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Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Akademie věd ČR

ITAM AS CR, v. v. i.
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Recent works (2013 - 2011):


  Koudelka Petr
Databáze fyzikálních vlastností zemin - smyková pevnost, Database of Physical Soil Properties - Shear Resistance, 2011
  Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Application of a Fracture-Mechanics Approach to Gas Pipelines, In World academy of science, engineering and technology -2011 (ICOGPE). Dubai, UAE : WASET, 2011. S. 676-683, 2011
  Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Assessment of C/PPS Composites Degradation Indicators using Acoustic Measurement, In Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011. S. 355-358, 2011
  Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Pore Size Distribution of Human Trabecular Bone - Comparison of Intrusion Measurements with Image Analysis, In Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011. S. 115-118, 2011
  Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
Microstructural models of trabecular bone - comparison of CT-based FE models, In Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011. S. 247-250, 2011
  Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Kostelecká M.
Evaluation of sample preparation procedures for micro-mechanical testing of trabecular bone, In 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011. S. 71-72, 2011
  Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Metal Foams using Microstructural Models, In 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011. S. 64-65, 2011
  Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kostelecká M.
Improvements of an Analysis Tool for the Pore Size Distribution Assessment, In 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011. S. 45-46, 2011
  Kostelecká M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Study of Degradation of Fibre-cement Plates with Different Types of Non-metalic Fibres, In 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011. S. 61-62, 2011
  Fischer Cyril
GPU computation in engineering practice, In Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011. S. 135-138, 2011
  Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Němeček J.
Development of Visco-elasto-plastic Material Model for Human Trabecular Bone using Nanoindentation, In 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011. S. 127-128, 2011
  Fíla T., Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Šperl Martin
Investigation of C/PPS Composites Degradation Process Using Acoustic Measurement, In EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011. S. 49-55, 2011
  Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Němeček J.
Application of visco-elasto plastic model to human trabecular bone based on results from nanoindentation and verified by time lapse X-Ray microtomography, In ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011. S. 211-212, 2011
  Jiroušek Ondřej, Jandejsek Ivan
Full-field measurements of large compressive deformations in human trabecular bone using digital volume correlation, In ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011. S. 69-70, 2011
  Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Stability of Limit Cycles of multi-degree of freedom system with Gaussian noises, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011. S. 1998-2005, 2011
  Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Lyapunov functions to analyse stability regions of aeroelastic equation, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011. S. 2035-2042, 2011
  Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Microplastic Limit of Steel Determined by the Measurement of Changes in Electrical Impedance, In EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011. S. 65-70, 2011
  Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Inženýrská metoda posouzení pevnosti poškozených tlakových těles, An engineering method for assessing the strength of damaged pressure vessels, In 20. kolokvium Bezpečnost a spolehlivost plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011. S. 1-13, 2011
  Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Novotný Pavel
Managing unattended jewish gravestones and cementeries, In 14es journées d´etude de la SFIIC: Jardins de pierrres. Paris : SFIIC, 2011. S. 49-56, 2011
  Kloiber Michal, Tippner J.
Zařízení pro terénní měření mechanického odporu dřeva proti vnikání nástroje (trnu) nebo při vytahování vrutu, A device for in situ measuring of the mechanical resistance of wood against tool (pin) penetration or screw withdrawal, 2011
  Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental Methods for Evaluation of the Energy Balance in Vicinity of the Crack Tip, In EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011. S. 135-138, 2011
  Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan
Portable Testing Device for In-situ Testing of Building Material, In EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011. S. 417-421, 2011

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