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19 Mar 09 - 3 Nov 18
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R. ACOSTA, I. LITERÁK, O. SYCHRA, M. ČAPEK: Fleas on wild birds in Costa Rica, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 115 (2013) 1-8.

T. ALBRECHT, O. KLEVEN, J. KREISINGER, T. LASKEMOEN, T. C. OMOTORIOGUN, U. OTTOSSON, J. REIF, O. SEDLÁČEK, D. HOŘÁK, R. J. ROBERTSON, J. T. LIFJELD: Sperm competition in tropical versus temperate zone birds, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B - Biological Sciences 280 (2013) 20122434.

A. ARSLAN, J. ZIMA, T. YORULMAZ, S. GÖZÜTOK, K. TOYRAN: Chromosome banding pattern in fat dormouse and bank vole (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Turkey, Folia Biologica-Krakow 61 (2013) 47-51.

S. V. BRANT, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, D. MODRÝ, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, A. TODD, E. S. LOKER: Molecular phylogenetics of the elephant schistosome Bivitellobilharzia loxodontae (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) from the Central African Republic, Journal of Helminthology 87 (2013) 102-107.

E. V. BUZAN, J. BRYJA, B. ZEMANOVÁ, B. KRYŠTUFEK: Population genetics of chamois in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains: uncovering the role of habitat fragmentation and past management, Conservation Genetics 14 (2013) 401-412.

N. ĆOSIć, Š. ŘÍČANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, A. PENEZIć, D. ĆIROVIć: Do rivers and human-induced habitat fragmentation affect genetic diversity and population structure of the European ground squirrel at the edge of its Pannonian range?, Conservation Genetics 14 (2013) 345-354.

J. ČERVINKA, M. ŠÁLEK, E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, P. ŠMILAUER: The effects of local and landscape-scale habitat characteristics and prey availability on corridor use by carnivores: A comparison of two contrasting farmlands, Journal for Nature Conservation 21 (2013) 105-113.

K. FRANCOVÁ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: Overwinter body condition, mortality and parasite infection in two size classes of 0+ year juvenile European bitterling Rhodeus amarus, Journal of Fish Biology 82 (2013) 555-568.

Z. HIADLOVSKÁ, B. VOŠLAJEROVÁ BÍMOVÁ, O. MIKULA, J. PIÁLEK, M. MACHOLÁN: Transgressive segregation in a behavioural trait? Explorative strategies in two house mouse subspecies and their hybrids, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (2013) 225-235.

S. M. HOBAN, H. C. HAUFFE, S. PÉREZ-ESPONA, J. W. ARNTZEN, G. BERTORELLE, J. BRYJA, K. FRITH, O. E. GAGGIOTTI, P. GALBUSERA, J. A. GODOY, A. R. HOELZEL, R. A. NICHOLS, C. R. PRIMMER, I.-R. RUSSO, G. SEGELBACHER, H. R. SIEGISMUND, M. SIHVONEN, C. VERNESI, C. VILA, M. W. BRUFORD: Bringing genetic diversity to the forefront of conservation policy and management, Conservation genetics resources (2013) .

P. HORKÝ, P. HORKÁ, P. JURAJDA, O. SLAVÍK: Young-of-the-year (YOY) assemblage sampling as a tool for assessing the ecological quality of running waters, Journal of Applied Ichthyology (2013) .

M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA, L. KRUŽÍKOVÁ, K. ROCHE, V. PRÁŠEK: Reservoir to river passage of age-0+ year fishes, indication of a dispersion pathway for a non-native species, Journal of Fish Biology 82 (2013) 994-1010.

M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA: Diel differences in 0+ fish samples: effect of river size and habitat, River Research and Applications 29 (2013) 90-98.

P. JURAJDA, L. VŠETIČKOVÁ, M. POLAČIK, M. VASSILEV: Can round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) caught by rod and line be used for diet analysis?, Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (2013) 182-185.

A. KONEČNÝ, A. ESTOUP, J.-M. DUPLANTIER, J. BRYJA, K. BA, M. GALAN, C. TATARD, J.-F. COSSON: Invasion genetics of the introduced black rat (Rattus rattus) in Senegal, West Africa, Molecular Ecology 22 (2013) 286-300.

F. KOUNEK, O. SYCHRA, M. ČAPEK, I. LITERÁK: Chewing lice of genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from Turdidae (Passeriformes) of Costa Rica, with descriptions of seven new species, Zootaxa 3620 (2013) 201-222.

J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, I. VOLOSHINA, A. MYSLENKOV, J. LAMKA, P. KOUBEK: Dybowski’s sika deer (Cervus nippon hortulorum): genetic divergence between natural Primorian and introduced Czech populations, Journal of Heredity (2013) .

M. LARESCHI, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, O. SYCHRA: Specific association between the mites Androlaelaps fahrenholzi (Acari: Laelapidae) and birds Premnoplex brunnescens in Costa Rica: possible evidence of a recent host switch, Experimental and Applied Acarology (2013) .

T. LASKEMOEN, T. ALBRECHT, A. BONISOLI-ALQUATI, J. CEPÁK, F. DE LOPE, I. G. HERMOSELL, L. E. JOHANNESSEN, O. KLEVEN, A. MARZAL, T. A. MOUSSEAU, A. P. MOLLER, R. J. ROBERTSON, G. RUDOLFSEN, N. SAINO, Y. VORTMAN, J. T. LIFJELD: Variation in sperm morphometry and sperm competition among barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) populations, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67 (2013) 301-309.

