Personal data
- Born on March 8, 1952 in Prague
- Father: RNDr. Milan Křížek, CSc. (1925-2012)
- Mother: Mgr. Věra Eva Křížková, born Šofrová (1924-2002)
- Married with Ing. Lea Křížková since 1978
- Sons: Ing. Pavel Křížek, Ph.D. (1979) and RNDr. Filip Křížek, Ph.D. (1981)
- Language abilities: Czech, English, French, Russian
- Mgr.
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, 1970-75 (field: Numerical Mathematics)
- RNDr.
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, 1977
- CSc. (Ph.D.)
- Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1980
- DrSc.
- Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1992
- Doc.
- Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis, Charles University, Prague, 2000
- Prof.
- Professor in Mathematics - Approximate and Numerical Methods, received from the President of the Czech Republic, 2003
- 1980-1986 Researcher
- 1986-1996 Senior Researcher
- 1996-2003 Chair of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics
- 1996-2003, 2008-2013 Head of the Department of Constructive Methods of Mathematical Analysis
- Since 2003 Chair of the Committee for receiving the Scientific Degree DSc. in the field: Mathematical Analysis and Related Subjects
- About 135 records in Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) and 140 records in Zentralblatt für Mathematik (ZMATH)
- Over 1700 citations until March 2013 (except for self-citations and self-citations of coauthors), paper [B6] quoted 200 times, quotations in more than 50 monographs
- Hirsch index h=20 (without autocitations of coauthors)
- Erdös number e=2 (via Florian Luca e=1)
Membership in editorial boards
Visiting lecturer
Math. Sciences Research Inst. in Berkeley,
Texas A&M Univ., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Univ. of Maryland,
Catholic Univ. of America in Washington, D.C., Wayne State Univ. in Detroit (USA),
Univ. of New South Wales (Australia), Keio Univ. of Yokohama (Japan),
Hong Kong Baptist Univ.,
Beijing Computational Science Research Center,
Academia Sinica and Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing, Univ. of Tianjin,
Nanjing Southeast Univ., Zhejing Univ. in Hangzhou, Hunan Normal Univ. in Changsha, Xiangtan Univ. (China),
Utrecht Univ., Korteweg - de Vries Inst., Univ. of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), INRIA, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (France), Univ. of Jyväskylä,
Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology, Univ. of Oulu,
Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Aalto Univ. Espoo (Finland), Chalmers Univ. of Technology in Göteborg,
Royal Inst. of Technology in Stockholm, Univ. of Uppsala (Sweden), Banach Centre, Mathematical Inst. in Warsaw (Poland),
Széchenyi István Univ. of Appl. Sci. in Györ (Hungary), Karl-Weierstrass-Institut für Mathematik in Berlin,
Tech. Univ. Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg, Tech. Univ. Dresden, Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. in Jena,
Tech. Univ. of Clausthal (Germany), Basque Center for Appl. Math. (Spain), Univ. of Zürich (Switzerland),
Univ. Colege Cork (Ireland), Univ. of West London, Oxford Univ. (Great Britain), etc.