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7 Jan 12 - 1 Jun 13
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Upon the decesion act by the late Czechoslovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the laboratories in Libechov, under the name Laboratory of Reproduction Biology of Farm Animals that time, started their activities November 1, 1954.
The relatively small Libechov laboratory has gradually achieved recognized reputation among other institutions of CAAS. At the same time, many scientific contacts resulting in large cooperations in areas of the reproductive biology and immunology have been established with some institutions of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CZAS).
In Decemeber 1960, the conference organized for breeding specialist services in fact has end up the CAAS heading and Libechov laboratory, as well as other so called „agricultural“ institutes have been under head of the Research Department of the Ministry of Agriculture; Libechov laboratory became a member of the Institute of Animal Production (IAP).
In very important year 1962, CZAS has included into its organization three small, but the most scientifically productive research bodies, namely Laboratory of Reproduction Biology, Libechov, Department of Animal Physiology of IAP, Uhrineves, and Laboratory of radiobiology, Prague.
Since January 1, 1963, CZAS has established the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Genetics with two research departments – Department of Physiology, Uhrineves and Department of Genetics, Libechov. Later in 1969, Department of Genetics has been organized as a single, independent research body – Laboratory of Animal Genetics headed by Dr. J. Matousek.
The political reasons after Russian invasion in 1968 have led to the new unification of both departments in 1972 under the name the Institute of Physiology and Genetics of Farm Animals of CZAS. February 1, 1973 was the name changed to the Institute of Physiology and Genetics of Animals. The present name – the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics (IAPG) – was adopted since January 1, 1993 as a reflection of the first common Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Genetics.

The first research topics, nearly entirely focused on applied agricultural reseach, have been gradually changing into more basic research directions.
After period of breeding research, the female germinal cell, its fertilization, the preimplantation development of mammalian embryo, conditions of experiments with oocytes in vitro, gene expressions in early development a many other related problems have been focused and studied.
This school of mammalian reproductive biology is still active and is successfully developing, bringing many basic data of present-day mammalian cloning research and regulation of cell cycle.



Rumburská 89
277 21 Liběchov
tel.: 315 639 532
fax: 315 639 510
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Praha 4-Krč
tel.: 267 090 501
fax: 267 090 500
Veveří 97
602 00 Brno 2
tel.: 532 290 136
fax: 541 212 988