R. K. LUČAN, M. ŠÁLEK: Observation of successful mobbing of an insectivorous bat, Taphozous nudiventris (Emballonuridae), on an avian predator, Tyto alba (Tytonidae), Mammalia (2013) .

P. MIKULÍČEK, D. JANDZIK, U. FRITZ, C. SCHNEIDER, P. ŠIROKÝ: AFLP analysis shows high incongruence between genetic differentiation and morphology-based taxonomy in a widely distributed tortoise, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (2013) 151-160.

M. OGRZEWALSKA, T. MARTINS, M. ČAPEK, I. LITERÁK, M. B. LABRUNA: A Rickettsia parkeri-like agent infecting Amblyomma calcaratum nymphs from wild birds in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 4 (2013) 145-147.

K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, M. OBORNÍK, A. HORÁK, KLÁRA J. PETRŽELKOVÁ, J. N. GRIM, B. LEVECKE, A. TODD, M. MULAMA, J. KIYANG, D. MODRÝ: Novel insights into the genetic diversity of Balantidium and Balantidium-like cyst-forming Ciliates, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7 (2013) .

M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Is shared male assistance with antiparasitic nest defence costly in the polygynous great reed warbler?, Animal Behaviour 85 (2013) 615-621.

Š. ROČKOVÁ, V. RADA, J. HAVLÍK, R. ŠVEJSTIL, E. VLKOVÁ, V. BUNEŠOVÁ, K. JANDA, I. PROFOUSOVÁ: Growth of bifidobacteria in mammalian milk, Czech Journal of Animal Science 58 (2013) 99-105.

J. O. RUSHTON, S. LECOLLINET, Z. HUBÁLEK, P. SVOBODOVÁ, H. LUSSY, N. NOWOTNY: Tick-borne encephalitis virus in horses, Austria, 2011, Emerging Infectious Diseases 19 (2013) 635-637.

D. RYMEŠOVÁ, O. TOMÁŠEK, M. ŠÁLEK: Differences in mortality rates, dispersal distances and breeding success of commercially reared and wild grey partridges in the Czech agricultural landscape, European Journal of Wildlife Research (2013) .

I. SEDLÁČEK, P. HOLOCHOVÁ, I. MAŠLAŇOVÁ, M. KOSINA, C. SPRÖER, H. BRYNDOVÁ, P. VANDAMME, I. RUDOLF, Z. HUBÁLEK, P. ŠVEC: Enterococcus ureilyticus sp. nov. and Enterococcus rotai sp. nov., two urease-producing enterococci from the environment, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63 (2013) 502-510.

C. N. SCHOEBEL, S. BRODBECK, D. BUEHLER, C. CORNEJO, J. GAJUREL, H. HARTIKAINEN, D. KELLER, M. LEYS, Š. ŘÍČANOVÁ, G. SEGELBACHER, S. WERTH, D. CSENCSICS: Lessons learned from microsatellite development for nonmodel organisms using 454 pyrosequencing, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (2013) 600-611.

R. SMOLINSKÝ, L. GVOŽDÍK: Does developmental acclimatization reduce the susceptibility to predation in newt larvae?, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (2013) 109-115.

R. SPENCE, M. REICHARD, C. SMITH: Strategic sperm allocation and a Coolidge effect in an externally fertilizing species, Behavioral Ecology 24 (2013) 82-88.

M. ŠÁLEK, N. SPASSOV, M. ANDĚRA, K. ENZINGER, B. OTTLECZ, Z. HEGYELI: Population status, habitat associations, and distribution of the steppe polecat Mustela eversmanii in Europe, Acta Theriologica (2013) .

O. ŠEBESTA, I. GELBIČ, J. PEŠKO: Seasonal dynamics of mosquito occurrence in the Lower Dyje River Basin at the Czech-Slovak-Austrian border, Italian Journal of Zoology 80 (2013) 125-138.

A. ŠIMKOVÁ, M. DÁVIDOVÁ, I. PAPOUŠEK, L. VETEŠNÍK: Does interspecies hybridization affect the host specificity of parasites in cyprinid fish?, Parasites Vectors 6 (2013) .

P. VALLO, P. BENDA, J. ČERVENÝ, P. KOUBEK: Conflicting mitochondrial and nuclear paraphyly in small-sized West African house bats (Vespertilionidae), Zoologica Scripta 42 (2013) 1-12.

Z. VALOVÁ, H. HUDCOVÁ, K. ROCHE, J. SVOBODOVÁ, I. BERNARDOVÁ, P. JURAJDA: No relationship found between mercury and lead concentrations in muscle and scales of chub Squalius cephalus L, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (2013) 3359-3368.

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The effect of ploidy and temporal changes in the biochemical profile of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): a cyprinid fish species with dual reproductive strategies, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39 (2013) 171-180.

J. ZIMA, A. ARSLAN, P. BENDA, M. MACHOLÁN, B. KRYŠTUFEK: Chromosomal variation in social voles: a Robertsonian fusion in Günther‘s vole, Acta Theriologica (2013) .