Anton Müller, Holy Virgin refreshing
monks of Citeaux during their work on the fields
cloister of the Cistercian Monastery Plasy
Western Bohemia, 1739


address: Husova 4, 110 00  Praha 1, Czech Republic   phone: +420 221 183 551  fax: +420 222 221 654  e-mail: baroque