RNDr. Miloslav Homolka, CSc.

Position: full-time researcher
Research topics: mammal ecology
Department: Working place Brno
Phone: +420 543 422 517
E-mail: homolkaivb.cz

Research interests

  • feeding behaviour of herbivors - seasonal changes in diets, interactions between herbivors and vegetation, impact of mammals on environment,
  • population dynamic of herbivorous mammals – effects of environmental factors on mammal density.

    Finished projects


  • 1971 -1976: undergraduate study - J.E.Purkyně University Brno, Faculty of Science, Systematic Zoology and Anthropology. Diploma thesis: Contribution to the knowledge of the reproduction and population ecology of dormice (Gliridae), (superviosr J.Gaisler).
  • 1980-1983: Ph.D. study – Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Ph.D. thesis: Feeding ecology and ethology of Brown Hare in the intensely farmed countryside, (supervisor J.Zejda).


  • 1976-1983: Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Brno - research assistant,
  • 1983–present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - research fellow.



    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, M. HOMOLKA: Rodent damage to natural and replanted mountain forest regeneration, TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 2012 (2012) 872536.

    J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER, E. TKADLEC: Vole damage to planted tree regeneration conditioned by some environmental factors, Austrian Journal of Forest Science 129 (2012) 56-65.


    P. BAŇAŘ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER: Aktuální situace ve vývoji poškození lesní výsadby hlodavci, Lesnická práce 90 (2011) 38-39.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, E. TKADLEC, J. KAMLER, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, J. KROJEROVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, K. TUREK, M. BAŇAŘ: Vole impact on tree regeneration: insights into forest management, Julius-Kühn-Archiv 432 (2011) 101-102.

    M. HOMOLKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. KAMLER: Plant biomass and prediction of debarking caused by rodents in artificial regeneration of forest stands, Julius-Kühn-Archiv 432 (2011) 99-100.

    J. KAMLER, K. TUREK, M. HOMOLKA, P. BAŇAŘ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART: Inventory of rodent damage to forests, Journal of Forest Science 57 (2011) 219-225.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA: Needles in faeces: an index of quality of wild ungulate winter diet, Folia zoologica 60 (2011) 63-69.

    R. PLHAL, J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, Z. ADAMEC: An assessment of the applicability of photo trapping to estimate wild boar population density in a forest environment, Folia zoologica 60 (2011) 237-246.

    E. TKADLEC, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HEROLDOVÁ, L. ČEPELKA, M. HOMOLKA: Synchronous population fluctuations of forest and field voles: implications for population management, Julius-Kühn-Archiv 432 (2011) 97-98.


    P. HEJCMANOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, M. ANTONÍNOVÁ, M. HEJCMAN, V. PODHÁJECKÁ: Diet composition of western Derby eland (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus) in the dry season in a natural and a managed habitat in Senegal using faecal analyses, South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2010) 27-34.

    M. HOMOLKA, P. ŠVEHLÍK: Populační dynamika hlodavců, Lesnická práce 89 (2010) 16-17.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ: Reduction of herbivore density as a tool for reduction of herbivore browsing on palatable tree species, European Journal of Forest Research 129 (2010) 155-162.

    J. SUCHOMEL, M. HEROLDOVÁ, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA: Herbivore impact on beech in selected tree plantations in the Beskydy and Jeseniky Mountains, Beskydy 3 (2010) 187-192.


    M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA: Bark chemical analysis explains selective bark damage by rodents, Beskydy 2 (2009) 137-140.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, R. CERKAL, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. DVOŘÁK, K. VEJRAŽKA: Evaluation of potential deer browsing impact on sunflower (Helianthus annus), European Journal of Wildlife Research 55 (2009) 583-588.

    J. KAMLER, K. TUREK, M. HOMOLKA: Význam drobných savců při obnově lesních porostů, Lesnická práce 88 (2009) 22-23.

    J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Význam lužných lesov pre chov raticovej zveri, Folia venatoria (2009) 17-25.

    J. SUCHOMEL, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, L. PURCHART, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Habitat preferences of small terrestrial mammals in the mountain forest clearings, Beskydy 2 (2009) 195-200.

    K. TUREK, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER: Hlodavci v lesním prostředí: naše nejvýznamnější druhy, Lesnická práce 88 (2009) 18-21.


    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA: The role of granivorous rodents in beech forest regeneration in the Beskydy Mts. (Czech Republic), Beskydy 1 (2008) 131-134.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA: Impact intensity of rodents on the forest regeneration in artificial plantations in the Smrk - Kněhyně area, Beskydy 1 (2008) 33-35.

    M. HOMOLKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ, L. BARTOŠ: White-tailed deer winter feeding strategy in area shared with other deer species, Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 283-293.


    M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Impact of deer browsing on natural and artificial regeneration in floodplain forest, Folia zoologica 56 (2007) 354-364.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER: Small forest rodents - an important factor in the regeneration of forest stands, Beskydy 20 (2007) 217-220.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER, P. KOUBEK, P. FOREJTEK: Foraging strategy of mouflon during the hunting season as related to food supply, Acta veterinaria Brno 76 (2007) 195-202.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, R. CERKAL, K. VEJRAŽKA, J. PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. DVOŘÁK: Zvěř poškozuje také slunečnici, Úroda (2007) 30-32.


    M. HOMOLKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ: Kvalitní potravní nabídka: prevence mladých porostů před okusem velkých herbivorů v oblasti NPP Kněhyně, Beskydy 19 (2006) 185-188.

    J. KAMLER, M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. DVOŘÁK: Volně žijící býložravci a polní plodiny, Svět myslivosti 7 (2006) 8-9.

    J. PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Density of red deer and roe deer and their distribution in relation to different habitat characteristics in a floodplain forest, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 1-14.


    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. DVOŘÁK: Volně žijící býložravci a polní plodiny, Folia venatoria 35 (2005) 205-210.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA: Vliv býložravé zvěře na obnovu buku lesního v horském prostředí, Folia venatoria 35 (2005) 79-84.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA: Faecal nitrogen: a potential indicator of red and roe deer diet quality in forest habitats, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 89-98.


    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA: Obsah dusíku v trusu býložravců jako indikátor výživné hodnoty jejich potravy, Folia Venatoria 34 (2004) 34-41.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, D. ČIŽMÁR: Suitability of NIRS analysis for estimating diet quality of free-living red deer Cervus elaphus and roe deer Capreolus capreolus, Wildlife Biology 10 (2004) 235-240.


    M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER: Breakage on rowan caused by deer - an important factor for Sorbeto-Piceetum stand regeneration?, Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 131-138.

    M. HOMOLKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ: Impact of large herbivores on mountain forest stands in the Beskydy Mountains, Forest Ecology and Management 181 (2003) 119-129.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, J. PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ: Homogeneity of individual pellets in pellet groups: an important condition in herbivores' diet analyses, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 36-38.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, S. KRÁČMAR: Nitrogen characteristics of ungulates faeces: effect of time of exposure and storage, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 31-35.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. PROKEŠOVÁ: Trusové indikátory kvality potravy jelena: homogenita vzorků a vliv jejich přípravy a skladování, Folia venatoria 33 (2003) 27-31.

    J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA: Kvalita potravní nabídky jako příčina vertikálních migrací jelena v horském prostředí, Folia venatoria 33 (2003) 21-26.